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Everquest Through the Eyes of an Addict

You know when I started playing Everquest in December 2001, I had no idea of how it would impact my life. I play on the average of about 25 hours a week and have made more friends than I can count. My main characters are a Wood Elf druid, a High Elf cleric, and a Dark Elf mage. The game is so much fun, but very time consuming. I would like to say though it is well worth the $40 I pay every 3 months to play. I love the game and I love the friends I have made in the game. I have met many wonderful people in the game and got some of my real life friends hooked on it as well.

Here is a story I wrote I would like to share with you....


Lying down in a near dream-state in your quarters, you hear a faint *tap tap tap * coming in the direction of your partially opened window. You rise slowly from your prone position and find yourself lead to the noise that has broken the silence of the evening.

You lean slightly forward, pulling on the window frame with your fingertips.

Scintillating fragments of color float in on the breeze from the slightly opened window like fireflies on a warm summer night. You stumble backwards, the globes of color more distinct now in your wakened state spin around in a whirlpool fashion faster, and faster, melding their light to one single mystifying globe.

Something beckons you to reach out and touch this floating globe of colored lights. As your fingertips touch its shiny, yet obscure surface you detect a soft hum coming from within it.

Once vibrant and unformed, the globe is now clear except for the smoky outer edges of its circumference.

A vision forms in the middle of the sphere, you see a darkly clad wood elf, sword and dagger grasped firmly in her grip. Her deep green eyes come to life, she smirks ever so slightly turning her gaze to you. It is if as she can SEE you! Her soft lips part and she begins to speak, though her words are not audible to the senses, she speaks directly into your mind……….

“Hello, my love. I see I find you well. (She grins wider.) This eve, shall you spare a few moments of your time, I would like to see you. I have yet to know this strong one that is by my side, it is time we went on a hunt together, ridding Norrath and Luclin of the foul beasts that roam these lands. Soon as I wake this eve I will make my way to the spires of North Karana to teleport to the moon and once again have you in my sight. ‘Till then m’love, farewell.”

(She turns around slowly walking towards the fog that is settling inside the fist-sized globe. Stopping only once to cast a wink over her shoulder at you.)

The globe goes silent, Cloudy and gray, dull… empty of all life. You rub your eyes in disbelief to what you have just witnessed. But when you remove your hands from your tired eyes.... all is still, you are back in your quarters as if nothing had transpired.

Was it all just a dream or could it have been more?

A cool breeze sifts in through a cracked window......

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