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Welcome to May-Chan's World

It's me, the wonderful owner of this place...you know? You don't? Oh...it's May, silly! Anyhoo, this site was made for a reason...a reason that'll come to me later but that's still cool. Oh, for me, my stuff, my friends and their stuff. But as I made it, (and I'm cat girl crazy...) there's a lot of...cat girls. Yeah!
And hey to my lil friends who I love oh-so much! That -is- mainly you! **points** No not them, you! You! Abbie, Niki, Becky, Phi-Phi, Mike, Sue, Sam, Jaymi (..not in that way..), Trez, Rich, Jamie and that lovely boyfriend of mine, Tom! (Love ya!)

**COUGHS** Well, that was nice. Anyhoo...the point is...uh... So, I don't know what I'm doing. You guys should! Help! I want stuff! Fill up my site or Washu shall turn you into a water sprite, won't you?

Yes, she looks rather thrilled at the idea. So do it! I'm trying hard here!!
Love May xxx

Watch this space...

Soon to come here are links to things I wanna put up...namely artwork, possible stories/poems and of course pics of us! Wah! Sounds good, don't it? Lol. (It better had!)

This is for random news that you may (or may not) want to hear. Or, stupid things you've done that will humilate you so I want the world to know. Hah! Ok, there'll most probs be more on me...being...meish...Lol. Whatever. Anyways, the wonderful news for today is:

1st July 2003

Niki, Tom and Abbie buggered off on a trip today while me and Becky were annoyed by the wee kids in school. Hayfever killed me and now I can't stop blinking. I'm hungry. There's a lil friend of my brother's over there. I'm bored. Did I mention hungry? Ah...right. Well, then not a lot has happened today! Wah!
Love May xxx

Fan Fiction | TMFFA | Rather Good | Why must Stickdeath be so good?