My thoughts on the Meade High School Band

well here it is, my chance to voice my views on the Meade High Marching band. I'd firs like to start by saying that this year we have the 2 best drum majors that i have ever had, kudos to them. Not to mention the other section leaders are pretty cool, yeah i lied when i said i hate all of you. Though there are some things that bother me. First of all i hate marching band with a passion. I hate marching, i hate playing, i hate being yelled at, i hate, spending so much time with the same people, and i hate marching. One thing ive noticed is the lack of leadership skills that many of the leaders are showing. A majority of people in leadership positions have this mindset that they are better because they're in charge. They think they need to yell at people to get them to do what they want. well all those people that do that are wrong, you're not better you're an equal, and if you act as such maybe you'd get better results, i know i do. I mean people over react about stupid things in marching band, i was the crew chief at philmont and not once did i over react, and all of my decisions could have resulted in someone getting hurt or even killed. That is a fact, bears and mt. lions are mean things and they'll eat ya. Another thing that bothers me is that somehow i always seem to be in the wrong even when im not, like with a select person, Eric tried to force me to apologize to her for her own mistake. Fuck that, i'm not apologizing, if she is going to be a crack bitch fine. I mean i wasn't even laughing at her. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF!!! anywho, i hate it when people blame me for their problems. This happens all the time, i guess people just got used to it because im so easy going. I don't know, but it pisses me off, and makes me want to quit band, but i'm not going to because i'm not a pansy. So all you pushy "im better than you" people, can shove it. So anyway, I'm considering being a team player from now on and tolerating the other section leaders. Oh wait i already said that. yes well, i miss chris and dave, i am sad and lonely with out them. Oh well, ill make this year fun. right so thats all i have to say. Im going no. peace.