My Comparisons

Information on the Miracle Sex drug


Over the last hour i have completed a comparison of the 2 miracle drugs Enzyte and Viagra. Through my studies i have dicovered one very important thing. They are the same thing. I figure the only differences between the 2 are, the people they're bein sold to, and the ways in which they advertise. Viagra is marketed to the older red neck population of America. Why else would they have a commercial involving a race car and free samples. Viagra was created with the poor American trash in mind. On the other hand, Enzyte was not. Enzyte is the rich business tycoon drug. Only young to middle age men are advertised in their commercials and on their web page. Enzyte is made for the rich working class. A bottle of pills is over $200. My question is; Where does that leave the working middle class male? I mean the middle class has erectile disorders just like the rich and the poor, yet somehow it is overlooked. So where does that leave the middle class, middle aged man with erectile disorders? what is he supposed to take..ViaZyte. That seems only logical. It is my opinion that the middle class male is over looked, not by mistake, but purposely so he can continue to give to the poor and worship the rich. It's a conspiracy set up by the government to oppress the middle class. Well all people with erectile disorders were created equal and that's the way it needs to stay. That is what i discovered while doing my comparison of the 2 miracle drugs, viagra and enzyte.