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The Latest Trifling Thorpe Polls

Here at the "Escapades" website we like our readers to voice their opinions and play a role in the creative process as well. That's why we've set up this poll page where you can easily and directly tell us what you think!


Natasha's Last Name - CLOSED!!

It's finally been decided; from here on, Natasha will also be known as Ms. Danilov! Thanks to everyone who voted :)

Dmitriev 1 (6%)
Danilov 7 (43%)
Voronin 4 (25%)
Petrov 1 (6%)
Kozlov 2 (12%)
Ulanov 0 (0%)
Ivanov 1 (6%)
Stepanov 0 (0%)
Pavlov 0 (0%)
Zaitsev 0 (0%)

16 Total votes


Eden's Last Name - CLOSED!!

You can breathe easy now because we will never again write 'Dr. Eden' when referring to Trifling Thorpe's resident brain surgeon. He will now be known as Dr. Hellstrom!!

Dr.Fitzgerald 3 (27%)
Dr.Winters 1 (9%)
Dr.Hellstrom 6 (54%)
Dr.Abbott 0 (0%)
Dr.Black 0 (0%)
Dr.Caulfield 0 (0%)
Dr.Stark 0 (0%)
Dr.Fenmore 1 (9%)
Dr.Woodland 0 (0%)
Dr.Williams 0 (0%)

11 Total votes



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