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Steph's Stary Night Realm

Hello again im having trouble figureing out how to make this crap site look nice. It's eaiser than i thought but im so computer challanged. I need some majior help befor this site is any good. well i better go now cauz this is frusterating.
Hey everyone! I'm finaly starting my own web page. Well my summer is going by so fast and I haven't had any real fun yet. I know that something is waiting just around the cornor. I'm looking foreward to my orientation at Chico and I know that I chose the right school... well at least I thought I did until my recent visit to UCSB. I would have fit in so well there. lets hope that Chico doesn't get too cold in the winter. Well time to get back to thinking. if you have any suggestions and pointers email me or IM me on AIM. Bye 4 now.

Top 5 stores to shop for me *heehee*


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