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President Wallace "Wally" Morrow
addresses the organization
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Chaplain Rod Green
conducting the invocation
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James "Doc" Feliciano & Wallace "Wally" Morrow
pay tribute to the MIA's/POW's.
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CSM Dennis King,
Fort Jackson, Command Sergeant Major
explains the inovated training being implemented at Fort Jackson for basic training.

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Wally Morrow presenting CSM King with an organization coin.
Now CSM King can run with the big dogs!
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Larry Weisbarth
Certificate of Appreciation
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Larry Weisbarth
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Raymond Diaz
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Larry Senko
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Charles "Country" Cole
Certificate of Appreciation
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John Marlowe
Sergeant At Arms
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Rod Green
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Jim "Bubba" Mathews
Certificate of Appreciation
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Ray Strength
Certificate of Appreciation
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Frank Lohr
Color Guard Commander
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Dave Nesbitt
Reunion Organizer
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Heddy Lohr
Certificate of Appreciation
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Reba Lindsey
Certificate of Appreciation
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Judy Morrow
Certificate of Appreciation
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Shirley Strength
Certificate of Appreciation
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Helen Green
Certificate of Appreciation
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Wallace "Wally" Morrow
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Wallace "Wally" Morrow
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Frank Demory
Certificate of Appreciation
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Gus Vass
Certificate of Appreciation
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Alexis Feliciano
presented a
Neckless of Appreciation
for help during the reunion
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Wally performing his last duties of office
passing of the Command to Gus Vas
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