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Seraph Usiel Ahrimal

The Age of Wrath was long and hard. A lot of good people and valiant Dragon-Blooded suffered and died. Illusions were lost. Honor gave way to pragmatism, which in turn sank beneath the weight of vengeance and anger and simple despair. Seraph who was alwas in competition with his twin, Xenith, was always seen as second best. He discovered evil, and he learned to embrace his growing hatred for his brother's success and his immediate failures. By the end of the War, many of his friends had fallen, he himself becoming little more than a living engine for destruction. His joy in creation perverted into a love of annihilation.

He was crazed, vicious and debased before the war was over. Before he was stripped of the greater part of his honor and power. Before he was condemned to a maddening hell of isolation and loss for a term that felt like forever even for those who were more than human.

Now this bitter and wrathful Dragon-Blooded has emerged from ages spent with no distraction save the pain of his own sanity eating at himself...and he finds a Realm as loathsome and corrupted as himself has been. Beholding a foul planer, a debased and cruel humanity and a cosmos shrunk into a whithered husk of some long lost glory. He see's only one meaningful act.


Destroy everything.

Wipe away the cruel mockery of the Realm that he once fought for. Give humanity the merciless silence of the grave. Destroy the works of the Chosen at any and all times, hoping perhaps to provoke his twin out of hiding.

The Sebettu

The Seven Legions created by the Dark Lord defined the duties and the power of each General within them, refining their individual natures and shaping their identity within a rigidly structured hierarchy. Each Legion is governed by a central General ( referred to as such with a title ), who directs the activities of his/her subordinates through a council of lieutenants. These lieutenants have their own circle of subordinates who report on the activities of the soldiers under their authority, and so on, down to the lesser rank and file of unholy servants. There is no allowance for promotion or demotion. The duties of each General never varies. Mori` Ohtar, the Black Knight, General of the Seventh Legion of the Ebon Hand is content as time takes shape, expecting nothing more than what the Dark Lord gives him.

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