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Ami Bee

Name: Ami Bee
Nick Name: Ames
Age: 19
Height: 5'11
Hair: Wavy blonde
Eyes: Gray
Occupation: Student
Birthday: March 17th

Ami can be categorized as the “girl-next-door,” as she is both sweet and innocent – in most ways. Although she and Amber are related on both of their fathers’ sides, Ami does not share the same views, values, and lifestyle as her more scandalous cousin. A lot of her focus goes on her studies, as she is striving to become a drama scholar at Julliard School; at the moment she is a drama major attending Trifling Thorpe’s small, inconsiderable college, which is where she was fortunate enough to meet her now-best friend, Abby. However, Ami also understands the value of balancing both fitness and love into her life. She mostly enjoys jogging and spending her evenings with her true love, Orlando, whom she met while on a daily run. Sporting wavy blonde hair and snapping grey eyes, Ami is decisive and calculating when it comes to her future.

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