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Namaste: Awakening to My Divinity
Saturday, 6 March 2004

I woke up at 5:30 this morning (on a Saturday no less!) because my sister and her fiance (who live with me) were in the living room laughing and talking. You'd think they were entertaining a deaf old lady, for as loud as they were being. They were watching SNL's The Best of Will Farrell and so the TV was turned up pretty loud too. (Must be that the louder it is the more enjoyable it is?) As I was trying to go back to sleep (which, alas, I failed to do), I had a revelation--Will Farrell's voice is REALLY annoying. (No offense, Will)

Posted by realm3/thefourthdimension at 9:17 AM CST
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Friday, 5 March 2004
My first blog!
Check it out! I've created an online journal. Not too sure what to put in here yet but I'll sleep on it and see what comes up. I've spent too much time getting this page up now anyway. I think it's time for my soul to take a mini-vacation. I'm gonna go meditate...Catch ya tomorrow.

Posted by realm3/thefourthdimension at 11:32 PM CST
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