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Welcome to Vertical Rush Internet Publishing

What is Vertical Rush, you ask? The answer is simple. Verticle Rush is a place for aspiring artists everywhere to come together and be heard. Whether your creative medium is a pen and paper, a guitar, or even graphic design, we believe that you should have a place to express and share with others like yourself. Our goal is to to provide a forum for your work, whether you've just begun to take interest in your respective artform, or consider yourself a seasoned veteran.

Have a short story you would like to see on our site? A poem? Painting? Simply E-mail it to the linked adress above along with your name, and any other information you would like posted along with it. Please allow up to 24 hours for posting. Also, feel free to submit stories through the message board. Simply write a quick note to let us know you would like it put on the site, otherwise it will not be posted.