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Final Fantasy X

The Use Of Mindless Ramblings To say Absolutely Nothing To add lengevity To a Writing Piece:
Excuse me, I speak jive. When the watermelon hits the pavement, it is feeding time for the mighty buffalo. arg wu sentafinicate nar dunderford bida menti konsticated interserd thorphilliate stinded yilla billa zay wentora yate paravillintiniay dorgo orpha dorga billa dorgo orpha stifaleare dorgo orpha dorga billa tonalation fonamere stop talking gibberish or just stop talking now if i had one wish well i don't know what i'd wish for but if i had a million zillion wishes i'd use one to let you know that gibberish is not a nice way to talk to all your friends mork swax ippen reeby yufftabar higged quillip ernigrade du wellinshar lirp crawn xyfa gourk jawinstabray venaldo urp paravillintiniay --Gibberish, by one of my favorite bands, Relient K. Oh how profound.
On top of Mt. Rushmore.. all covered in cheese.. I dropped my potato, when Washington sneezed... I went up his nose... to see what I'd find. And I found my brother...
AWWW...! Nevermind.
Well, children, this is what happenes when you have too much time on your hands. --shmug/squirrelanne/sherylanne/timmy... yes I have a lot of names... Timmy included.

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