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Chris Talks
Sunday, 20 June 2004
Voting to comence
Well here it is coming down to the wire.
And everyone who is into supporting "thier" choice for office is trying thier darndest to get thier guy or girl in. I've gone out a couple of times to help out my party. The NDP: My father calls them comunists. I think he may vote for the green party.
It's kinda hard to tell with him. I just can't seem to shake the feeling that PC which is only concerned with big buisness would do anything to help a gay man. In fact it is something they are apposed to doing. As for the liberals.. Well they have paul martin. He doesn't know what's going on at all. Why should we put someone in office who cant keep track of anything?? That's officially of course. In reallity he know's exactly what he has done wrong. Let's face it, the NDP is not a shining knight in armor but at least they take a stand on the issues that actually concern me.
I can't say that Jack will be the perfect Prime Minister.. But I know that with him in office I won't wake up screaming with nightmares. Where as with the other two.. Ya you bet I won't sleep at night. I'm going to get married next month. And yes it will be to a man. Do I worry that all our planing might get disrupted because some turkey like that PC guy might get in. You bet I do. Does he worry about MY rights. NOT. What happened to the ALLIANCE party?? They are back incorporated with the PC's. And what happens with all that influence>>?? Don't think for a moment there wont be conciquences.
Think about them apples.. :)

Posted by realm3/zaorbius at 4:00 PM YDT
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