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These pictures were all taken by my friend Aaron, who is an excellent photographer, and also got the priveledge of seeing me dressed like this ;). They were taken over a course of three days, two before the convention, and one during.

Here I am as Cammy, from Street Fighter. This one took about twenty minutes to do.

From left to right: Me, Kristy, and Molly. Lucky Aaron, he got three girls at once ;)

I don't like this one very much. Just wasn't a good costume.

My favorite :). That's me on the right. That girl's name is Kelly. I don't know her, but our costumes came from the same series (Soul Caliber), so Aaron asked her to pose with me.

Same costume as the one with me, Molly, and Kristy, except just me this time :)

Aaron's favorite, you can see why ;)

Some naughty pics ^.^

Me as Sugar from Animal cute!