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The flaming ruins at the bottom flash and a smooth flame envelops you, your
flesh screams protest at the intense heat.  There is a sudden flash and the
heat and light are gone.

A voice boom: FIGHT!!!

Northern Loop
> You have no equipable items.
> sneak west
Northwestern Corner [e,sw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak southeast
Helps if you sneak in a direction that exists.
> sneak southwest
pk drafein
Northern Passage [ne,s].
Ok, You sneak southwest.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak south
pk drafein
Western Intersection [n,e,s,w].
Ok, You sneak south.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak south
pk drafein
Southern Passage [n,se].
Ok, You sneak south.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak southeast
Southern Loop [ne,nw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak southeast.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak northeast
South of Pedestal [n,sw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak northeast.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak north
West of Pedestal [n,s,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak north.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak north
Northwest Pedestal [e,s].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak north.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
North of Pedestal [e,se,w,nw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak east.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
North End of Cavern [e,se,s,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak east.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
pk drafein
East Tunnel [w].
Ok, You sneak east.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak west
North End of Cavern [e,se,s,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
pk drafein
East Tunnel [w].
Ok, You sneak east.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak west
pk drafein
North End of Cavern [e,se,s,w].
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak south
pk drafein
South End of Cavern [n,e,s,nw].
Ok, You sneak south.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak south
pk drafein
South of Cavern [n,sw].
Ok, You sneak south.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak southwest
Southeast Corridor [ne,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak southwest.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak west
Narrow Passage [e].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
Southeast Corridor [ne,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
> pk drafein
Your intended target is not around.
sneak northeast
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> South of Cavern [n,sw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak northeast.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak north
pk drafein
South End of Cavern [n,e,s,nw].
Ok, You sneak north.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak north
North End of Cavern [e,se,s,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak north.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
East Tunnel [w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak east.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak west
North End of Cavern [e,se,s,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
sneak southeast
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> Southeast End of Cavern [w,nw].
Ok, You sneak southeast.
> pk drafein
Your intended target is not around.
sneak west
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> South End of Cavern [n,e,s,nw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak north
pk drafein
North End of Cavern [e,se,s,w].
Ok, You sneak north.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
East Tunnel [w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak east.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak west
North End of Cavern [e,se,s,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak southeast
Southeast End of Cavern [w,nw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak southeast.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak west
South End of Cavern [n,e,s,nw].
Ok, You sneak west.
> pk drafein
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak south
South of Cavern [n,sw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak south.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak southwest
Southeast Corridor [ne,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak southwest.
> Your intended target is not around.
sneak west
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> Narrow Passage [e].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak west.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak east
Southeast Corridor [ne,w].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak east.
> Your intended target is not around.
sneak northeast
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> South of Cavern [n,sw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak northeast.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target to whirl
> sneak north
South End of Cavern [n,e,s,nw].
pk drafein
Ok, You sneak north.
> Someone begins casting a spell.
Drafein leaps from the shadows!
You begin casting Globe of Darkness.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
You leap from the shadows!
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target doesn't appear to be there anymore.
Drafein begins casting a spell.
Drafein weaves a spell, dropping a globe of darkness onto your head!
Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  9 remain.
Your weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  8 remain.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  7 remain.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  6 remain.
With a skillful twist of your weapon you slip Drafein's Gnomishly Dragon
Enchanted Demonic Estoc (Storm Bonded) from his grip.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  5 remain.
Drafein rolls underneath your attack disappearing from view.
You attack blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
You attack blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Drafein parries your attack.
Drafein dodges your attack.
You attack blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
pk drafein
Drafein equips two Demonic Estocs.
You begin casting Globe of Darkness.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  4 remain.
You dive and roll underneath Drafein's attack ending up behind him.
You step aside letting the blow land next to you.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  3 remain.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  2 remain.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  1 remains.
You step aside letting the blow land next to you.
Drafein destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Drafein dodges your attack.
Drafein dodges your attack.
Drafein dodges your attack.
You attack blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Drafein dodges your attack.
You weave a spell, and drop a globe of darkness onto Drafein's head!
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein severely with your arcane assault.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jab Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein stpk drafein
aggers backwards under your arcane assault.
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
You attack blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Drafein's weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
You attack blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Drafein skillfully parries the blow away.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein grunts in pain as you cut a deep laceration in him.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein severely with your arcane assault.
Drafein leaps over the attack and lands ready to fight!.
With a skillfull maneuver, Drafein causes you to lose grip on your Wizard's
Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Blazing Estoc (Storm Bonded).
Hp: 10580(10580) **  8 ** Gp: 3559(3775) Xp: 326954  
Your target already has a globe of darkness!
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> You parry Drafein's attack.
Drafein attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Drafein attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
You skillfully parry the blow away.
Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein punctures a huge hole into your body.
Drafein attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You grunt in pain as Drafein cuts a deep laceration in you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Drafein fries your entire nervous system.
Drafein attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
With superb skill you slide under the attack and let it pass harmlessly.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein's acid burns you horribly.
Drafein attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein slashes cleanly into you.
Drafein attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
pk drafein
You skillfully parry the blow away.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
You attack blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
The globe of darkness begins to clear.
Drafein parries your attack.
Drafein catches the attack against their weapon and turns it aside.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Your attack glances off Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein staggers backwards under your arcane assault.
Your attack glances off Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein staggers backwards under your arcane assault.
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You puncture a huge hole in Drafein's body.
Drafein's weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cut Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein screams in horror as his flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Hp: 7716(10580) **  6 ** Gp: 3388(3775) Xp: 327837  
You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> Drafein attacks blindly, landing but a glancing blow!
You parry Drafein's attack.
Leaping over the attack you land unharmed.
You catch the attack against your weapon and turn it aside.
With superb skill you slide under the attack and let it pass harmlessly.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein punctures a huge hole into your body.
With superb skill you slide under the attack and let it pass harmlessly.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein tears viciously into you with his weapon.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Drafein fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
You step aside letting the blow land next to you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein pierces you.
Your weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a hugdrink blue healing potion
e amount of the damage.
Drafein blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
You catch the attack against your weapon and turn it aside.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream in agony as Drafein's acid eats away at your body.
Drafein dodges your attack.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jab Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein staggers backwards under your arcane assault.
Your attack glances off Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein severely with your arcane assault.
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein skillfully parries the blow away.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein screams in horror as his flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Hp: 2999(10580) **  4 ** Gp: 3217(3775) Xp: 328748  
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
> pk drafein
You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> [Nightian left the Realms of the Dragon {race}]
You parry Drafein's attack.
Ducking rapidly you feel the air from the weapon passing you!
With a skillful twist of your weapon you slip Drafein's Gnomishly Dragon
Enchanted Demonic Estoc (Storm Bonded) from his grip.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Drafein seems to have been disarmed.

Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Your acid dissolves Drafein's flesh.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein with a burst of pure energy.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein staggers backwards under your arcane assault.
The Ebon Dart is consumed in the casting!
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein's weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You slash cleanly into Drafein, causing him to wince in agonizing pain.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You puncture a huge hole in Drafein's body.
Drafein leaps over the attack and lands ready to fight!.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cut Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein screams in horror as his flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Hp: 10580(10580) **  2 ** Gp: 3046(3775) Xp: 329706  
Drafein equips a Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Demonic Estoc (Storm Bonded).
pk drafein
You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> glance
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Your weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
With superb skill you slide under the attack and let it pass harmlessly.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein runs you through.
You step aside letting the blow land next to you.
Your Shoufa breaks!
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Drafein fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein punctures a huge hole into your body.
You skillfully parry the blow away.
You are unharmed by Drafein's attack.
Ducking rapidly you feel the air from the weapon passing you!
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You stagger backwards under Drafein's arcane assault.
Drafein parries your attack.
Drafein dodges your attack.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it pk drafein
forms 2 shadowy darts.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein with a burst of pure energy.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein staggers backwards under your arcane assault.
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein rolls underneath your attack disappearing from view.
Drafein steps aside letting the blow land next to them.
With a skillfull maneuver, Drafein causes you to lose grip on your
Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Demonic Great Dragon Wakazashi (Storm Bonded) of
Dreams mounted with a magnificent Onyx Gem.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Your acid dissolves Drafein's flesh.
Hp: 9185(10580) **  2 ** Gp: 2875(3775) Xp: 329995  
South End of Cavern [n,e,s,nw].
Drafein is here.
> You equip a Silver Veil, a Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Demonic Great Dragon
Wakazashi (Storm Bonded) of Dreams mounted with a magnificent Onyx Gem and
a Wizard's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Blazing Estoc (Storm Bonded).
> You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> Drafein gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
pk drafein
You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are kinda busy right now.

> You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Your weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
You catch the attack against your weapon and turn it aside.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein runs you through.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You writhe in anguish as Drafein slits you open.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Ozone jets out of you as electricity vapourizes your body fluids.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein runs you through.
You catch the attack against your weapon and turn it aside.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Drafein dodges your attack.
Drafein dodges your attack.
Drafein parries your attack.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Your attack glances off Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein staggers backwards under your arcane assault.
Your attack glances off Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein with a burst of pure energy.
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You run Drafein through.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You run Drafein through.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You slice into Drafein, your weapon's edge biting severely.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein severely with your arcane assault.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You cremate Drafein.
Hp: 3740(10580) **  7 ** Gp: 2704(3775) Xp: 330975  
drink blue healing potion
You drink the potion.
pk drafein
You feel totally refreshed!
> You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
You step aside letting the blow land next to you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein runs you through.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein tears viciously into you with his weapon.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Drafein fries your entire nervous system.
You skillfully parry the blow away.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein punctures a huge hole into your body.
You step back letting the blow go past you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein scratches you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein blasts you severely with an arcane assault.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Drafein dodges your attack.
Drafein dodges your attack.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein with a burst of pure energy.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein staggers backwards under your arcane assault.
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You run Drafein through.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein screams in horror as his flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Drafein parries your attack.
Drafein leaps over the attack and lands ready to fight!.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein severely with your arcane assault.
Hp: 5384(10580) **  4 ** Gp: 2533(3775) Xp: 331929  
pk drafein
[Nightian enters the Realms of the Dragon {race}]
You cannot create a globe of darkness around that one so soon.
You begin casting Ebon Darts.
You prepare to whirl Drafein.
> drink blue healing potion
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
You parry Drafein's attack.
Drafein leaps at you like a whirlwind!
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein punctures a huge hole into your body.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein tears viciously into you with his weapon.
With a skillful twist of your weapon you slip Drafein's Gnomishly Dragon
Enchanted Demonic Estoc (Storm Bonded) from his grip.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Your weapon rings as it intercepts the blow.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein runs you through.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein tears viciously into you with his weapon.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Drafein pulverizes you with a vicious arcane assault.
Leaping over the attack you land unharmed.
Your Abysmal Shield abspk drafein
orbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream horror as your flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Drafein dodges your attack.
You mold the element of  shadows into your dart and hurl it at Drafein
watching in  satisfaction as it forms 2 shadowy darts.
Your attack glances off Drafein.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein severely with your arcane assault.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You blast Drafein severely with your arcane assault.
You leap at Drafein with a whirlwind attack!
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You run Drafein through.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You tear viciously into Drafein with your weapon.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Drafein screams in horror as his flesh dissolves into pools of blood.
Drafein steps aside letting the blow land next to them.
Drafein's Abysmal Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You slash cleanly into Drafein, causing him to wince in agonizing pain.
Drafein catches the attack against their weapon and turns it aside.
Your attack glances off Drafein.
Hp: 5(10580) **  1 ** Gp: 2362(3775) Xp: 333132  
Drafein moves for the killing blow.  A split-second before he connects
there is a bright blue flash.  You have been defeated.
[Drow] Vistrael reports that Drafein has defeated Zafein in Arena Combat.
You feel a sickening gut-wrenching feeling as the light pierces into you. 
You clench your eyes shut, doubling over in pain.  When you open them again
you stand at the entrance to the arena.
Your Mystical Cloak disappears.
Your glowing armour disappears.
The hardened air around you softens.
Your web shield loses enchantment and dissipates into nothingness.
You seem to be losing your ability to move around in webs.
The globe of darkness dissipates.
House Credit: -13.