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This is my site. If you are not ready to take a trip into my mind then leave. If you thing you are ready to enter my world then read on. My life sucks all i ever do is work. I have no girlfriend and no social life. But i guess thats ok at least i have one person that is real special to me she is one of my ex's but we basically still go out. The bad thing is her mom won't let us talk or see each other but that don't stop us from doing it. Its still sucks because i want to go back out with her so bad but i can't for two years. Most of the time i stay away because it hurts so bad to see her and know i have to wait two whole years to go out with her again. But i will wait because i love her so much and want to be with her forever. Sometimes i want another girlfriend but then i think whats the point they are probably going to last as long as my other relationships. I had one that lasted two weeks and another that lasted four days.The bad thing about the one that lasted four days is i still want her back she was great she was the sweetest girl i've ever been with and she looked good to. But i know i cant get her back. So i have decided to be single for awhile. Well thats my life ain't it great i'm single, alone, and depressed but ain't it great.
