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Hello....and thank you for stopping by my place.

A friend of mine wanted to create a personal site for me to add to my yahoo ID pita_royal. (In case you are wondering....That stands for pain in the a_ _!) *lol*
And I am too!!!

Playing spades, hunting, and fishing are among my favorite things to do.

I also enjoy tropical fish and my basement is quite the aquarium scene. Check my links below to learn more.

My favorite saying is.... KISS   which stands for, "Keep it simple stupid!"

Well enough about me already. Check back soon though as Spirit may have talked me into putting a photo here of my ugly old

Check out Some Tropical Links

Badman's Tropical Fish
Tropical Fish Centre
The Age of Aquariums
The Tropical Tank

Click here for some awesome posters from!

There are plenty more sites out there on Tropical Fish, just go to your favorite search engine and enter Tropical Fish as your search keywords.

Sometime soon I will add a hints and tips page for you concerning things I have learned about keeping Tropical Fish.

Designed by SpiritdeWolf exclusively for my good friend Bill