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"Where The Ferns Grow"

"Where The Wolves Howl In The Night"

"Where The Deer Run And Play"

"Where The Whipperwill Sings It’s Sad But Beautiful Song"

"Where The Heart Of Many Spirits Dance"

"I Find This Place Within Myself And It’s There I’m Free To Be"

@ Susan Byers 2004

“Our Hearts Have Met And Touched”

Do not search for us, we will find you.
Do not wait for us, we’re here already.
Do not whisper your name, we know it well.
We have Loved you forever. Time will tell.
“We Are Your Guardian Angels”

“Blessed Beauty Way Vow”

Great Spirit, may I walk in Beauty!.
May Beauty be above me”
So that I may be apart of the Greater Beauty Great Spirit, May I walk in Beauty

May Beauty be in front of me
That I may perceive Beauty in all things
Great Spirit, May I walk in Beauty

May Beauty be to the left of me
That I may receive Beauty through my inner woman
Great Spirit, May I walk in Beauty

May Beauty be to the right of me
That I may give Beauty through my inner man
Great Spirit, May I walk in Beauty

May Beauty be behind me
So that the only tracks I leave are those of Beauty
Great Spirit, May I walk in Beauty

May I touch myself, my life, and all others with Beauty
May I walk this Blessed Beauty Way
Great Spirit, May I walk in Beauty.

This was taken out of the book
“The Song Of The Deer”
The Great Sundance Journey Of The Soul
BY: ThunderStrikes with Jan Orsi
I recommend this book highly. Youcan buy this book at Barnes and Noble
(HERE IS WERE THE LINK FOR THE OTHER PRAYER, And sayings. And Pathways Saying, New Age Lullaby)
* Link For My Introduction

* Link For the beautiful graceful deer

* Link for the beautiful mysterious wolf

*Link For the cat
* Link for the dancing crow
* Link for the snake