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Seekers of the Damned


Main Page
Seekers Ethos
Guild News

Guild Member List

Welcome to the Seekers of the Damned guild website! Seekers of the Damned was an alliance created between Bodhi the Reborn and Mekila the Murderer four years ago. For many long months Bodhi had crusaded the land of Derlith seeking to fulfill his righteous duty to both the Crusader's Order and Enoch, God of all that is good. Mekila, quite oppositely, had hunted the major cities of Derlith, living off the spoils and riches reaped from the many unwise adventurers who had crossed his path. Growing weary of the same tasks, Bodhi and Mekila decided to create an alliance and work together towards the fulfillment of eachother's desires. Mekila desiring gold treasures, weapons of magical craft, and armor of dragon scales, Bodhi desiring strength and favor from Enoch through the destruction of Aramon's evil undead, they worked together. The alliance grew to pool powerful adventurers from all across the land to come join in their search. Luminaire the Elementalist conjured magical beasts to fight along side him, Savage the Boneripper lent his mighty claws to the group, Corri the Pureblood-whose fangs were known to be only slightly less deadly than her hypnotic eyes-joined along, Huma Dragonslayer and Gondorf, both Marauders, campaigned with the group Huma wielding his bonecrushing mace, and Gondorf smashing his head into his enemies. The group of mighty adventurers came to be known as "Seekers of the Damned."