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Policy Letter # 3

Steering Committee:


1. This committee will consist of no more than five (5) ex-Presidents from our organization.

    a. When a member is elected to the position of President in the organization, the out going, or ex-President will assume a position on the Steering Committee.

    b. Upon installing the outgoing President to this committee, the oldest serving ex-Presidnet (by dates of office) will be retired from the roles of this committee.

2. The members of this committee shall be included in organizational correspondence initiated by the Board of Governors and shall provide input to the Board of Governors regarding orgnaizational business.

3. The committee will not have a vote in Board of Governors business, but shall retain their right to vote on organization business during the annual organizational meeting.

4. This committee shall be an Appointed Committee.

    a. Appointment to the Steering Committee can only be made in accordance with item #1 above.


This policy letter was approved by the Board of Bovernors on the 5th day of January, 2006.


Gus Vass

James "Doc" Feliciano