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Lightning Doesn't Strike Twice For Baylor Students

When campus officials said they would decide in the early morning hours if school would resume for Baylor students they meant late early morning hours. The temperature, even though having risen five degrees, is still two below freezing as the decision was made. The saying "lightning doesn't strike the same place twice" holds true as Waco Hall was only hit once by lightning last week and school was only closed for one day; February 25th. I wonder what could possibly happen next...

Girl Scout Cookies: A Rant Over Selling Strategies

They aren't as innocent and cute as they seem. Here's how it went down. I'm walking to the ATM next to Rother's Bookstore when I spy a Girl Scout Cookie Stand across the street and about a hundred feet to my right. I'm the only non girl scouter in the area and I can feel it; all 8 of them are starring me down. A quick glance in their general direction revealed that yes they were zeroing in on me, just waiting until I finished at the ATM to strike. I tried to be stealth about it, I really did but I was no match. As soon as my meager $20 withdrawal slipped into my wallet I heard the familiar "Hello sir would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?!" This one was well trained since she was loud enough that I couldn't use the ole "didn't hear anything and casually walk away" trick. And it wasn't one of the older ones either. If I hadn't looked down I don't think I would have ever seen her... but there she was. To make a long story short I caved in and bought two boxes of Thin Mints for $6. Girl Scouts of America I see your schemey practices preying on college kids. Don't think I'm not on to you! First it's just a cookie stand on the corner of Dutton and South 5th. Pretty soon we'll be eating Peanut Butter Patties in the SUB during Girl Scout Cookie Hour...

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