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Tal and greetings fellow Goreans

This is the Temporary page for Ubar Willing and fellow Goreans

as W/we establish a permanent HomeStone for a True

Gorean VP Site, if Y/you are Gorean or would like to learn

more about a True Gorean HomeStone W/we welcome Y/you. NCZ/NKZ

Rules at the bottom, learn them, live them, love them.




















General Rule: If Y/you are a True and Honorable Gorean or if Y/you are seeking to become O/one
Y/you are welcome here and will be treated with respect and expected to treat O/others the same.
General Rule: Though You may be a Master or Mistress You may not compell a slave to break his/her restrictions.
General Rule: This is not a place for "Trolling" If Y/you are just looking to "pickup" or "cyber" please leave If Y/you do not leave when asked by the room adminitrator Y/you will be placed on ingnore by A/all O/others in the room.
General Rule Do not whisper(instant message) A/anyone with out seeking permisssion to whisper in the room.
General Rule: Master's do not ask slaves of their restrictions. They ask the owning Master or Master in charge of the room.
General Rule: Arguments are discouraged but if one occurs will be settled by the room administrator, A/any who refuse to adhere to His decisions will be asked to leave and or ignored.

slave Rule One: - All Freepersons are to be addressed as either Master or Mistress. If the sex of the Freeperson can not be determined from the name, Master is to be used until the gender is clarified.
slave Rule Two: - Serve every Master or Mistress as if your well being depends on being pleasing ... it does. Persona kajira are required only to serve their Master or Mistress.
slave Rule Three: - While a Freeperson may not always be right, they are, by definition, never WRONG. Slaves always have the last word in any disagreement....the words "Yes, Master".
slave Rule Four: - Jealousy and Possessiveness have killed more slaves than disobedience.
slave Rule Five: - Slaves do not use Tal when greeting either Freepersons or slaves. Slaves are to use Greetings Master/Mistress Last Name and greets slave names.
slave Rule Six: - Perfection is the goal for slaves, mere excellence will be tolerated.
slave Rule Seven - Your collar carries the pride of your Owner.
slave Rule Eight: After being granted entry into the room the girl is to greet in this order
The one whom granted entry ( if this has been more than one person then the first person to do so followed by the next and so on )
If a slave's Master / Mistress is in the room they are the next to be greeted.
Then in this order according to whom is present
Free Men
Free Women