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BadAzzRebelGrl21's Photo Album

One of the Cowboys.... Ray

Hey hun...Thanks for bein there to listen. It's nice to have a friend. I do miss our late night chats. And you can't call me anymore bout the Black Z71 w/ lift and well keep in touch.. luv ya hun.

Will and Brad's Smirnoff commerical

Will on the left.. Brad on the right.. These are my buds in Augusta GA. They are both dear sweethearts. Far from cowboys.. but the best friends anyone could ask for. I luv you guys.. take care.

My Best Friend and sis.

Hey sis.. thank for bein a friend and a sis. We need to jus ditch the guys and go fishin by ourselves. lol. Good luck w/ Mark and lil Wyatt. My nephew... jk. love you sis..