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Welcome to the Spirits of the Forest Realm

The Journey

As the dry and dusty trail stretched before me, I thought of what had been, existing now in memory. The plains of summer grasses, the stream of pure mountain waters,
the colors of the rainbow scattered in a mosaic of unbelievable complexity.
In the distance a thunderhead is building, the rumbling of it's internal construction can almost be heard, more likely imagined. Once again I turn my attention to the path, it seems to lead to the sun, resting now on the far horizon. The clouds and sky, reflect the heart of the sun and all that it is, with the purple, pink, shades of blue, orange and crimson. These colors blending with the earthened tones of land as it reaches to the light of creation.
I relax and know that my path is before me, the purpose is remembering. There is a breeze that comes from behind me, as if to push me forward and I sense the presence of one I cannot see.
Seeing without sight the winds embrace me, and whisper softly.
"You are never alone, for I am always with you".
My steps though tentative, begin again. The earth guides me, the wind embraces me, the waters nourish me, and the fires warm me. These things I will remember and know I will never be, as I have never been, "alone" the Journey begins anew

na maste' Tarah "Celticlane's" daughter

Page designed and posted by FE_SF_QueenSpiritWolf on February 11th, 2003