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.:.:.:.:Sashaz Profile:.:.:.


NoT yOuR aVeRaGe pReTeEn



yOur Mah ShOrTy BoI aNd yA' AlReAdY nO..

--Ma nAmezz--
!!What day meanzz!!

~~Your first name of Sasha has given you a quick-minded, sensitive nature. ~~ It gives you a clever, creative ability in art, music, singing, or drama and an appreciation for refined surroundings. ~~ Your sociable nature expresses affection, kindness, and thoughtfulness to the extent that it is difficult for you not to be affected by others and governed by your emotions, rather than by logic and reason. ~~ As you respond to love and encouragement from others, your romantic and dreamy nature can easily lead you into love affairs. ~~

~~ Your name of Alexandra causes you to place considerable importance upon the material aspect of life. ~~ You have an eye for quality, desiring always the very best that money can buy, and you are not content with anything that is second best. ~~ You are quick to size up others, and this appraisal is based upon their physical appearance, their clothes, and whether they have achieved material success and the standards of quality that you have set in your own mind. ~~ You have a keen business sense, knowing a lucrative proposition when it is presented, and it is likely others would come to you for business counsel. ~~ You are a capable leader and organizer who should never be in a subordinate position. ~~
