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Before You Begin
Before you enter the game you will want to be prepared. To do this you might want to read through the Rules and Intro part of this website to get the feel of how it is acted out. Next you will want to create a character. You will need to decide what race your character is. (List of Races can be found here) You will need to know what your character looks like as far as height, weight, build, hair and ye color, what they wear, what weapons they have if any, what magic or any special powers they may have, how they carry themselves, if they are friendly or aloof. It might be helpful to go to the Bio page and look through several other's characer pages to get an idea of what is needed. You may want to write all of your character's traits down somewhere so that you can keep your character consistant.

Joining In
Once you have read through the rules, intro and created a character you are ready to join in. Go to darkmyst and sign in your name and password and find Tyrannights. In the very beginning it might be best to sit back and watch how other players interact and watch the flow. Then if you have any questions send a private message and ask any of the room moderators, unless there aren't any, then try to ask one of the players. Most of the players are very nice, and willing to help. We were all new at this once.