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Saturday, 14 May 2005
Time and truth
Hi this is Shane-Edward-Lee, and welcome to another blog from Shane lee minsitries, also go to {:-.D}.
Most of these blogs contain adult subject matter, parental discretioan is advised.
Before we begin, I am not against churches even
though the ones I went out to did me wrong, they are good for a base understanding for, and a good starting point for the Bible and Jesus, though most of them don't teach the seven seals, they are only doing so, because they are unsure as to what it is referring to, so don't blame them, or the Jews, or anyone, we all have access to the same Bible, and can all be lead of the Holy Ghost, or Spirit, as I was to understand the truth.
One of the questions that Jesus was asked is, Tell us, when shall these things be? Jesus said of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels who are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
So this tells me that if you want to know the answer you have to go to the Father through the Son, and ask God, who will explain to you the mystery of the scriptures.
There are several reason that Jesus says this, the first is we are only promised to live up to 120 years, this is around 1/12 of the time that Adam lived after he originally sinned with Lucifer in Eden, who lived 930 years after he ate, but Moses explains this in Psalms 90:4, which Peter also points out in 2nd Peter 3:8, But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as day one, which traces all the way back to Genesis 1:5, which in the Hebrew is called day one.
A day is defined as the amount of time that it takes the earth to complete one rotation upon its axis, because it is a circular object, but the day on day one equalled 1,000 years, what this means is the 1st day because the earth was without form and void and shape, and wasn't quite circular yet, was equal to 1,000 years, on a 360 day calendar, which it even takes the sun 30 days to rotate on its own axis, this would be a solar day, each planet has a different amont of time for its day as well, but when the earth was first rotating it took it 1,000 years, but it of course sped up to 24 hours, but day one was as 1,000 years.
So if God compared the other days to this day, then it took 6,000 years for God to individually create the earth, and the creatures that dwell in it.
This means that Adam sinned within 70 years of the 7th day, because he was told in the day that you eat thereof you will surely die, this obviously was compared to day one, or Adam would have died 24 hours later, but Lucifer could have thought that God meant 24 hours, but God showed us grace, and mercy, whereaas Lucifer condemned us by killing itself after the sin, and brought pain, suffering, and death into the world.
God had hoped that Adam would simply not eat of the tree's fruit, which is also of the body as well, which Moses in Deut. 28:4, show that we also bring forth fruit of the body, like trees, and we are also compared to trees, by both John and Jesus, so since in Judges 9:8, men are compared to trees, and Ezekiel 31:2-9, which we know that trees don't envy other trees, so this traces back to Lucifer and the sin in Eden, and the other angels also in Genesis 6 who later on sinned similarlly to how Lucifer did, except they knew women only, though some could have known men, as well, which traces back to Greek myths, and Lucifer could be the Zeus of the Greeks, or one of the other chief angels who sinned, which is also shown in 2nd Peter 2:4-14, which some people confuse, because Peter isn't defending the angels, but explaining their sins, they rebelled and lost their authority, so to understand what they did isn't to speak evil of them, if they did it, it is only evil if you accuse them without evidence of their crime, as Lucifer does with us.
Now a day can equal a year, and 1,000 years.
It is in Hosea that we learn that after two days I will revive you all, in the third day I will raise you up, and you shall live in my sight, though this was said by Hosea, the God/Goddess the Holy one of Yisarel, which is the correct way to say the name that the human being gave Jacob, in Genesis 32:28.
Now to understand this I used a Strong's concordance of the Bible, which has definitions of Hebrew words, Sar is prince, so Yisarel, and not Yisrael should be how you pronouce Jacob's new name.
The same with the Divine name, Yahweh, and Yehovah are the two known names of God, so I simply combined them into one name, Yahvah, but even definition 3050 shows, Yahh, which is a contraction of Yahvah, which could also be seen as feminine as well, but defintion 3068 shows Yehovah, as the elongated name, but the Yahh is on the first half of the name, so to elongate it simply use Yahvah, though I used other words as well to understand the Hevahiy, among them 1896, 1939, Hegay, and Howdayevahuw, 1958, because niy, which is also seen in Adoniy, 138 Adoniyahuw, and 189 Adoniy-Tsedeq, 5204, niy also means lamentation, as does hiy, 1958, but it is both a pronoun, and a verb in the divine name, because the word, is, was, and will be is Yehiy, as shown in Genesis 1:3, or which is, was, and is to come, but the Hebrew name for Jesus is either Yeshuwa, Yashuwa, contracted, and Yahuwshuwa, elongated. the Holy Ghost though has 2 names, Shekanyahuw, and Mashiyahiy, which is associated with the word, Sheken, for dewelling, and mashach, to rub with oil, since the dwelling is physical it is better to use huw, but since the anointing is mental, it is better to use the feminine.
This is because God gave birth to the matter in the universe accoring to Psalms 110:3, in the womb of the morning, which is also another reason that Jesus is the door, in what scientist call the big bang.
Now if you were just at my web site, you read how that sin entered into Lucifer's heart, because God made them go into heaven, so that we could inhabit the earth after them, which is why he told Adam to replinish the earth, which God also said to Noah, after the flood, so the earth was inhabitted by the angels before God made all of the animals, and Adam, which in Genesis 5:2, God called both the male and female Adam, which merely means Human Being.
Which my other web site, is you can also get more info at also, though some of you could have just come from my ministry web site.
Now we know that in 2032 it will be 2 days, or 2,000 years after Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection, so within 2 years or sometime after 2034 the book of Rev. could be fulfilled, if we don't repent of sealing the seals, and unseal them, but if we chose to keep them sealed, we could have another 500 years even after the fulfillment of the book of Rev. but it won't go past 2540, before Jesus returns.
Though 2017 to 2037 is 20 years, which is a half hour in heaven, though I opened the seals by 1998, so God will give the church time, before the mountain falls upon us after the opening of the sixth seal, though it isn't until after the seventh seal is opened that you get the half hour or 20 years, which since a day is 1,000 years then 40 years is an hour, and 20 years a half hour.
This is since we are sealing the seals, Jesus has to wait until all prophesy are fulfilled, before he can return, so that by spending time in paradise, when he brings us back to the earth, we can be shown the truth by Jesus himself, but since we have the scriptures we can know it at anytime, and because we chose not to know it, we are delaying his return.
By the 14,000 year Lucifer will if he don't repent be cast into the lake of fire, God is showing him mercy, becaue he wants Lucifer to show us mercy, but he also knows that God can't tollerate him, and us sinning forever either, so we have to chose now, and the 1st step of salvation is to believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth that you believe that God could raise Jesus from the dead, Rom. 10:9.
Then if you know the 7 seals and confess them, and are willing to teach them to others, and not seal them, you can be saved, you don't need to get baptized, sprinkled, or anything, but if you sin, or make a mistake you can get baptized, or sprinkled, though if you are baptized you are keeping the covenant that Jesus left behind, if sprinkled the covenant that I and my wife, and my second male witnesse and his wife, if we die for your sins, and then the last prophet according to Zach. 13:1-6, though some say this is Jesus, because of the next verse it is clearly talking about someone in that day, the day in which the Lord will raise us up, because Jesus was a carpenter, but this person a cattle man or husbandman, and I tried to be an electrician in the Navy, so it isn't talking about me or Jesus, so it has to be someone else in that day, which is also 1,000 years, but Jesus said that the day will be shortened, Mt. 24:22, else no flesh should be saved, so since we are in the 5th day of the second week, or about to enter the 6,000 year after the sin, but the Jews, and Christian leaders aren't counting the sabbath day that Adam sinned on, nor the up coming sabbath day, which means that we have another 2,000 year period, with the millenial reign of Jesus in between these two days, if the day is shorten to 500 on each side God can resurrect even the unbelievers to give them one last chance to repent before they are cast into the lake of fire.
Which Peter said that it is not God's will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, 2nd Peter 3:9.
This again is because we are only living 1/12 of the day or the 1,000 year period that Adam was given, so God will give us all one more chance to repent, but don't wait on it, because, Now is the time; behonld now is the day of salvaions. 2nd Cor. 6:2.
If you wait there is still a good chance that Lucifer will influence you to continue to sin, but if you repent now, then you can learn to be a better person, and if you make a mistake, just admit it, and repent of it, or try not to do it again, but beware, because Lucifer came into the flesh, and this makes sin habitual, and it can even pass from one generation to another, Ex. 20:5-6, which also means that the Catholics by grace, can sprinkle their children, though if they sin, they should get baptized, but it is the soul that sins, it shall die, Ezekiel 18:4, so this can be overlooked if you see the sins of those around you, not by judging them, but by judging yourself, and comparing your life to Jesus's life, and if it doesn't stack up, believe that you are capable of repenting, and can go and sin no more.
Peter, said judgement begins at the house of God, 1st Peter 4:17, and Jashuwa son of Nun said, And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house we will serve Yahvahhevahiy. Jashuwa 24:15, which as you see house also applies like the word tree, temple, and tabernacle, and dwelling, to the human body, and is to see if we will judge ourselves, and change our behavior, or continue to deny that there is only one way to love, and that is if you keep rules, and treat someone right, otherwise you aren't loving them, but using them.
My final point is if God is male and female in image all you need to do is say it once, this way you don't have to always say he/she, it, though for different responses like in the Old testament, huw can also mean it, and hiy can mean it, as well.
It is up to you to receive the truth or not all I can do is show you, and explain things, and hope that you will repent.
I read the Bible 5 times and learned all of these scriptures, you may not need to read it that many times, but I had to learn it on my own, so now you also can read the Bible, but don't have to read it 5 times, 3 times or so would be enough, and see for yourself. Go to my other blog at which some of you may have just came from, I had to associate the day and the hour with the day that the angels assumed human form, and were allowed to come to the earth during the third day, to the forth day, but then the angels left without permission from God following Lucifer into sin, also go to to understand this better as well and how the angels who sinned entered into the door sexually, instead of asexually as Jesus did, or some other way, and became theives to the men of the earth, whose wives they took to wife.
Now if men won't look on this now, how can Jesus who is not a man save you?
Now the Demons, or fallen angels, are denying their sin, Satan what it did in Eden, and the others what they did before the flood.
If they are denying it then they can feed us their denial, only Jesus came to bear witness of the truth.
Now the earth was created perfect formed by the word of God, therefore it could have been formed first and then the stars, and sun, or the stars were included when God said let their be light, since only God was there from the Beginning it is true that certain things only God can reveal, but we can consider both interpretations, until we find out the truth from God, but other things are clearly shown in the Bible, it is these that are being sealed, and shouldn't be, else Jesus wouldn't have conseled that you could clear up your vision by anointing your eyes with eye slave, which is part of how they would treat me for my stigmatism when growing up, and for my eye surgery when I was 12.
Yet I want to see, what will happen to those of you who refuse to see, Jesus can only save you 50/50 because that is how you serve him.
It is your choice not mine, what you do with this information.
I have given it to you, and Jesus is no longer speaking in mysteries to you through me, and he said of the Holy Ghost.
Yet the Holy Ghost is in us all, and either we aren't following it fully, which appears to be the case, and are letting Satan steal the seed from us, or we are just being ignorant, and refusing to learn from it, needing Jesus himself to teach us.
Whatever the problem, we have to work it out for ourselves, and trust in Jesus.
I have done my part the rest is up to you.

Posted by realm3/shane_lee_1of2 at 1:08 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 11 November 2005 1:15 PM EST
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