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The angel of Yahvah — Profile

Name:  Shane Lee
Location:  Garden City, GA
Birthday:  3 November, 1969
Bio:  I was born in Savannah, Ga., where I lived most of my life, though we moved around allot when little, from one place to another to Garden City, and Sardis, then Port Went Worth, and Pineora, GA, I lost my dad when he was shot and killed at age 12, when I got baptized and saved according to what my church had taught me, and what I had learned about Baptisim on a phamplet, then within a year later I had a dream in which I stood before the throne of God in heaven, like Jacob had a dream of seeing the ladder of God with God above it, except I was standing before God. I am of different ethnic backgrounds, among them Native American, French, Engilsh, German, Spanish, Irish, and maybe Jewish, though not practicing. Though the dream happened when going out to a Southern Baptist Church, which is where I got my initial faith, though I did go out to church before this at a Bible Baptist, and a different type of Christian Church, and later on went out to a non-denominational church that was based off of United Pentacostal beliefs, while in the Navy, and was baptized twice, once in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and was taught the Trinity, and oneness of the Pentacostal, and understand both are a little right, and both a little wrong, because the trinity deals with three male images of God, the Oneness deals with one male image of God, but either way the image is male, but I did communion, and all of that, whenever the church did it, and also went to a Passover feast, at a Jewish service. From this I learned that I could be one of the two witnesses from the book of Revelation chapter 11:3-5, and even found my name encoded like with Jesus's Hebrew name in the old testament, through what is called the Bible code, or Towrah code in a book by Grant R. Jeffery, and Yacov Rambsel, with this I was also able to learn the Hebrew name that God gave to Moses, and that it was read forwards and backwards, but would still be the same, so that YHVH is really YHVHHVHY, and by studing Strong's concordance and looking at the different names came to understand the name of God as Yahvahhevahiy, which is pronounced Yaw-vaw-hey-vaw-hee, though the High Priests quit using it because it was feminine, and gave us three substitutes, Yahh, Yahweh, and Yehovah, which I simply used Yahvah, which is simply combining the first syllable of Yahweh, and the last of Yehovah, which is also feminine, because any noun, or name in the Hebrew that ends in ah, h, or ahh, is feminine, if singular, and th, if plural, and the Hebrew lanuage clearly shows that in the book of Deuteronomy Elowahh, and in Genesis Elohiy, which are both feminine was used by Moses to refer to God, because of Deuteronomy 4:15-16, which says that you aren't to make images in the likeness of male of female, because we are all one in Christ Jesus, according to Galatians 3:28, and Jesus had female breast according to John, in Revelation 1:13, where he uses the Greeek word Mastois, which is also found in Luke 11:27, & Luke 23:29, and the Hebrew word for female breasts is also masculine plural, for Shadiym, though Isaiah in 60:16, says, and the shad, or female breast of Kings you shall suck, and God told Abraham to call it El Shadday, which means female breasted enough, so that would make Jesus a true hermaphrodite, which mean men hide, to gain power over women, because they want their image to be the image of God, and only their image, this is the image of the beast and anti-christ, who may within the next 30 years come to power, unless men repent of their evil ways, because Jesus died around 0032, and we have at least 2,000 years after his death to receive the truth, so that's 2032, but if we don't the Beast will be free to do whatever he wants to do. I have a new Cell phone finally the number is (912)323-3321 if you would like to call.
Interests:  Karate, books, T.V., Movies, going to the beach, playing Keyboard, and Guitar, singing, exercising, walking, running, & almost any activity.
Blog Created:  Sunday, 29 May 2005
Last Updated:  Wednesday, 21 February 2007 - 9:14 AM EST
Blog Entries:  27

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