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Hello and welcome to The Crimson Vortex! Choose your language from the above picture :) The Crimson Vortex is a site which mainly concentrates on the magnificent and wonderful world of Furcadia but also has something more to it ;) Check it out, and you'll find out what! =P

("Melkein" kaiken suomennan sitä mukaa, kun kerkiän, mutta useimmiten käy niin, että suomenkieliset versiot englanninkielisistä sivuista tulevat muutaman päivän viiveellä.Jos kielitaitoa löytyy, niin suosittelen enkelsmannin kielellä tehtyä versiota ihan varmuuden vuoksi. =D )

Please note that if you are asked to download Japanese Font Support, press cancel.There is no need to download it, as the prompt comes up by ways of some weird bug. =s Oh yeah, and one more thing (unfortunately), some of the HTML-code might be screwed up and show up in weird ways.Please note that this is NOT my fault.It seems to have something to do with the banners...or sumtin', I don't know!  Enjoy!

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