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The Portal

Welcome to Eratia - The Fallen Lands. This site is an overview of the history, lore and rules of this new hub within the 'Shards' RolePlay domain.

To clarify something not explained in the site clearly I want to explain the link for The Fallen Lands. The Portal referred to in the site means the gateways between all realities and timezones that openmonto Eratia. This means that characters from any hub, in any form can travel to the Island, evenif it means moving through time, due tothe nature of the Portals.

I know the site itself is... poor, at best, but I'm no programmer, so it'll have to do for now. If anyone feels like updating the site or moving it around to make it more, ahem beautiful, please e-mail me at


The Archives

The Fallen Lands
The Races of Eratia
The Areas of the Island
Rules and Tips