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Wrestlers name: "The Future" Seth Sensational/Gem Kwan

Height:Seth 6'0, Gem 5'5

Weight:Seth 220 lbs., Gem unknown

Hometown: Vancouver, B.C, Canada

Alignment: Face

Style: High Flying/Japanese style wrestling

Entrance Music: A mix of two diffrent songs...
(Where did all the good people go by Sam Roberts&"Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence)

Entrance: Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick , All of a sudden the arena goes to darkness and we see a space view shot of planet Earth as we see the entire planet at war. Spots of missles,bombs,and explosions detroying our planet.Finally it all comes to a stop and we hear some music come on as we pan through the destruction of our beloved home.Through the smoke,ashes,and fire we hear the sounds of "Where Have All The Good People Gone by Sam Roberts".It pans the destruction like a cene from a movie we watch and listen.

Wanna leave but I've got to stay
And I'm wondering more everyday
Montreal to Hong Kong
Where have all the good people gone?
Traffic jam but I'm on the shoulder
Took ten cops to pull me over
Bangkok to Babylon
Where have all the good people gone?

I haven't met a friend in a long, long while
They don't check my head but they, they check my style
The modern world is a cold, cold world
And all I meet are cold, cold girls

Wanna leave but I've got to stay
And I'm wondering more everyday
Montreal to Hong Kong
Where have all the good people gone?
Traffic jam but I'm on the shoulder
Took ten cops to pull me over
Bangkok to Babylon
Where have all the good people gone?

The camera pan out to a tranquile and subdue place away from the destruction, like its a heaven away from the hell with green grass,waterfalls and peacefulness of the Re-birth of our planet earth.The music cuts and we come to see quick flashing images skip through our screen and a voice as it says.

"The legends had thier time,the hero's shined for all,The world as we known it has flipped upside down,Our sport has seen such greats pass us by,Names edged into the books of time."

We see images of great wrestlers from the past,present,and future all in a span of 20 seconds.Finally it stops and the voice says.

"But only ONE shall captivate your minds,breath life back into your souls and give back to the wrestling world what it truly desires.This man is the FUTURE of this industry,He's the ONE and ONLY"

The arena darkens to a soft green glow as "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence begins to blare over the PA system. As lyrics are beginning to be heard, green spot lights search the arena, finally ending at the top of the ramp where green mist fills the top of the ramp,the spotlights illuminating the darkened figure of Seth Sensational and Gem Kwan,Seth is dressed in mirrorshades, studded leather wristbands, black leather pants, combat boots, and a sleeveless "Future." t-shirt and standing with his arms crossed looking down to the ring with a smirk on his face. He glances around the arena, narrowing his eyes, and then walks to the ring amid the "SETH!" chants.

Set-Up Move: Name(Seth's Secret)

Description: He begins with a quick snap enzuigiri (a kick to the back of the head). While he spins, and while hi opponent is stunned, he hooks his arm and uses the momentum to hook his arm around his opponent’s neck, grabbing them in a headlock. Still spinning, he has added velocity and momentum as he goes into a spinning Stunner, the extra speed adding to extra damage.

Finishing Moves:
(1)Name(Highlight Of The Night) The Triangle Choke Piledriver. Not the most common of finishers, difficult to set up, seemingly unescapable. opponent on the top rop facing the crowd, Seth goes up top and puts on a triangle choke while flipping backwards, falling to his stomache and driving the opponents head into the mat and if they aren't knocked out, the triangle choke is still applied.

(2)Name(Blaze Of Glory) A Frog Splash, but when he has tucked in his arms and legs mid flight he flips over into a Swanton Bomb.

(3)Name(Future Shock) 720 Degree flip leg drop of the top rope.

Seth's Favorite Moves:
Japanese Quick Kicks
Green mist
Van Terminater
Corkscrew Frog Splash
Tornado DDT
Shining Whizard
Japanese Arm Drag
Martial arts kicks combo
Downward Spin Kick
Van Daminater
Springboard DDT
Dragon Sleeper Into Eye Of The Hurricane
Hangover Drop
Suplex Piledriver
Rolling Thunder into a DDT(Opponent must be standing)
Split-Legged Moonsault
Splash Mountain Bomb
Shooting Star Splash

Gem's Favorite Moves:
Top Rope Hurricanranna
Springboard Moonsault
Snap Suplex
Downward Spin Kick
Swinging NeckBreaker
Martial arts kicks combo
flying Hurricanranna w/ Pin
Whisper in the Wind
Tornado DDT
Japanese Arm Drag

This is his Story

Background: The story began back when he was born.A child born in the Far East in South Korea his parents where poor and tried to give him the life he deserved but while working on the feilds and docks not to mention the constent illegeal jobs they kept taking to support not just them selves but Seth as well.When he turned 10 years old he found out that his parent illegeal actions have caugh up to them in a really big way.A 3.5 Million doller reward was put out for thier capture and or whereabouts.So Seth and was put under heavy guard as his parents tried to hide away in secret locations.But there capture came from wihin as i was thier one and only on who turned them in to the feds and since Seh was too young to collect the reward it has been put into the bank until he's old enough to collect on it.So Seh was without any parents and home as police wanted to put him into a grouphome but before they could Seth was gone.Seth left home to search for a better life.Thats when things turned for the better.Seth took it apon himself to end up in Vancouver B.C.The place he calls his hometown even though he was born in Korea.He was picked up by a Asain family the "Kwans".Keon Kwan the Father was a Retired hall of fame Japanese wrestler now teacher of the great art that is Japanese wrestling.A kid taken under the wing worked the gym helping out with everything they had to do too make himself idependentlly sound even though he has been that way ever since he was a little child.At the age of 14 he was learning faster then any of the other students.He was being taught the technical aspecks of the sport and that pain was only in his mind.A well Keon Kwan had a well taught daughter "Gem Kwan" who was the same age "15" as Seth at the time of teaching.The two would wrestle each other on nightlly basis learning from each other and the father.Well After 5 years he told the Kwan family he has to go back onto his own to find his now true calling. To be the best and to teach the things he himself have been taught.Seth left his home in B.C in search of his new home and maybe just maybe he may have found it.But on his way he became involved with Street fighting in back alleys where only the wicked survive and the weak where beaten down by the blood thirsty fans wih chains,bats and bare knuckle fists.Seth took his beatdowns like a man with his sister looking on helplesslly.He still came back to conquer the street fight scene.But that was not paving off the way he had hoped o he moved on to the next level.A place that gave him the final piece of the puzzle,in his mind and soul.He joined the Ultimate Fighting Championships.As one of the smallest and most under-rated fighters ever to walk into the UFC cage.His background in Japan,and his 3 months in street fighting where what would help guide him.But here is where he learned the true meaning of REAL PAIN.In the first 2 months he was in action he broke both his arms and left leg along wih 5 ribs.As his love for pain became stronger and stronger he was now winning more hen he was receiving along with a strong reputation his name was becoming known as someone who does not backdown,raher he's one who gets in your face.Seth would continue on with he UFC for 2 1/2 more years collecting a record of 15 wins,4 loses,2 draws,and 7 wins by knockout.But true to his word,this was not his true calling in life and decided to quit he UFC to search for a wrestling world that would except him into thier world.So he left on his journey. So this led him to Mexico where he learned the tools of the trade in louchadore style of wrestling.Since he already had The technical Abiliies,the heart,the soul,the will to except pain and rise above it,and the knowledge of street fighting this would be the final stop before moving onto the bigtime.He learned faster then anyone expected him to as he racked up a record of 25-3.A star was born and Seth knew it.And after only one year in Mexico he was finally ready to move on.But hes not coming alone,coming along for the ride is "Gem Kwan" Seth has promised that she will be just as much a impact as anyone in the business. So until Seth has found his home, Seth has resigned his life to one of a drifter. `Living off the Streets'. Seth is plagued by dreams of his destiny to lead the next generation to victory over the legends in an upcoming war. Serious trouble visits the next place Seth will call home when Seth Sensational along with Gem Kwan Debuts and creates his dreams into reality.Once thier dreams are realized though Seth will begin to understand his true purpose in life, and the important role his Sister Gem Kwan plays in it as well.This time it's for good and this time it's for everything.

Favorite Qoutes:
"Life is one big lesson, face me and i'll teach you".
"With a background like mine, I have already become Legendary".

The One The Only
Seth Sensational