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Page of the Five


The Characters
The Players
Words of the deities
DM's notes

Find us at theYachting Club--Where Guilford College Gamers Collide

Attention, players! Draw/find a picture of your character for me and I'll post it on the appropriate "Characters" page. If you take the picture off the internet, be sure to send me a link so we can give credit to the original artist! Oh, and some artisits are picky (and they're allowed to be) so get permission. . .we can add a link to their online gallery if they would like!
This assignment is worth 250 bonus xp. :-) (This offer valid until 1 Sept, or until I revoke it, whichever comes first!)

Also, make sure I have a good description of your character! Any changes you'd like me to make, or suggestions? Ding me or e-mail me!

Feel free to explore this site. I update it probably more often than is healthy, but it'll slow down once school starts up again. However, I'll work on updating it at least once a week.

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