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Welcome to my first home page...

Hey there. The name's Rob. Here's a pic of me while stationed in Afghanistan.

I'm currently an A-10 Crew Chief in the Air Force, and, if your wondering what an A-10 is, it's the jet you see behind me in my pic.

I know your thinking to yourself, damn, this guy is sexy. I know. But I'm married. Sorry ladies. My wifes name is Fallon and she is the most important person in my life.

This is her, when she was a bit younger, doing modeling photos. Isn't she HOT!

Characters I've created For Various Games

Ayr Solstar

Ayr is a character name I've used for a few role-playing games (RPG), especially Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG) like Ultima Online and Final Fantasy XI.
His original incarnation was in an AD&D 2nd edition game my friends and I played for approx. 2 years.
Ayr was a winged human priest of Ezra, who was devoted to balance in the world. He, later in the game, died in the final battle for the Earth, only to be reborn into his true form, the arch-angel, Solomon, The Judge.

The pic above was created using screen shots from Final FantasyXI. The armor that he is wearing is known as "Dragoon Artifact Armor".

This is a photo of him wearing Scale Mail, while standing in the San d'Orian Cathedral.

Warp Drive Pic created using HeroMachine

Warp Drive is a Superpowered hero originally created for the pen and paper game Champions. Later, he was evolved to fit into the story created by Cryptic Studios and NCSoft for the game City of Heroes.

Because I created Warp Drive, originally, when I was 16 years old, I only had a rough idea of his background.
Much of his background was only created after discovering City of Heroes, as I used characters and ideas from Cryptic Studios, such as the "Rikti", an advanced alien race bent on domination.

I'm presently in the middle of writing a backdrop for the universe that Warp Drive lives in. When I do post the story, in it's entirety, keep in mind that all ideas put forth from the story are all done with artistic liscense, and, in no way, are they an attempt to infringe on the creativity of Cryptic Studios' talented writers.

Sites I visit frequently

Stratics MMORPG Central
City of Heroes Online Game
1st Fist of Light Gaming Guild