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Chris Talks
Sunday, 30 May 2004
Wedding Preperations
Wow.. The wedding is getting closer now. Only a couple of months away. I think we have almost everything ready for it. We are still waiting for replies to be sent back tho. It's funny how some people send in their replies. They check off the regret part then tell you how many guests they have that arn't coming>? LOL. What's up with that. I hope that quite a few people can make it. All we wanted for a gift was people to be able to come. We requested nothing to be givin to us. No one seems to respect that wish. I guess we should have given a charity to be made donations to in stead. That might have worked.
It's time to go and pick up the marrage licence now. You can only pick it up three months prior to the wedding date. We are now two months away. I'm not sure what you are supposed to feel when it gets close, but I'm not feeling it yet. Only happy about the friends and family that have decided to come. I hope that everyone has a good time. That would be the best. We are having a small affair with nothing fancy. Mostly a chance for everyone to enjoy themselvs as much as possible. I hope we have good music for everyone.. That is my biggest fear. We have such a wide varity of people coming that they have such different tastes. Let them eat drink and be merry. :)

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 11:21 AM YDT
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Monday, 17 May 2004
What to do?
Here it is the beggining of the week. No plans as of yet on what to do. I enjoy so much playing it by ear. Something always comes up at the last min. Or ten things.. But I'm thinking perhaps if there is nothing on tv tonight I might just have to drag my other half out of the house. Go see a movie. I don't have to pay for them very often as I get a lot of free movie passes via work. I'm often left tired of the theater. But it does feel different when you make a dessision to go see something. I'm thinking of either Van Helsing or Troy. I know my partner would probably agree to troy but not to Van H. LOL We have such different taste in movies. I like fantasy and sci fi.. Action adventure..
He's more apt to go for drama. A typical chick flick.. lol.. I don't know how we ended up together but whatever happened, it works.. We seem to get on smashingly.. And when we don't at least we have an incredible time making up. Woo hoo. :P Well it's off for supper for me.. I'll blog ya'll later.. Cheers.

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 5:06 PM YDT
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Saturday, 15 May 2004
I truly am loved. My Partner sent out an email to all of our family and friends. He talked about what's been going on with us lately. It was so nice to hear in the letter how much I mean to him.

We don't always tell the ones we love just how much they mean to us. Or we concentrat so much on the negative in our lives we don't focus much on the positive. I am usually upbeat and trully happy with my world 98% of the time. I know what I have and where I stand with my other half. My friends and my family are all great. I enjoy my work. I have two min pins, who are always enjoyable. Even when they are getting into trouble. I suppose the worst thing in my life right now is the fact I'm at home so much. By this I mean that I don't get out for walks and coffee's etc as much as I should. I do enjoy staying home and I guess that's why I'm usually found here. This is a good thing. :)

I hope that if you are reading this you feel as warm and happy as I do. Everyone should enjoy thier lives. I know I do.

Party on all!!!

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 3:21 PM YDT
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Tuesday, 11 May 2004
Getting Old and Cranky.
Nice tittle eh! Not.. My other half bought me hair collor. One of those wash out the gray ones.
Do I look like an old man yet?? I don't think so. But apparently I do. Guess we should have told that to the guy at the casino the other night when I got id'd. The only one in our party I might add.
So my feelings are all hurt and I'm not feeling young and pretty. :( Guess I better pull up my socks and work on my "other skills". Cause I aint gonna be getting by on looking all young and innocent. LMAO. Course I haven't been able to do that for a while. But every once in a while I still feel 19 or so. I don't think that I'm ever gonna feel old. Just Cranky. I'll look the part of old but I'm sure as #%&^$ not going to act it.. lol.

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 6:41 PM YDT
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Sunday, 9 May 2004
Mothers day
Well it is the notorious Mothers day. What have you done for yours? I let my little sister take care of supplying the goods and trust in her judgement. I just have to recomponsate her.
But what do you do for that "mother" of your four legged children. I mean do you get "him" something on this special day. Or is he just left out?
I'm confused.. lol

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 10:16 AM YDT
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Friday, 30 April 2004
Well here it is the weekend. Yay. Now what do I do with myself.
It's pizza nite at the brother inlaws tonight so my partner and I will go there. Have plans tommorow to go to the Keg for a steak dinner. (we were invited out by a friend)
But other than that the weekend always seems to be a layabout. Nothing going on. I seem to make trouble making friends. When I do have the opportunity to hang out with someone, they get to know me and drift away. I just don't seem to have the ellagance needed to keep people interested. I'm brash harsh and straitforward. I speak my mind without thinking about somehones feelings. Just say it like I see it. There have been times when friends of mine drifted away after a long friendship. The culprit for this? Usually I make a coment on someone they used to see or the one they are seeing now thinks I'm trying to hone in on the action. I know I sometimes speak like a sailor back from a 10 yr voyage with no loving but yeshh.. At least they could ask what my intentions are. If I wanted in thier pants I would have said so. I guess I should learn tact. Humility I already have a very close relationship with.. Even if others don't see it.
I am a rock. I am an island. lol
At least I have the Ocean.

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 5:54 PM YDT
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004
Work fun :)
Well I'm taking a couple of min from my exciting job to post. Mainly to avoid doing anything productive.
Today I'm heading out to watch a preview of Mayor of the Sunset Strip.

I'm taking along some friends as I have extra tickets. It should be a good movie. I'll let you all know how it turns out.. Yea or Nea.

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 3:22 PM YDT
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Friday, 23 April 2004
What do ya do>?
When you are upset or feeling frustrated.
You want to scream and run around in circles.
Do that and see how far you get! I mean it's not glamorous or exciting but sometimes it burns off the energy you are holding captive to really relax a little. We all need a little release now and then and we all have a different way of copping with it. Consider this my circles.. As for screaming I think my voice is gone now. LOL

Bite me!!

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 9:40 PM YDT
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Wednesday, 21 April 2004
Hump Day!
Well here we are on Wed night.
I trudged through my phone soliciting for the political party of my choice. This is something that I'm never going to do again. Calling people is absolutely not for me.
On the upside I did get out this eve downtown for some coffee and conversation. I think I'm a bit of a tard though. I did all the talking and it was about work. I had a captive audience and kept them hostage while I droned on and on. Kinda like this blog.. lol
I just need to get out a little more so I can learn to get others to talk about themselves rather than just forcing conversation on them from my side.
Over and out.

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 9:44 PM YDT
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Monday, 19 April 2004
Monday! Unex.
Let's see now It's monday and I've had a lovely day at work in the paperwork machine. I've commited myself to maning the phonelines tommorow night for a political party which I'm not even a membor in that riding. Lol.

The way I see it is that it may be a chance to get out and meet some new people. This seems to get a lot harder when you have less and less time to socialize. Especialy considering I don't get out of the house that much. I'm really trying to make an honest effort to become part of "society". Such a hard thing for me to do considering I've never had much intrest at all in such things.. I'll see how this plays out and try to keep it posted.

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 6:53 PM YDT
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