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»Mªh G®°°Vý þôëM ÞäGê«

_*_Fo Muh Boo_*_
you know i truly luv u, u know that for a fact; i could never show u how much, nothing could ever equal that. i may not have the money, to buy u anything at all; but what i do have is my love for u, and to u, it may seem small. but one fact is fo sho... my love for u isnt small; its better than anything i could buy or give, anything at all. i could write and write about u... forever and ever in time; like what i love about u, and also that you're mine. yep, that's right, you're my boo, my number one, my tride and true. and someday i hope u will see, how much u really mean to me! well, this is where i'm gonna end it, cuz i know that you're perfect for me and ur mine, but, unlike this poem, u will see... my love for u goes on and on forever in time! 11/20/02

...:*|*Be With You Forever*|*:...
You're my everything, and i love you oh so much! I would be so heartbroken and lost, if u ever left or we didn't keep in touch. I wanna be with u the rest of my life, forever and ever until i die; i want u to be by my side.. i'll be by urs; like when the good times come and we smile or the bad times come and we cry. I miss you so, so much! and i wish u were here with me now; if i could i would be there with you, i wish i could...but how? I never want to lose u, or ever let u go; i need u to live and love...and over time, my love for you yet will grow. I know i've told u.. but i'll tell u once more, i can never show you how much u really mean; i love everything about u you're everything i look for, your're like a drug u relieve my pain. I love u so so much and i wanna be with u forever, and i hope u feel the same way too; from what u tell me and what i hear, you do. I think i'll stop this poem now, i love u so much more than yesterday; but not as much as tomorrow or the next, my love for you will only grow with time and never fade away. 12/8/02

~|*|~You Are The Only One~|*|~
You are the one i love, i wanna spend my whole life with u. You are the one i love, and to me u mean so much. You are the one i love, i want to grown old with you. You are the one i love, i hope we never lose touch. You are my everything, without you i wouldnt be alive. You are my everything, you mean the world to me. You are my everything, if i lost you, your love i would deprive. You are my everything, i know this is meant to be. And if i ever lost you, i would have another broken heart. And if i ever lost u, i would cry and cry everynight. And if i ever lost u, my attitude would be so bitter and tart. And if i ever lost you... well actually, i hope that doesn't come cuz i can't keep u outta my site. You are the one i need, you're like oxygen for my body. And you are the one i need, because i really love you. You are the one i need, you've already marked your territory on my heart in my body. And you, you are the one i need, lemme ask you this, do you feel the same way that i do? 12/18/02

~*~Emotion Playing~*~
I don't know what to do... I'm just so frickin confused; I feel like somebody's playing with my emotions, Or I'm being badly used. Why do i feel this way? Are you really playing me? Or do u mean what u say? Like when u say u need me and u think it's meant to be? I'm just so confused, And i really need to talk to you; I'm so depressed and cried so much tonight.. A lot of tears, more than just a few. Jeez i really need to talk to u, And i mean now; I really wish i could call u, but how? So i hear you'll wait for me, Even if it is until u die; But tonight somebody said something different, Yeah for me but why? I don't want to hurt you, And I don't want to get hurt; Whichever way I go or chose, I don't want to be treated like dirt. Well i'm sorry for everything, No matter what happens; Even if we can't make it again, I hope our friendship never ends. 12/29/02

.,.,.I Feel So.,.,..
I really got it bad, I still have feeligs for you; After all this time, I really don't know what more I can do. I was so heartbroken, And I felt so much retched pain; I still kinda do, It was like u took a bullet and hit my heart on direct aim. The other night was really kool, I heard your voice and I liked it when we laughed; It brought back so many memories, Memories from the past. I wish I knew how you felt, Do you still have feelings for me? I feel like I'm getting my singnals croseed, How is this relationship supposed to be? How am I supposed to feel about you? Am I supposed to want you now? Or am I supposed to hate you and go against my will? I'll find the answers to these questions, some how. I'm really confused, I don't really know what's going on; A part of me says to wait and wants you back, But another part says let go and move on. Everything I ever said to you, I swear I meant it all; From the words of "I Love You," to the words of "I think I still do and I feel like I could break down and bawl." I miss takling to you so much, And I miss you calling me Boo; I miss all the good times we had together, Do you miss them, too? The other night when we talked, I could feel the chemistry going on; I swear I could have talked to you forever! Even until the crack of dawn! Well I hope you take care! And I really wish you tell me how u feel; Am I getting misscommunication? Or are your feelings real? 1/21/03

..:Days Like These:..

It's times like these, where i sit and wonder; do you think of me? do you ever ponder? About the times we could of had, or is it just me? how did all this go so wrong? so bad? I miss you, and i think about u a lot; sometimes i think where i'd be if i had u back or still, in what position i'd be or in what spot. Do you miss me? or is that just in my dreams? i need to know for sure how u feel, not just what it seems. There's times when i think about old times and i really want u back, then there's times when i'm scared and don't want to get hurt again from the love i lack. Not a day goes by, when i don't think of you or you're not on my mind, I think about how u feel about me and who u say u love now; the truth i'm determined to find. Some way, some how, i need u to much u really mean to me. Somedays i wonder, "does he sit and think about me like this? does he wonder how i am? am i the one he has to miss?" You could be feeling the same way i do now, most likely not though; i wonder what would happen if we were still together...i wish i knew this somehow. but you're the one who has to decide how you feel now days, sometimes you say you love me and we're close again; other times you go and ignore me, how do you feel out of all these ways? 2/9/03

-`-`As Days Go By, Things Change`-`-

The days pass by, they go on and on; i sit here and think about how i felt back then so long. How i truly loved you, and i'd never let u go; isn't it funny how things have changed so much since then? -funny how things work out and which way they seem to go? Yeah and it's funny how so long ago u promised, that you'd never hurt me or make me cry; well, that promise is OVER WITH now from the time u said good bye, you are greatly missed. Well, 'things change' like the common saying claims, yes they do for that is true; so many things in the past few months have changed. Things are so complicated when they don't work out, but if it's meant to'd be happening right? although i say that in a state of doubt. But yet the days go by, people learn to get over things; i just haven't gotten to that part of the road yet, and it's very tough yet i do not know why. Maybe because i fell so hard and so fast, i loved you so, so much! i just don't know if u felt that way too, though your words said so and also said that it would last. There's times in my mind where i don't care if i get hurt again or end up heartbroken; but then i realize that it hurt way too much, a heart's not to be played with, it's a symbol...a token. But as the days go by, things have their ways of changing, everyone will realize that sooner or later; sometimes it may hurt, but other times it's for the best; everything will work out after all the rearranging. 2/9/03

>>If OnLy He KnEw<<

I love his cute laugh, and his sexy, comforting tone; I love the way he makes me smile, just online or even on the phone. But I hate the way I cry, After I talk to him every single time; I miss him so much more than he'll ever know, how can I stop this endless crying? I can't get over him, no matter what I possibly do; Nothing can stop me from thinking about him, if only he knew... How much he truly means to a girl like me, and how much I think about him and cry; I wonder if he feels the same about me, I ask myself why I still love him... why? The complication is starting to get to me, I need to be with him and feel that safety again; The feeling I get like nothing can bother me when I'm with him, I want that feeling, that comfort, once more to begin. I don't think he knows how much he actually means to me, I think about him non-stop; everyday the memories we once had are on my mind; so I think about them and cry about how much I wish, that was still happening and into the past I could hop. He's like a comfort pill for my body, when I'm with him I feel safe and secure; nothing is able to get me, he'll keep me safe, no pain will I have to endure. I love the way he makes me smile, and I love the way we talk so personally; I have to be with him, can't u see this? I can't take it much longer, physically or mentally. I love the memories I have to think back on, I miss them so much it makes me happy but yet so sad; happy to know I spent them with that one special guy, but sad to know he's gone and the fact I GoT iT bAd. I love everything about him, there is possibly no flaw; he's so funny, so caring, so kinda and cute, there was nothing wrong or bad about him that I ever saw. But he's gone now and I have no idea waht to do... I'm so lost and confused now days, I find myself thinking about him on and on, over and over again; he gives me that flutter in my heart... how does he feel? the way I feel? or some other ways? I wish I knew the answer to this question, I wish I could see right through to the transparent answer of it; I miss him so much, I wish he felt the same but maybe he does... maybe all these pieces to the puzzle of love do fit. But love is blind like they say, But he has something that no other person features; It's that certain something that makes me happy and cozy inside, there's a special feeling I get from him.. different that other creatures. In my heart though, for him there will always be a warm spot; never will I forget him or the way he makes me feel, everything he has ever told me, i have never forgot. 3/9/03

.:'Can't Letcha Go':.

You know time and time again, I've tried to forget u; but I jus keep coming back to da memories we had, thinkin aboutcha now days is da only thing I can do. I love how u make my smile stretch from ear to ear everytime I talk to u, u have dat sumthin else no one else does; the think I want... the thing upon which I am glued to. See, there is no one like u in this world, no one else I want; only u, nobody eles can take that place u fill, the memories of u still live within my mind, they still lurk... and haunt. Can't cha see, I can't letcha go, there's been others who have tried to fill that spot u left behind; no one can, I need u, I can't getcha off my mind. And yeah, it's been a while since we was together, but when we talk, it's like old times; we laugh, joke, takl personally... is loving u a crime? If I can't have ya, though... I think I'll just be single forever; nobody makes me feel as happy and secure as u do, I'll forget cha, never. I hope u feel the same about me, I think there's a part of u that duz; but ya never know witchu nowdayz; ;) if not yet now, is there gonna be a time again that we'll share love? Just remember this, I love you for all eternity. I'll neva forget cha for all time, u mean anything and everything to me. 5/4/03


It's not fair, why do we have to be so far apart? it'll get better soon, don't let the distance get to us, what keeps us close is the love from the heart. I really wish i could be with u, i just wish we could be together; i would give anything just to spend a very few short minutes with you, i would go to wherever you are, any distance, even through rainy and cold weather. You're like the only person i've gotten hooked onto so fast, it's because u have that something no one else does; u're sweet, caring, funny, and just everything and more, before u showed up... so sad and lonely i was. U already mean a lot to me, and i hope i mean the same to u; so hopefully what we got goin on lasts a long time, cuz.. without that, I dunno what i'd do! 4/22/03


Crying, crying... never ending tears, when will they seem to come to an end? They just keep flowing, no more fears. Once more in time, my <3heart<3 bends. Help me please, or let me be here all alone crying my heart out. Sadness, hurt... confusion... going no where without a doubt. Tears are the way my pain seems to come to a close. No longer should you worry... or until the pain builds up again. Here come the tears... once more, my vision becomes blurry... Crying

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