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It has come to my attention that the Anne Arundel County School Board is run by Communists. That's right, and not the good kind either. They are evil blood thirsty, power hungry communists and deserve to be stuffed into a bag and beaten. I have come to this conclusion because of the odd schedule and the need for complete control over students. That's right, we have to go to school on monday of next week to take 2 finals, then we're done. That doesn't make any sense, why don't we just take them now and get them done this week and not worry about one day next week. GOD!! Now thats what I call Oppression, have they ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation...Most people believe it only pertains to black people, but it doesn't. It applies to all those oppressed by someone else. Well we as Students in the Anne Arundel County Public School System are being oppressed and therefore need to be emancipated. I say bring the system down and take control. If we live in a Democratic Republic how come we can not vote on our last day. I'm sure none of us will want to go one day next week. I say we bring down the system, power to the people. Destroy the system, and eat lots of twinkies...they'll make you free. Oh and mail me skittles, the berry ones. This will help in our endevor, for mailing information, email me!
