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Sylk Lilac Moon
Lace Lavender Moon

Name: Sylk Lilac Moon & Lace Lavendar Moon

Age and/or birth date: May 21, 1979 (21)

Eye Color: Green the color of fresh grass

Hair: The color of blood

Height/weight: Elegant 5'9 and weight is 110

Occupation: Self Employed

Appearance (clothes, etc..): She is rarely seen wearing anything twice and she is rarely seen wearing anything that isn't low cut. She has a pierced naval and one single tattoo on her left shoulder a Violet Rose she got when their mother died.


H i s t o r y
Sylk Lilac Moon was born on May 21,1979 in Los Angles Cal with her twin sister Lace Lavendar Moon. Their parents Mary Rose & Myers Moon were so proud of having such twin beautiful daughters.
When she was only a few weeks old her father left their family for a woman 15 years his junior, leaving both the girls and their mother with nothing. Her mother holding on to what little courage she could muster up she went out into the Los Angles Night life. She worked ever night at a local night club the girls would sit down at the bar and watch as their mother would remove articles of clothes , dancing for these old men. The girls grew up each night watching this for hours on end, while she disliked what she saw Lace grew up enjoying what her mother did. She hated how she grew up the daughter of a hooker, and even worse how her sister was really liking her mothers job . She saw her mother as one of the strongest people in her life , but knew she could never be part of that world. She graduated highschool at the age of 18, feeling less of a person due to the fact her sister graduated years before her. So instead of going to college which she knew would be even harder for her she went straight into the working force. Their she met a man by the name of Scott Colvin , who came in once a day to visit her before heading off to his classes. They fell in love but due to the fact Scott's family was extremely rich and her family was not so proper - they forbide the two of them to ever marry. With two heavy hearts they said their goodbyes, Scott swearing he would never love another. She couldn't believe he would rather have money then marry her where he would have love with him forever. So she moved on with her life finding out soon enough that her mother died from a jealous lover. She called her sister at college and the two of them set up everything up. One day not soon after their mothers death the two of them decided to get tattoos with roses on them. To remind them both of their mother that gave them a live worth living and did everything to make their lives better. A week after their mothers viewing and burying Sylk told Lace to go back to school. She of course put up a fight but finally gave in and went back to school. While Sylk stayed behind to go through what little things their mother owned. Finally when her sister graduated from college she and her sister decided they should leave La, Calf and head to Voletta, LA where there they hope to begin a new life. With the death of their mommy their grandmother gave the two of them a good sum of money. With that money they move to Voletta where they are hoping to open a new shop called Sylk and Lace.
All original material is the intellectual property of the creators.  
These are fictional characters for a Role Playing Game.  These are not real people.