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Old Messages


Message #5

Quote of the moment: "Tell the truth but tell it slant..." -Emily Dickinson

Sorry I haven't updated recently, I've been in a kind of funk. So here's my eeextra long message to make up for it (joking ^_^).

Unlike Emily Dickinson, I'm not good at wrapping my words so they are accepted better. Sorry, but if you haven't noticed so far, I tend to go with the blunt and honest. (And I mean honest.)

Like I said in my first message, God is real people. There's too much proof that God exists for people to be athiests (def: people that don't believe in God). The only people that are athiests are those that have not fully investigated the matter of God. There, I've said it: Athiests are ignorant.

If you ever talk to anyone that is evolutionist, they will probably tell you that evolutionism has a bunch of holes in it. The truth is people: there is no missing link. There's no link at all. Humans are humans. Monkeys are monkeys. 3% of a difference doesn't mean that your 196,287,625,372,523th cousin swings from a tree and eats bananas (and fruits and bugs). Sorry to burst your bubble.

And then there is the matter of Jesus Christ. Let's face it people: our history books record him as a living being, our history teachers will tell us that he lived. You can't just go around thinking that Jesus doesn't exist.
I'll probably take a lot of heat for this (if anyone reads these messages) but the real truth is that Jesus Christ, if he did exist (see preceding paragraph) is God. He performed miracles, and he led a perfect life. As he said to the Jewish religeous leaders,
"I and the father are one." -John 10:30
And also:
Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'? If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came -- and the Scripture cannot be broken -- what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy (def: to say that you are God, this was against Jewish law, and required the death penalty by stoning) because I said, 'I am God's Son'?" -John 10:34-36

You can guess what that first passage means, the second refers to Psalm 82:6 where the Israelite rulers and judges were called "gods" by God. Jesus wanted to know how he could be accused of blasphemy when everything he said was proven true by his life.

It is my opinion that Judaism is wrong, becuase the Jews believe that their Messiah is yet to come. Christ (translaiton: Messiah) said plainly that he was the Son of God, many times. He also performed miracles, because the people had faith in him, and fulfilled the many (over 100) prophecies that were made in the Koran about his coming. Mathmaticians have done calculations, and found that the odds of one person even fulfilling 20 of these prophecies, were greater than 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion).

If Christ came and went, why are some people still waiting for him, while others don't believe that he, or God, exists at all? I am continually baffled by this, every day. But alas, your life is your own to live, not mine. You can only make your own choices.


Message #4

Quote of the moment: "And so I went to the woods to live deliberately, and not find, when I came to die, that I had not lived." -Henry David Thoreau (Walden)

Welcome, oh yea souless beasts. You that traverse the great world wide web, to see what you can see, and will go anywhere if you are bored enough. Yes, I say welcome, because you've found yet another site that has nothing interesting to offer except some insight to life.

[Put your pastime here]

And yet, sometimes, is it enough? You've got your games, your computer, your everything, but what's it worth? We try to find ways to entertain ourselves, but when it comes right down to it, entertainment can only take you so far, and then you get bored of it. And when everything you own becomes boring, well just go buy more new stuff! That's why we have manufacterers isn't it? They make stuff to keep us entertained. And never once do we think (Is there something I'm missing?) Or (is there a point to this...?)

It's pointless, all of it. People pay other people to keep them entertained, the government makes stuff to keep us safe, other countries try to keep along, to stay alive, but what's the point? If the entire world was destroyed, and we all died, but got one last chance to look at it before death, what would we think?

I regret that I didn't have more time...
I could've helped so many more people...
I didn't get to explore the universe...
I didn't get to finish my car!

1 out of 4 people actually had a thought that might've made an impact on the rest of eternity, and that person couldn't have fulfilled their dream becuase the other three people had their own problems. Our world isn't perfect, though perhaps one day it will be. We can't explore deep space because we have our own problems, and what's the use of helping others when we can't help ourselves? (The same could be said for the United States Of America...)

When you think about it, the one thing that almost everyone in the world wants, is money. Money? What is it? Money isn't power, it isn't important, a few leaves of something green (in the US) or a couple coins, that you can't even eat? The origional purpose of money was as a counter for things, so people would know how much their bartering items were worth. Then people started actually using money instead of items, and then what now? Some people have more money than they can possibly use, and why do they want it?


Yeah, never mind that they don't, they can. Hmm.... Tell me what you think of these lyrics:

she told him she'd rather fix her makeup
than try to fix what's going on
but the problem keeps on calling
even with the cellphone gone
she told him that she believes in living
bigger than she's living now
but her world keeps spinning backwards
and upsidedown
don't say so long in the cellphone
don't spend today away
cuz today will soon be

gone, like yesterday is gone,
like history is
gone, just trying to prove me wrong
and pretend like your immortal

she said he said live like no tomorrow
every day we borrow
brings us one step closer to the edge (infinity)
where your treasure, where's your hope
forget the world and lose your soul
she pretends like she pretends like she's immortal
don't say so long
your not that far gone
this could be your big chance to makeup
today till soon be

gone, like yeterday is gone,
like history is gone,
the world keeps spinning on,
your going going gone,
like sumemr break is gone,
like saturday is gone
just trying to prove me wrong
you pretend like your immortal your immortal

we are not infinite
we are not permanate
nothing is immediate
we're so confident
in our accomplishments
look at how dark it is

gone, like Frank Sinatra
like Elvis and his mom
like AL Pichino's cash nothing lasts in this life
my highschool dreams are gone
my childhood sweets are gone
life is a day that doesn't last for long

life is more than money
time was never money
time was never cash,
life is still more than girls
life is more than hundred dollar bills
and oh the town fills
life more than fame and rock and roll and thrills
all the riches of the kings
and up in wills we got information in the information age
but do we know what life is
outside of our conveinent Lexus cages

she said he said live like no tomorrow
every moment that we borrow
brings us closer to the God who's not short of cash
hey Bono i'm glad you asked
life is still worth living, life is still worth living...


Verse of the day: "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." - Proverbs 17:28

Message #3

Some days, I just feel like my head could explode. You ever get that feeling, when there's so much sound around you, that it's driving you insane? When there's so many people talking, all the noise around you, sometimes it just gets to much.

Get away from me!

Have you ever been somewhere, trying to read a book or do homework, and someone just walks up and distracts you till you just put the thing down and actually pay attention to them? I loathe that. Geez people, if you want my attention, please wait for it. I won't be that long.
Of will I? I guess, sometimes, it's ok, but really, gossip is not my thing. If you want to just talk with me until my ears fall off, get another victim.

Anyone read "The Gospel According to Larry"? Good book. Good point - Commercialism and Idol Worship are alive and well in America today. WE (America) will take anything and make it famous, at the expense of killing our ears off talking about people who don't really even care about us.

"Did you hear about Ken?! He's over a $1 million!"
"That band?! Disturbed?! They're so hot!"
"If I could only meet him..."

You get the point. The heck is wrong with you people? Do you even use your mouths to eat anymore, with all that hot air coming out of it? You could fill a canyon of ballons with the amount of gossip, pointless yammering, and general chat I hear every day. Or a couple big hot air ballons, and lift them too. People, please, Can I have a moment of silence here?!
Josh definatly had the right idea. Ship off into the wilderness and spend time alone every couple of days, alone from everything, where the word "lonely" is never heard.

Could people do that today? Is it possible? No. The heck you talkin' bout man? I gots ma TV to watch. I can't be spendin some time without ma baby.

Excuse me while I go have the chills. You may laugh, but the average American does not go 24 hours without 1 of it watching TV. Or more.


And yet.

The noise is starting to drive me insane... Maybe I should take a walk.

Or run.

Off a cliff.

Insane? Maybe I just want some time alone, to myself. At least it would take away the noise (just so you know, I'm not really suicidal, just making a point).

Please give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't just live in a forest from now on. Solitude, safety... Getting searched for by hormone-indulged COPS.... Well... Maybe another time.

Till then.

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." - Revelations 22:21

Message #2

I wrote this because I thought it needed to be said... You go to church Sundays and sing and dance (or not), listen to the preacher, worship, yada yada yada. And then at the end the preacher says:

"Go now in peace and serve the lord. Amen."

Do you know what that actually means? I'm gonna make dead sure, you don't have to read if you don't want to. I promise not to be boring.

Does that sentence mean be all pacifist, war-hating, total radical anti-government while also yelling in the streets that the Messiah is arriving soon so better get saved while ya still can?

Yeah... <_< If you want... I won't stop you.

At this point, I could go into a detailed explanation like:
BUT listen, in the bible it says "Be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves." Not quite your typical image of a hippie/Christian wacko nut-job. The idea is that we go out into the world as examples of Christ's work, nice enough people who aren't idiots about how they do things. I'm not saying "Oh, to be a perfect Christian you should go out and act SUPER NICE to everyone or else you'll be a failure." No. Not quite. What I mean is that when you're with people, try to hold in those cynical urges (we all have them, I should know) and those little demons in your head telling you that if someone hits you odds are it'll feel good if they aren't standing in the next 2 minutes. If you're already a saint, please don't mind this paragraph (lol). For everyone else, you know...

I know you all want to read that. Yeah. Ok. But the main thing is, we Christians set an example to everyone else in the WORLD who sees us. We're their reliability that Christianity doesn't work. People look at us and see many of our faults, and few of our virtues. Either that or they don't care.

People stare at us and say things like:
"Oh see? He gets angry too, Christians aren't perfect."
"Look! That guy just whacked him. That's not a Christian thing to do."
"That girl just cheated!"

In all these cases, you can guess what their conclusion is: Christianity doesn't help people, except as a fun social thing sometimes.

When you go out in the secular world (or if you stay in your room and commune with a computer online) you should let people know why you do what you do.
"Dude, I'm a Christian. Know why? 'Cause God helps me skate better."
... <_<

Maybe I'm not being clear. When you talk with people, and they ask why you're a Christian (or odds are they won't, you'll have to bring it up yourself), you gotta tell people the truth about God. God isn't some far-off deity that watches people screw themselves into a hole and waits for them to call out to him to come save them. He's a loving God, and he changes people.

Not that you've heard that a thousand times before.

Odds are though, so have they. Imagine that.

Do you know anyone who you like or even love enough to die for?
Would you die for someone you didn't know?
How about someone who doesn't even exist yet, whose life will mean close to nothing, won't change the world, won't do anything important ever, and who no one will like? With good reason.

I probably couldn't, I don't know a lot of people that could either. Probably close to about... One.

You know who that is. Yeah. The big JC.

I think Warren Barfield said it best in his song, "My Heart Goes Out" (Want the lyrics? Here's a link: My Heart Goes Out)

Anyway, let me show you a part of that:
"But there's a distance you have covered,
And she's just a table over,
All she needs, is a shoulder."

Yeah... The idea behind being a Christian is to bring people to God. How do we do that? Just follow God's plan. He'll put you where you need to be, and give you the words to say.

If you're waiting for him to direct you, I can tell you that you should get going. No one's coming to you (not to my knowledge at least) for help. Don't worry peeps, help is on the way! (:P)

What are you still here for? Get out there!

You're still here aren't you?


There will be a verse of the day here.

Hmmm... a website? What could I put on this...? Tch, I know. I need to get the word out, so here it goes people.


That's the truth guys, what else can I say? Oh, I guess I know what you're thinking. (*coughhesalunaticcough*)


I'm gonna put some stuff up here eventually ok? Please at least take a look at it, I promise not to be boring.

Hey listen, God's not some far-off distant thing that used to do stuff on Earth. God is a personal guy who really cares about you, no matter who you are. Know why? 'Cause you're his child. No matter how old you are, how bad you are, how dirty, how ugly, how fat, how disabled, how anything, God loves you because you are his child. Can you feel it? God loves you, and because he does, even though I don't know you, let me say that you're my brother or sister in Christ, so I love ya too.

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