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World of Thrae Home page

Welcome to the World of Thrae

Imagine a world where dwarf, elf, and man walk side by side. A world where dragons and knights live in peace, where a king is determined by the love and respect of his people. A place where the laws are upheld by the sword, where there are magics that enchant the very air you breathe. Honor and valor of men coincide with the grace and beauty of fair maidens. Where love rings true and happiness is often found. Yet deep below the surface of this magical realm stirs a darkness that has laid dormant through the ages, urging and brooding on the calamnities of those in despair. Thriving on the discontent of the land a dark shadow pours forth from the deepest chasms of this beautiful place. Nothing that once was stands in it’s wake. Devouring everything, suckling from this world the very mana that created it’s harmony. Deterring that power it draws using it to thwart it’s own existence, it fast approaches covering the land in it’s endless gloom. But, a light can be seen. One faint ray of hope in this monstrous storm of evil that is upon us. As the kings of this land must summon forth warriors of every race. Pull them together and lead them as one force to fight for a single cause. Life itself hangs in the balance as the very existence of this wondrous world rests upon her people. For it ‘tis a time where only the love for one another, and the belief of a peace eternal may offer any defense against this ominous shadow…. This is the world in which you have entered..... To many who pass through it is called Thrae.... But to those who believe and immerse themselves in its virtues…...... ...…. it is called Home