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My Personal info
Tuesday, 10 May 2005
Hello everyone, this is Shane Edward Lee, from Shane Lee Ministries @ & I was born in Savannah Georgia, on Nov. 3rd, 1969. This means that I am a scorpio, and that my birthstone is the topaz. I stand about 5 feet 8 inches tall, with brown hair and eyes check out a few of my pictures at [:-.o]. This blog contains graphic information about several accidents that I was in and should not be read by anyone under 12, please be advised, and even deals with things of a sexual nature. All of the information in this and the other blogs are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and none of the information is made up, except where I guess the heighth of the building that I fell from, because it was supposed to be torn down, and then the Med Hold people were to be moved to the barracks where the Hospital staff used to stay, nor are my scars fake, or Holly Wood make-up, or make-up of any kind. The reason that I am writing these blogs it to let people know what happened to me while growing up, and in the Military so that it doesn't happen to someone else, if at the end of any blog if you feel like I was done wrong, just write to the V.A. at the address provided below, and say that you are writing in reference to 316/21PD/ABH CSS 257 23 2433 Lee, S. E. to the Department of Veterans Affairs, to Veterans Service Center Manager, Ms. Kathleen Sullivan, either in email at https// I grew up in and around Savannah. I have a distinctive mole on my left cheek. I was told by my mom that I was a good baby. I don't remember allot of details from birth to about 3 years old, though I had at least 3 separate near death experiences, the first was when I was 2, I almost choked to death on a Jaw breaker candy, and it wasn't until my mom cried out, my God help me, that the Jaw breaker, Miraculously popped out of my mouth, which was before C.P.R. and she didn't even give me mouth to mouth, and I was on an even plain when the Jaw breaker popped out. Now before I tell you the other 2, let me first tell you that the outcome from these incidents are not the normal thing that happens with hardly anyone, if the same thing was to happen to you, this could be a legitimate miracle, and whatever I was doing before or after had nothing to do with the actual outcome, so please do not immitate these incidens on your own, nor attempt to duplicate them, because you might not be as blessed, or lucky as I was, plus I am sure that my mom and family prayed for me as well, as I probably also prayed for myself. The second was when I was almost 17 in the month of Aug. maybe the 16th, in 1987, (O.K. I figured out a few more things the Hospital was Memorial, I was there in 1986, right before I turned 17, I was in there for 3 days, from the 16-18, well I finally got the records, though they don't deal with the accident at the sceen, so that is still peiced together, but the actual date was the 24th-26th, though after looking over the report again I find a discrepancy with one of the reports, where it is dated the 23rd, which is a day before the date of the initial report, though the time and date could be the time that the report was written up, but who knows, so it still seems like Memorial is giving me some sort of run around, or there was a type-O,) so that's still 3 (to maybe 4) days, though actually that would be less than 2 days, or 48 hours, because I was admitted after 6:00 P.M., or 18:00, on the 24th, and was discharged on the 26th before 6:00 P.M., so that means even though 3 days, it was really less, and I guess I was admitted at 22:31, or 10:31, with loss of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting, and no outward sign of trauma, except for lacerations all over the place, but this is with a windshield, basically wrapped around my head, also a normal circumcised male, testes descended bilaterally, no blood in the meatus, and multiple lacerations, with tenderness to the neck to palpation posteriorly over its entire legth, moreso over the C2-3 region, but the CT scan revealed no abnormality, from the C2-C4 vertebral body, (though this was done after spending a night in the hard C-collar, though when I woke up, after first arriving at the hospital, I guess they must have taken it off for the initial CT scan, because I don't remember it being on when I first fully came to, and I believe that they removed it the next day, because I asked them to, and said it bothered me, and kept me in the hospital another night for observation,) and was discharged at 1:20 P.M., or 13:20, military time, on the 26th, and the rest is as follows,) I got into a serious car accident, driving in a 1980-81, (or maybe 82,) Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, near a town called Guyton, Ga. off of Hwy 17, on what used to be old 17, on a road that is called Floyd now, though it may have been Ralph Rahn before, or something like that, I was going around 60 m.p.h., or more, (and the reason I know is I can take the curve at 45-50, which I know because I went back there, after the accident, and went around it again, to confront my fear, and also saw the car afterwards, so I know that the whole front end was smashed up to the windshield of the car, and the windshield was popped out, but we didn't take any pictures, though the insurance company could have, but other than that I can only tell you what I remember, and what I have from the doctors report at the hospital,) I was going around a sharp curve, and somehow lost control of the vehicle, and couldn't stop, because I am sure that I tried to hit the breaks, and went flying into the air. The car wound up crashing front end into the dirt, going airborn for a couple of minutes, because there was an embankment, which gave the car lift, I went head first into the windshield, and only just managed to get up my arm and hand to cover my face, and got a nearly 5 inch fracture from my left eyebrow to the top of my head, and about a one eighth 1/8th of an inch wide gap, and a concussion, but still managed to shave my left eye brow, and over the nose, and got a cut in my right cheek, and hand, and right ankle, and a knot behind my right ear on the back of the head, which is about 3/4 of an inch to about 1 and 1/2 inch long, though its sortof circular, and straight, but somehow managed not to break my neck, (though when I first got to the hospital my neck was supple, tender to palpitation over its entire length, with one view of lateral c-spine having a questionable area at the left of C2-3, which there are 7 bones in the neck labeled C1-C7, so that means that the 2nd and 3rd may have been damaged, with the possibility of a fracture or locked facet at this area, with a diagnosis of closed head injury with concussion, and possible cervical spine injury, but as mentioned above when they looked at it, there was no sign of a fracture or locked facet, when they looked at it again in the morning, which is where the miracle could have occurred,) which is a miracle in and of itself, because I wasn't wearing a seat belt at the time, which I am all for wearing seat belts, because I was blessed, and miraculously healed, this doesn't happen in every case, though if I had a nearly 5 inch fracture, and a knot on the back of my head, behind the right ear, (which I can still feel the fracture, or contused area, and the knot behind my right ear,) that should have twisted my head up into either the roof of the car, or the full windshield if I hit lower, though that would put me in the top of the dash board, and should have twisted my neck severely, and my head almost clean off, with my feet sticking out in the air a little, at an unusual angle, which would have split the windshield in half, with the bottom half going into the hood, and the top half landing on my head, which twisted down and to the left to end up with my left side on what was left of the hood, and my right side pinned under the top half of the windshield, which would have pushed my head down further, I should be dead by that alone, which anyone coming upon the sceen would see me in the top of the dashboard, with the windshield broken out over my head, and me pinned between it and the steering wheel, partialy on what was left of the hood, which with the blood and all, would probably make the person think that I was decapitated, or dead, but even if I wasn't, the neck was twisted badly though, and I was pinned with no where to go, and could only wait patiently, because it took awhile for my family to find out, which someone had done called the Ambulance for me and my Step-brother Little Roddy, who was also in the car, who the paramedics got out first, (which I do thank also those who came to my aide when in this situation,) though he didn't have a scratch on him, which both he and the ambulance drivers could have thought that I was dead, and was maybe off a little ways, maybe 15 feet talking about it, and said, he's probably dead, at which I probably said, no the hell I am not, get me the hell out of here, after a few minutes had passed, but I went into the steering wheel maybe at a slight angle, and windshield, before the front mirrow, and was in the top of the dash board, slumped over, and I know in part it was due to the physical shape that I was in, which was similar to Bruce Lee's, because I was very active, and into Karate, and the marital arts, and would walk, run, or bike ride everywhere, and even after the accident road 26 miles from Springfield, GA to Garden City, Ga., and would weigth lift a little, and would do neck exercises as well, to strech it, according to my Ninjitus training, which was streching the neck to the right, left, and around in circles, and back and forth, which when my mom got there I was fighting with the Paramedic, who said that I was cussing, which all I said was, it hurts damn it, (which I got the scars from both accidents as well as on the left ankle a thick 3 inch scar, three holes on both sides of the pelvis, though it looks worse on the right side than on the left, because of when I started walking with the walker, from the Pelvis ex-fix, and initially putting all my weight on my right side, and 7 in my right hand, and under my nose to the right of my check, and two just above the left knee on the inside and outside of the thigh, because of the fact that the Ex fix extended all the way down my left leg to the ankle which had a cast on it,) (though I got another scar in 2003, or so when I was practicing with Kamas, (which are blades like scikles used for farming by the Japanese peasents, which became a weapon of self defense againt the evil Shoguns, and their Samurai, which there were a few good ones, and bad ones, but they did fight with honor,) which I was practicing with a little, and crossed them, and brought the one in my left hand down to quickly and cut my right forearm, about 2 inches,) which was to immobilaze me, though this is the second accident, which will be explained later on,) but I believe that whatever I told the ambulance drivers in the first accident, which I guess I wouldn't let them put the neck brace on me, and my mom told them to just take me to the hospital, (though in the report they did use the hard neck brace, and left it on overnight, though I don't remember it, when I woke up later on that night in the hospital, though they could have removed it to get the initial CT scan, and I woke up then, but when I woke up I don't remember even hurting,) and saw my mom first, who told me that I was just in an accident, but that the nurse said that I had a nice body, so she let me get some rest, and told me that it will be alright, and lo, and behold, I was whenever I woke up fully, though I think that immobilazing me in the second accident is part of why I still have the side effects, and have the pain, and can't function like I used to fully, I can't ride a bike anymore, but can walk, and run a little still, though I still fight, and practice my Karate a little though side kicks to the left side bothers me, though if I do it fast I can ignore the pain, but if slow I can feel it, and I can't tell you if it is me remembering how I used to be, and doing it a little, or if it is adrenaline, because the Jews, who are still trying to follow Mosheh, (which there is nothing actually wrong with that, though the same God of the Old testament is the inspiration of the New,) believe that your strenght comes from your Kidney's, or something like that, but if they didn't know, we do now, which the ambulance drivers had thought that I had been drinking, and asked me if I had, had anything to drink, and in my delirium I said, yes, and told my mom that I had said that I had been drinking, but my mom asked me what I had, and I said, water. Now in a new way of doing things some of the old things you discard according to Hebrews chapter 7, (which would be true in all religions, because all religions have parts of the truth in them, but there is only one truth, and though you can understand your religion you have to judge it compared to all of nature and life, and discard the rest, though you can't make anyone actually give up their religion, but you can work together on the things that you agree and disagree on to make an understanding, and agree to disagree, but to make similar laws that help people to better understand that we can all get along, though we are all right a little and all wrong a little, and to try to seek the truth together without actually killing each other,) and somethings you keep, (which that would include even the Christians, even if they think that they are the only ones who are going to heaven, as long as they are non violent in their teachings,) though for instance turn the other cheek may be taken the wrong way by the Christians, and they think that you can't fight back, but you can defend yourself if a Christian and attacked by a person, turning the other cheek, was meant for a servant being struck by his, or her owner, and was done to show respect, because usually the servant was hit, for no reason, because usually you would be backhanded, and if you turned to them your right they would have to hit you with the front of their hand, and you would get back some of your dignity, so that doesn't mean that you have to be whimps, but nor do you attack anyone without a cause, and you have to trust that most religions do have a moral center, except maybe Satanism, which would be one religion that God wouldn't like you to follow even if it did have a little morals, but God would never force you, but Lucifer would, so you have to be careful how you play things, because it was Lucifer who harden Pharaoh's heart to not let go the children of Israel, that it may kill the Egyptians, and could play the angel of Death again, and God did this by removing its grace from Pharaoh, because of his pride and sin, and rebellion, because when you act like the devil, but aren't the Devil, you really piss him off, and since we are all mortal now, and at his mercy a little, though the grace of God is upon every human being, and only when you start sinning does it slowly begin to be removed, though with violent crimes it is faster, than with less offensive crimes like stealing, but whatever it is you could still get caught the first time, or may get away with it for awhile, but that is why God set up laws, and people to make sure that they are being carried out, like the Neighborhood watch, and police, though you can repent, it is better not to tempt the grace of God and sin in the first place, because sin is an entrapment, and will only lead you into despair, though you may even seem to get away with it, or have affection from Lucifer, which he can be affectionate, but affection isn't the same as true love, which only God can give you. Why didn't I break my neck? Only God knows. But if I did I can still walk, and God healed me, and to this day I don't suffer from any neck pain, and still lift weights up to 55 pound dumbells on each arm, doing at least 5 reps, and building up by increments of 5, for each weight lower, 50, 45, & 40, but building up the number everytime I work out, for instance for 55 I go from 5, to 6, to 7, to 8, to 9, to 10, and when I reach 10 I start a new higher weight of 60 starting again with 5, and so on and so forth, though I do it only once a month, and work on at least my arms and chest, or curls and bench press, and walk anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour a day, sometimes up to 3 times a day. I also played a little Basketball from ages 10-12, and soccer, and a little baseball, though because of my eye, I knew that I couldn't play well, and remember being told when ever injured shake it off, so I guess with The Lord's help that is what I did, though I also have some memory problems. I hit the windshield so hard though that I don't even remember turning down the road that the accident occurred on, which is part of the grace of the Lord, but my mom told me that I was only knocked out for maybe 2-3 minuets, but didn't remember anything until after arriving at the hospital, which I guess that the paramedics just lifted me out through the broken windhshield, and put me on a gurney, and don't know if they put on the neck brace then, and if that was why I was screaming, or what, which there are 2 St. Joseph's and Memorial, though I believe it was St. Joseph's hospital that I was in, though we now know that it was Memorial, (though I remember most of my life up until and after the accident, just not the accident itself, though I do struggle with my memory sometimes, but with a trauma to the head like that it is to be expected a little,) about 45 minutes after the accident, and was in the hospital for less than a day, and got up and walked out on my own, not even thinking twice about it, though they may have tried to make me use the wheel chair, I don't quite remember all of the deatals about the hospital stay, only that it was less than a couple days, which is to be understandable, but I had stiches in my right hand, and ankle, which were taken out a few weeks later, and the doctors did do a CT scan, but never told me anything specifically that was wrong, I guess thinking ignorance is bliss, but after that I kept up with my Karate, walking, running, Bike Riding, and weight lifting, and joined the Navy though I did get a little lazy while in the Military from 1990-1995, I did get back in shape again in 1993, and stayed pretty much that way until the fall, though I did get married in 1994, though it didn't work out, and I did put on a few pounds again, I would go from 145 to 170, which is only like 10 pounds over my ideal weight of 160, though now I am 65 pounds over weight, I still keep active, and have a wrestlers physique, though I got a little belly, my arms around 17 inches total at the bicep and tricep, forearms 14 inches, and my chest is 48 inches, and my waist around 40-42 inches, my thighs 22 inches, and my calfs 18 inches. Now I have been going over my injury, and have come to anothe conclusion, that the knot behind my right ear is the tip of the Atlas, or C1 vertebrae, which is triangular in shape, but I hit the windshield so hard that this part of the vertebrae broke off, and shot into my skull right behind the ear, having no where else to go, and with the windshield falling on my head, the bone healed and the bone from the vertebrae is now fused into that part of the skull. To see what I am talking about go to to see the Atlas. To see the different pictures go to & to see the injury, and some of the evidence. The last one happened when I was 25 after I had joined the Navy, and was being discharged for psychological problems, because of my belief that I could be one of the two witnesses from the book of Revelation, which my Pastors, told me without explaining clearly, No, you are not one of the two witnesses, and said it in such a way as to make me think, that I was wrong for thinking that I was one of the two witnesses, which I will explain later on, though I dealt with it a little on my web site. This happened around the time of the 1st Persian Gulf War, I also suffered from Post Post traumatic stress, because of what the church taught me about the up coming war, and how my ship mates told me that the ship was prophesied to sink by Nostradamus, but what really scared me is that someone like Hitler, who used his prophesies to easily conquer the French in World War II, and that someone would do that with the ship that I was on, by using Nuclear, or Neutron Bomb technology, or planting a bomb on the ship, and it sinking, and me being left alone, but somehow surviving it, and taken captive by hostile forces. Another factor may have also been that I hadn't ate before I fell, so I was also hungry, and was planning to eat at a buffet, because sometimes to save money I would skip paying for a meal on base, because I got money instead of eating for free which would help me to go out once and awhile, though I mainly ate cheap food again like Chef Boyardee, and Chuncky Cambell's soup, with Saltines, though once I ate some spam, or something, and suffered from food poison, or something, but was given some antibiotics, so recoved, but liked going out as much as I could. In 1994 I wound up falling 34 feet from a 3 story high 11-12 foot per floor building, though your typical house, or apparment is 7 and 1/2 feet from floor to cealing, but the barracks were 9&1/2-11&1/2 feet per floor. The following is based on the best of my recolection of the event. It was payday Sept. 15, 1994, and I had just gotten $250.00 out of the A.T.M. and was planning on going out for the night, and wanted to get cleaned up a little. So I took off my shirt, and went to the Bathroom area at the sink with my travel bag, and put my key in my travel bag and comenced to get washed up, and washed under my arms, and the usual places. I then briefly left my travel bag on the counter, and proceed to take a leak. I got back, and went back to my room, but when I went into my travel bag to find the key, it was missing. Then I went down to the guy on watch, to see if there was a master Key that could open my room, or a shirt I could borrow, or anothe place for me to sleep for the night, but was told no to all, because all of the rooms had locks on them, and I was stuck outside my room with no where to sleep for the night, no shirt, and no money for a motel room, because my money and A.T.M. card was in the room. After finding out there was no master Key, I figured that maybe the old people who were originally in the barracks might would have a master Key, and went looking to find someone to help me, but no luck. I even went to base security to see if they could help me get in, but no one was willing to do anything. Then I tried to break into the room, using a pair of thick screw drivers, and wasn't able to. Then finally in a last ditch effort to get into my room, I remembered opening the window, but wasn't sure if I fully shut it, and figured if I could get on the roof, that I could simply lower myself down to the ledge and check it, and if it was open, see if I could get in, if it wasn't simply climb back on the roof, and get down the same way that I got on it in the first place. So I counted the number of rooms from my room to the end of the hall to the left, which was at the back of the building. Then went outside, and counted again to my room, and saw that I could safely lower myself down to it, and stand on the ledge. Then I went around to the right side of the building, and climbed the steps, which went up to the 3rd floor of the building. There was an opening with a solid ledge itself, that I had to climb up on to get to the roof, there was no direct access to the roof. I managed to climb up with little difficulty, and again counted the rooms, and began to slowly lower myself down to the window ledge, I was maybe 4 to 6 inches away from the ledge, which is less than a full step, up a staircase, which is normally about 8 inches. So I let go of the roof to get on the ledge, and that's all I remember, the next thing I know I am waking up in the Emergency room, having survived the fall, which I can touch the roof of my house fully stretched out, so that's 7 & 1/2 feet, so that means that from the roof to the window ledge was 8 feet, the window ledge was 3 feet, no higher then 3 & 1/2 feet, so that alone is 11 feet, though the roof had a ledge running around it at about a foot, or a foot and a half, so the 3rd floor was at least from floor to cealing 9 & 1/2 feet, but the 2nd floor was taller than the 1st and 3rd, by at least 2 feet, so that 11 & 1/2, with at least a foot for the foundation, and anywhere between 1/2 foot, to a foot per floor betweent the cealing and floor of the next story, so that would bring the heigth to somewhere over 32 feet which is a 4 story building, so I fell at least 24 and 1/2 feet, but I only damaged the left side, which means that I landed safely on the right, but sprained my left ankle and jamed my left leg up into my pelvis then I fell backwards, and landed on my sacrum, which is part of the spine, and was knocked out from the impact, though like with the car accident when I was found I was awake, but I wasn't yet fully conscious, but semi conscious. When I woke up in the hospital I thought that I had broken my back, but was told that I broke my pelvis, and was put in a Pelvis ex-fix, which instead of being a cast for one side of my body, it was a metal ex-fix, that was drilled into both sides of my pelvis, and with a pin around the knee, and going all the way down to my ankle, with a cast on the ankle, and was black and blue in the testicle, and lower extremities, but I came to find out that I was lied to and broke the sacrum, also I knew that the key was stolen, because when Base security got into my room, they didn't find the money, only my key on the desk, and am positive that I took out the money. I was up and walking with a walker within 39 days of the fall, though initially I still had the Pelvis Ex-fix in my pelvis, which weighed about 10-20 pounds, and still got up, which was up until Oct. 24, and went home on Nov. 1, for convalesce leave, or vacation, on Crutches, and by Dec 16 was using a cane, and by the end of Dec. was walking without support, because of my faith in God, and Jesus. I was miraculously healed, and should have had some sort of nerve damage in both accidents, but was either healed, and the doctors in both cases never told me, because they couldn't believe that I could walk after such a thing, but it was the Holy Ghost, by my faith in Jesus, who helped me to better understand God, that helped me to survive these three near death experiences. Looking back over my med board from the accident, I discovered somethings that were never explained to me properly, the whole left side of the pelvis was pushed up between .5 CM to 1 full centimeter, which in U.S. customary system it is 7/32nd's, to more than 3/16th's of an inch, under 2/8th's, nearly 1/4th, or a quarter of an inch, to 15/32nd's of an inch, over 6/16th's of an inch, under 4/8th's of an inch, and 2/4th's, or quarters of an inch, or 1/2 inch, sheer, where the pelvis would have to be pushed up into the sacrum, which initially I thought that I pushed it up a millimeter, because I haven't dealt with the metric system in awhile, which it takes 25.4 millimeters to equal one inch, so in the metric that means that I not only fractured the pelvis, but pushed it up as well into the sacrum, and spinal area, which means that nerves, and muscel ripped, from the bottom of my pelvis near the anus, coccyx, to the top near the sacrum, which would also push the right side down a little, which was why they put on the 20 pound ex-fix hoping that the bone would settle back, which to see my medical records go to ;-.p, but even then, I still shouldn't be walking, which I started walking within 6 weeks of the injury with toe touch weight bearing on the left side. Now do you think that I understood what all the doctors were saying to me? Because they told me about the pelvis sheer, but I didn't know the exact area that it occurred, I could have sheered it below the sacrum, which no one ever told me specifically which part was broken, if I broke the ilium directly, to the left, or what, which is possible, so I tried to work on it not understanding specifically what was wrong, so with no medical training other than C.P.R. and the Saturday morning cartoons, the knee bone connected to the thigh bone, type of understanding of the skeletal system, so didn't understand that the whole pelvis was lifted up approximately .5 cm. to 1 cm. which I thought when looking at a ruler was the millimeter, and that I only pushed it up a 1/2 millimeter to a millimeter, which I am glad that they put the ex-fix on me now that I understand what had happened, which I didn't sign the med board until Nov. 3rd, so was still in bed maybe a little drugged when I first came in and they act like I purposefully didn't reopen my case, when the truth is I never was explained the true details of my injury, which again all I am requesting is at least 100% back pay to when I was discharged, and that Veterans with low ratings like 10% to 20% be given up to 2 years to reopen their cases, instead of a year, incase they don't understand the nature of their injury, as long as their employers collaborate that they had difficulty working during this time, in case they also confuse the amount of time that they have to reopen the case with the amount of time in the in-active reserve as I did, which were honest mistakes that anyone could have made let alone someone who they thought was Paranoid Schizophrenic, and wasn't told specifics of the injury nor that he had a year to reopen the case. I have medical evidence at least for the 4 story fall, but not for the car accident, because it was such a medical marvel, that no one told me, which what I mean by that is that the doctors never sat me in their office, and told me that I almost broke my neck in two, and from the time they CT scanned me that night till the morning I was miraculously healed with no sign of a break, fracture, or locked facet, though as you already know I got the medical records finally, and have shared with you the details of the incident as best as I can piece together. Now after this I also had another minor accident, and another concusion in 1988, or 89, while riding my bike, I was on the left side of the road, riding towards traffic, like I believe you are supposed to, but someone pulled up to the stop sign, and I couldn't see them in time, nor stop, so I flipped over the handle bars, (though again I had been in another bike accident around 15-16 where I went over the handlebars on Old 17 as well, and hit the pavement, and got up and just kept going again like nothing happened, though all I did that time was skin my knees and hands real bad,) but only the ambulance was called, which they checked me out, and figured that I had another mild concusion, which I believe I slept it off, because like when Adam went to sleep and Elohiym brought forth the woman out of his bone and flesh, a nice sleep is sometimes the best thing, and let the body mend on its own naturally, don't immobialze the neck, which I was probably not letting them put the neck brace on, or they after getting the windshield off of my head, put it on immeditately, and either way telling them, it hurts damn it, that could be partially why the nerves can't heal right, on other paitents, because you stretch out the neck muscels, and cause additional trauma, and may need to make a softer neck brace, but I would run, walk, and bike ride the whole trailer park, that my mom moved to when her and my step-Dad got a divorce, which is behind Chattam city Appartments, which my first job was working for Revco drugs, and I had to ride my bike back and forth everyday to work, though sometimes I would be a little late, and eventually got fired, but worked for three months solid, and the new manager didn't like me, and normally I was no more than a couple minutes late, though after awhile with my ship mates I just didn't bother showing up to muster on time. Now I wasn't lazy with the pelvis injury I tried to work on it for nearly 2 years, and could still maybe do some parttime work under 25 hours, (though I use that to exercise with now, and am 225 pounds, and have high blood pressure,) so I would sooner exercise, and live than work, and maybe die, but not enough to make a living at, though it messed up my disability, when I filed, because I filed right away, but the Navy only gave me a 10% on it, so I naturally not even knowing that I had broken part of the sacrum, probably to the lower part of the illium, maybe 1 inch up, and pushed up a centimeter, though when I came to I started moving to show the Navy doctors, that if they had just left me alone I would have been fine, but I guess they gave me a sedative, though I am not one to simply give up and use an injury to go on disability, but something the Navy Doctors did, messed me up to where I couldn't handle the pain, and they also didn't tell me that I only had a year to file with them, after I filed initially, because I filed for my disability right away, but because I was in the in Active reserves for 2 years, I thought that I had 2 years to work, but even then I only missed the deadline by less than 7 months, which only took that long, because I wasn't actually in the system, but even with that they still won't back pay me from when I was discharged, and I went through some ruff stuff while in the Navy, which most of it will be explained in other blogs, though my house is a mess, and I can't keep it clean like I used to could just after the accident, and worked light duty for the rest of my time in the Navy, though I had an easy job to begin with, though occasionally I will use the cane if I have to, though I also try to limit my time out to when I am able to walk, after laying down anywhere from 14 to no longer than 20 hours, though I will be alright initailly and can walk unaided, the longer I am on it the more it hurts, but the first one was totally my fault, and God and Jesus healed me, 1-- 5, but with the second one, because it was 50/50 my fault, and the Navy doctors stepped in and interferred in the healing process, that God could have done better than them, but the Navy also did a CT scan on me during the time that I was having trouble sleeping, during A school, which is on another blog, but if they CT me, and found out what the doctors at Memorial hid from me as well, then they should have left me alone, because God already healed me of a spinal cord injury when I was 16, and I mentioned being in an accident on my dental Helath questionaire, though I said at age 17, when it was 16, but I turned 17 in Nov. of that year. Here are a few other things I did while growing up, once while Aunt Ginie was baby sitting me, Mema had a feeling to check on me, like intuition, and Ginie was trying to hush me up by spanking me, and Mema got me from her, I think that mom and dad lived in the same appartment that I live in now the first couple of years. When I was about 3, because of the fire, I saw a group playing a song called "Fire," and they had pyro effects on the screen, and it scared me. When in Jr. High one boy was picking on me of a sexual nature, and telling me that he knew that my head had never even seen a cave, meaning my penis head, or tip had never even entered a vagina, not even a little, though I knew what he meant, which was around 13. I also remember being left out in the car at the K-mart on Victory Dr., and wanting to go in, but Mom wouldn't let, and of course there were toys that I wanted, but couldn't get as well. I also had Cowboy and Indians, and army men, and stuff like that, which I would play with, I would bite the arrows off of the ends of the Indians Bow and Arrow to make it look like they shot it at the cowboys, of course not realizing that the arrow would be gone, and I couldn't shoot it again. I also remember going over to John and Robyn's who lived off of Skidaway and Pennsylvania Ave. whose last name was Warren, and they had a daughter named Christine, who was one of the girls that I would play doctor with while growing up, though I did see her and Rodin again, when we moved to the Trailer park on Harley Dr. I also played with cap guns, and the like, and around 11, or so got a bow and arrow set, with the target, and the dull pointed arrows, or training arrows, but I wasn't good at it. Which Debbie Brant, and her son Joey, who is also mentioned on another blog is one of my mom's early friends as well, and we would go over to their trailer, which Mrs. Brant had a house in the front, and Debbie would live with her different boyfriends, like Rodger, which we were playing kick ball once, and I was running to base, and had to jump like a gazel to avoid the ball, but Rodger got me out anyway, but thought that the way I jumped was amazing, though once me, Joey, and Christine were play truth or dare, and I was dared to show my penis, and Joey said that it was as big as Rodger's, and Rodger was about 6 foot or so, but I guess that is why me and Christine didn't hook up later on, because I was afraid that I was to big for her, though I did try over at our tailer once, but nothing happened, and I felt like she was afraid that I was too big for her, though I only kissed on her a little, but nothing else happened, though Robin and John did Divorce later on, and moved to a different tailer park, which I saw Christine then, and was still interested, but heard that she had already had sex with somebody, and felt betrayed, so that is also why I didn't try anything later on. Though over at Aunt Tina's, I saw a horse and Mare having sex once, and a couple of dogs over at Rodgers and Debbies, but I didn't know what to think about it at the time. Uncle Stan and Aunt Jenean had Horses also, though I never saw them have sex, but when I was little around 5 or so I road one, and fell off the back once, but didn't ride one again, though when older I was interested in Horses, and went to some stables, I wasn't confident enough, and remembered the fall. Also I remember my Dad getting locked in the Wind Dixie, that is where the Dollar General is, or Gaston Lumber, here in Garden City, and crying, because I was afraid that he wouldn't come out again. Mom and Big Roddy would occasionally take us to the babysitters, I believe that they lived in the same trailer park by and Behind Chattam City, on Shady Lane, and I think that they were a little racist, but it wasn't too bad, but they would talk about kissing an African American, and how their gums were blue, and stuff like, that, but I didn't pay it no never mind, we would sit, eat dinner and watch T.V. and take naps, and all of that. I went to a wedding of one of our African American friends, with mom and Big Roddy, and was eating chicken wings, but I thought that they were little drum sticks, but really they were the large part of the wing, when I saw what I thought was a grape, but it turned out to be an olive, and I didn't like the taste to much, but it was because I was expecting something else, though this was after we moved to Pineora. I also did a little sewing when younger, and had a white frabric with the pattern of a flower and pot, and had to use the different threads to sew the pattern, and did an allright job. The name of the African American boy who I got into a fight with in the 7th grade, was named Clyde Mydel, and I saw him later on, and suggested going into the Navy, after I went through boot camp, and had bought the Grand Am, but I didn't hold a grude against him, either. The first name of the guy who harassed me in the 9th was named Brian also, but it took me awhile to remember, becsuse I have a cousin named Brian, and a friend anmed Brian, though also Dion, and Bubba, Shea, and Tootie, Glen, Travis, and Jennifer and Dana, to name a few, and Uncle Billy as well, and Tony, Uncle Marcel and Aunt Fancise, who I would confuse with Aunt Francine once and a while, and Uncle Harvey, and his son Little Harvey, also Terry his older daughter. I also got acne after puberty, and would use clearsel, and all of that, and once used the covering kind, and was picked on for looking like I was wearing make-up. In High School one of my first girlfriends was named Beverly and she would let me touch and kiss her, though we broke up later on, when we held hands it felt like we weren't right for each other is all, and like her hand was metalic, or something, but I had no problem making out with her on campus, and feeling her up, and even touching her vagina, which the only place that we could have sex would be in the bushes, and I wasn't sure if she was a virgin or not, and didn't want it to get messy or anything, and was afraid that we would get caught, so broke up with her, because it didn't feel right. I also tried to work with Little Roddy during the summer, and he worked as a roofer, and house builder, and I was harassed a little on these jobs as well, but I don't remember the names of the Bosses, but I worked the best that I could, the House builder would call me "Willy", and my name is Shane Edward Lee, but they did it in a harassing form, we also worked with a guy named Heath who would also ride the bus, and went to school with us, one of the girls who would mess with me once and awhile was Shelba Cone, though we would pick on her too, because she looked like Boy George, though I could sing like him. Me and Mark got electricuted once, because we had touched Myron's Dad's electirc fense, which it was like a buzz going through your body, which they had for the cows, but we thought that it was turned off, which it was about 115 Volts, or so, so it just shocked us a little, but is also part of why I was effected when King got electircuted. I also would try to help Myron and David, when they would fix Old Red, but I again had never worked on a car before, and wanted them to tell me what to do, before I made a mistake, though again later on I bought my own car a 1976 Camero, and it was having transmission problems, and I bought it for like $600.00, and saved up for it and everything, I think I was working at Roger Wood or something, which Myron would stop by, and we would still hang out, and go to the movies, and stuff even then, though I saw David once and awhile, and I worked with Josh's dad in the Bone room seperating neck bones for cooking, but I bought a transmission from the Junk yard, and tried to put it in, but I guess I didn't do it right, because I wound up selling it to the Junk yard, but Myron did help me a little with it, and I was up all night trying to get it together right and remembered how things went, and where I got it from, and bought a car's guide for the Camero to help me out. Now when we acted like we were gay, we would do it fully clothed, so don't get any ideas, it wasn't anything of a sexual nature, we would just pretend, and then stop, and grad each other from behind, but never touched penis to anus, or anything, though in Boot camp they would tell us Nut to Butt, while standing in line, but even then I never got hard or sexually excited or anything, but that never happened with us three, and men try to force other men to be gay, and make them stay gay if they go gay, but God doesn't see us as gay to start with, and we can be celibate or straight with God, you don't have to marry if you don't want to, but sexual sins are the problem. When dating Lisa I would get to at least 3 base, and she would let me rub my penis on the outside of her vagina, or let me go down on her and lick it, though I never orgasmed with her on her vagina, though she would let me rub against her to clamax with clothes on, but we never went all the way, though once we went behind the shed, and it got pretty close, but still didn't happen, though when I stayed at her aunts one time, which is what her mom would do to let us see each other, we went into the front, and I was using my fingers, and she started bleeding real bad, but said that she wasn't a virgin, but I guess she was ashamed, because her dad had been molesting her also, which I found out later on, but I still tried to work it out with her, but she also said that she had caught an S.T.D. and I was still a virgin, and though I might could have gotten a little pre-ejaculate around the outside, I never orgasmed, so don't know what she was talking about. When me and Mark got in trouble, the odd thing about the house that he selected to rob was that the window that he went in through was open, which could mean that there was an inside man, but again, I was half out of it, because this happened right after the accident, though in the final worse case scenario when I hit the windshield I broke all three vertebrae, C1-C3 horizontally, because I should have smashed my whole top half of my head into the windshield, though I still could have twisted down, and to the left as I sort of cork screwed through the window as my head would also slide down, and to the left, the reason I say this is because the card that they used to imprint on my release papers says, CERVICAL FR, WITH THE NUMBERS 238841-3 AT THE TOP, WITH DR EDWARD DEWNING AS THE DOCTOR, WHICH MEANS THAT I PROBABLY ALSO SEVERED MY SPINAL CORD A FEW MILLIMETERS EACH VERTEBRAE, FOR OVER A CENTIMETER, WHICH THE INJURY DOWN THERE IS VERTICLE, BUT AT THE TOP OF THE NECK COULD ONLY BE HORIZONTAL, which the number for Memorial is (912) 350-8000. I also tried doing a little heating and air work with a friend of my mom's and dad's, who lived in Bloomingbale, before I joined the Navy, but he also acted like I was supposed to know what to do rather than him showing me what to do. I also lived with David who let me move in when me and mom started having problems about me living at home as well, we also lived with a girl in an apartment, I forget both the name of it and the girl, at the moment, but rememeber the location, it was also the first time that I drank wishey, but I just went to sleep, and didn't do anything too wild, when my head got a little tipsy, but I also showed a couple of guys some of the Karate moves that Cliff taught us, like a back fist, side kick combination, we hung out with a couple of other guys as well, but the girl wanted us to move out eventually, though it could have been during the summer, I am not guite sure some things I remember better and some things I have problems remembering, but that is from now, though we were looking for jobs, and the like, and worked for Flour Daniels Constuction, though I also worked for them again in Savannah, with Connie's brother, and Dad, which I can't remember their names either, but remember their faces. Big Roddy had moved to Willimington Island at this time, and was staying in a small one room apartment, which we all stayed in when we visited, with Renee', we even did a little water sking, or boarding, once, with the Land Lords, I forget their names, but they had a dock, which we could go on, but we would also walk over to the Shereton Hotel, though it is closed now, which I also saw Christine there, and we were playing pool against a couple of guys, and I wasn't that good at it, so she said I could make up for it later on, and I remarked, I don't think so, and wasn't wanting to have sex with her, because like I said I felt like she had betrayed me, by not letting me have her virginity, but later on that wasn't the issue, when I was having promiscuous sex, it didn't matter if she was a virgin or not. I also met a girl who drove me back home, but she had her friends with her, so nothing happened, but she was in an Isuzu I mark, but it was her boyfriends car, and the girls said that she should betray him, and do something stupid with me, so I didn't force the issue. Litter Roddy met Ricky's and Barbra's older Daughter who was down to see them, or something, but I remember before that he brought some girl over to the trailer, and me and maybe Mark, or Joey was there, and we could hear them moaning through the walls, and Roddy was louder than the girl. Which Barbra and Ricky are other friend's of my mom, and they had two sons, Little Ricky, and I forget the name of the other one, though I did try to baby sit them once, but they were wild. I would also sometimes Baby sit Renee', but I was spanked allot whenever I did something wrong, so tried to get Renee' to listen to me the same way, but it didn't work, as it had with me, but we would often after we moved watch the Labyrinth the movie with Jennifer Connely, and David Bowe, and I would sing like David, and the puppets, and me and Renee' would just have a good ole time with it, so I did get better at it, I did get a little possessive of the food that I bought, but am not that way now. I went out to Garden City church of God, when living in Garden City with Grace, Brian, and Paula, which the Pastor came over to the trailer one day, and Debbie's son Joey was over with his mom, and we were watching a Ninja movie, i think that it was American Ninja, or something like that, with Michael Dudikoff, or something like that, and they were cussing a little, and he told us that it was O.K. to watch movies as long as we knew the difference, between fantasy and real life, though with my miracle, I still knew, but also wasn't told the nature of it until just recently, as mentioned in my other blogs. After I lost my job at Revco, I had a problem finding one for awhile, and Mom started wanting me to move out, so finally I moved to Linda's House Gina's mom, and stayed there for a night, and got in touch with My Grandaddy Claude, and he let me stay with him for awile, and he was the one who got me on at Rodger wood, but she let me move back in, after awhie, but I lived with Claude and his new wife Dora, though she had a son with AIDS, which they lived on 17, and I stayed there a couple of months, and moved back home, though this is when I started becoming possessive about the food that I bought which was mainly Cambell's chunky soup, Chef Boyardee, Little Debbie snack cakes, and Ramain noodles, which was basically what I lived off of. I also met a girl at David's trailer park, she was part of the reason that I rode my bike up there, and back, which we dated a little, but I remember her in a brown tight Bikini and you could see though it and see her Vagina,or camel toe, but I don't remember her name, but we talked on the phone, but had to break up, because I couldn't keep riding up there to see her. I also worked for the Airport Days Inn in Garden City, before I joined the Navy, I had a hard time, because I had to get up around 5:00 A.M. in the morning, and ride my bike into work every morning, and it got tirsome, and the guy who was training me, didn't care about doing it right, and I wound up getting fired, though they moved the Airport now, and it is in a new location. I also worked for Baldino's Subs, and quit because I wanted to join the Navy at this time. When we went to boot camp we went by plane to Chicago, and also flew home, I would go home by either plane, bus, or car. I also did things with the recruting office before I joined the Navy, and helped with a concert that the Navy band was having here in Savannah. I also remember in boot camp, when they mustard gassed us, but I was able to handle boot camp better than the fleet. I would also come home, and see everyone, and tell them what was happening to me in the Navy, in fact I met the first girl that I had sex with at Uncle Russel's at Shae's Birthday party, she was there as sort of a stripper, but so was Shae's girlfriend, so I wound up hooking up with her, but she turned a little mean on me, on the way back to Uncle Russel's, we ran out of gas, and we had to get a ride back to the house, and a guy picked us up, but she was being mean the whole time, then later on after we got back she went off with Shae for a couple of hours as well, and when she got back I acted like I was in bed asleep, which after that I went into the front bedroom, and Shae's girlfriend was in the front, and I sort of hit on her, but nothing happened, which happened in 1991, 2 years before Sheena, though I was treated for the gonoerhea a couple months later, because I wasn't sure if I was infected with it, so I went back to Mom's after that, and Tootie and Shea, though I talked with Myra on the phone a couple of times, I didn't see her allot, but maybe a few times, when she lived in Meldrum. I would also see Uncle Ronnie, who was living in a house on Smith Ave. renting a room from a woman named Mary, which is down the road from where I live now, though Uncle Russel was having problems with his prostrait when I came back after the cruise, so I prayed for him, and felt the anointing leave my body, and he is still around today, though My Granddady Lancaster died of Prostrait cancer, I think that Granddaddy Lee died of a heart attach or something like that, while I was in the Navy. I would also see Brian, and Grace, and their family, but Paula had moved off somewhere, and was married, but while I was living nextdoor to them I would often fantasize about Paula, and even saw her naked through her front door window once, because I had went over there to visit a little, and saw her standing there, and she looked fine, but I looked away, but still knocked on the door anyway, but was standing away from it, and when she asked if I was looking through the window I denied it. Mom had moved to 91 A Main St., from 44 Harley Dr. Though Mark eventually got the apartment, when Mom moved to Westwood in Rincon. When I came back later on from the Navy I had found out that Little Roddy had shot his leg almost clean off with a shot gun, because of Barbra's Daughter, I can't quite remember her name, for some reason, but I only met her briefly, and the next thing I knew she was dating Little Roddy. After I quit going out to Christian Fellowship Church I started going to Victory Dr. Deliverance Temple, off of Whitaker, and had problems their as well, I was trying to be spiritual, and lead of the Holy Ghost still, in fact once me and some of the ladies went up to a church in South Carolina, and I was lead of the spirit to massage the back of one of the ladies, but she missread me, and later on acted like I was doing something inapporptirate, but the thing is she had a back condition, which I didn't even know about, but that shows how carnal people can be when someone is trying to help them, but I had to ride back with someone else, and was open with everyone at the church, greeting them with Holy Kisses, and not sexual inuindo, though I did have sex with women outside of the church, but never with women in the church, though I would go to church with women I was dating, like Daphne, Maribel, and Denise, and things like that, though one guy told me that I needed to return to the grace of the Lord, which is where you let the Holy Ghost keep you, and help you to not sin against God and Jesus. Though after Christian Fellowship and Pastor Thomas, my life sexually became like a James Bond movie, and I had never before had so many woman want to just have sex with me, but 16 women in 7 years is allot of woman, and I have learned that it is better to wait than to let your sex drive run into overtime, and don't endorse promiscuous sex, but do advise being open in your marriage to both the men and the woman, and don't be set in the way that you have sex so that Satan can't creep in and steal your wife from you, or Liyliah can't steal your husband. Though I also went out to the strip clubs around Norfold and Savannah, and even Portsmouth, which if you are single is again O.K. as long as you obey the rules, but as for me I also didn't drink much, and kept my faculties, and I never smoked or snything, though I got a couple of lap dances, and even went over to South Caroline across the Talmage Bridge awhile back, and a club near Hinseville with Asian woman, and Uncle Harry's a local bar in between Savannah and Garden City, but again that is only once and awhile, and not frequent, and I can even go to just get some Coke, or to talk with a female bar tender, and don't even sexually respond unless I am getting a lap dance, though I will fantasize about the girl that I am interested in, later on that night, which again I am not telling anyone under the age of 21 to do anything illegle, nor endorsing strip clubs for everyone, some people can't handle them, and some people can, if you can then it is O.K. as long as you behave yourself, if you can't and feel uncomfortable then don't go. Though once on a bus trip, back to pick up my Grand Am after it had broken down, and the engine went bad on me, and I had to get a loan from the emergency fund on ship, I ran into a woman who gave me her number and address, and wanted me to stop by, after I picked up the car, so I did, but she had another guy, and wanted both of us to have sex with her, and I wasn't into that, so she wound up taking me in the bathroom and performing oral sex on me, and orally stimulate my penis until ejaculation, though she used her hand as well, but I lasted about 5 minutes, and let me do it in her mouth, but spit it out, but I didn't like the feeling of it, because she was trying to get me off quicker than I was ready to ejaculate, and she would have done better to just have had sex with me in the bathroom, because I am sure that her other "friend" thought that we had probably had sex being that long in the bathroom, but she wanted me to come back, but I didn't feel right, and was worried that me and the guy would fight over who got the vagina, so didn't go back again, so I only liked straight sex with penis in vagina, though Maribel would go down on me a little, and would rub the outside of her vagina on the outside of my penis while on top, with it pointing up, which is good if you don't want to have actual sex, but either way I lasted longer than the average guy, I would always prefer straight sex, and never had anal sex, with anyone, though the woman invited me over, because of my eye, and because she thought that I would be into it, but she was wrong, though sometimes I would put my legs on the outside when with Maribel, and with her legs on the inside, which was good as well, and would make it tighter. When on the ship my shipmates would give me a maintance card to do, but never wanted to show me how to do it, so I wound up having to hide in a breaker room, which is a room, where you shut off the different breakers, which I couldn't understand why they thought that I knew what to do, and was afraid to act like I didn't, so acted like I did, and would go off and hide, and then come back later, and get my tags signed, and then go and do the job the best that I could, which genearally meant going to the right location, but since I didn't know which equipment it was that I was working on, I would then go and hide in the breaker rooms, once King was up on watch with the new Commander, and I came in to get him to sign my tags, but told him that I couldn't find anyone else at the moment, and the Commander didn't say anything, because the person signing them is supposed to verify that the breakers are all shut off, which is the purpose of the second signature. Now they assumed just like the Navy and V.A. did that I could figure it out on my own, but they were wrong, because I didn't want to even try if there was the slightest chance that I could get electricuted, or if I am in an obsessive mode. I also did watch with other divisions, because my shipmates blamed me for not being able to learn my rating, or job, which they were right a little, to blame me, but I could do watches, though when King caught me with my eyes closed on watch, and tested me, I hadn't actually done anything with the equipment, the 400 HZ generator, and the panel in awhile, and he had turned off one of the switches, which I had forgotten which switch it was, that was how long I hadn't actually used the panel, or switchboard, and though when in the Generator shop after I first got to the ship we did do maintance work on them, I hadn't done it again since, and don't remember what it was we worked on, I think it was the bushings, or brushes, or something like that. But that was both before and during Sheena, and before I was being discharged for paranoid Schizophrenia, and then later on the fall. When I went home for Convalesnce leave I went home on crutches, but kept getting stronger and stronger, fighting harder and harder, and I even prayed in tongues over my ankle, and kept believing God and not giving up that I would walk again. When I went home on leave during the times while in active duty it was generally two weeks, though after boot camp, because I worked out of the recruiting office I got 19 days, though because of Christian fellowship, I went to Virgina early, then we would go on leave before a cruise, or Christmas, which was either before or after Christmas, which I generally got to go before Christmas, which could have made some of the guys Jealous, and I also got to go home when Granddaddy died, though on our first cruise we were overseas at Christmas, but when we got back I got to go home again, then we were back in port for a year, and I went home for Christmas again, then again in March of 93, went home again, and again we came back, but I don't think I went home then, cause either I couldn't go then or at Christmas, but before that happened I had a nervous break down, and sought medical help, because I didn't have much time left in the Navy, which was around Oct. though Sheena's ship had came back and I think that I saw her with another guy on base, at the club, but I wasn't sure if it was her, because she let her hair grow out, and looked a little different, but I just walked away when the guy started putting his hands down her pants, and left shortly there after, though I may have still gotten to go home for Christmas, I was in Portsmouth for 2 weeks, and then Med Hold, which I would also go out to Christian Fellowhip and was trying to keep it all toghther the best that I could, which in 94 I went home again around Christmas for leave, and may have went back if Christmas fell on the weekend that year, though also in 1995 I went home, and met Kathryn Stevens from Labor Finders at this time, and came home in March, and was with Maribel again. I also called a Synagouge in Virgina once, but called it a church, and the receptionist got upset with me for calling it a church. When I first started dating Maribel, I only thought of her when mastubating, until August, when she asked me to stop, I only thought of her while masturbating from Feb. to Aug., but then I would think of the different figure skaters, like Chen Lu, and once and awhile Kristi Yamaguchi, and since she was underage at the time once and a long while Michele Kwan, though like if I hear that she is in a relationship I won't even do it, and will pick someone who is single, which is only because of Maribel and my dream, and trying to find the right woman for me, which could be considered obsessive, or faithful depending on how you look at it, but I became obsessed with figuring out if what the Gnostics said had any scriptures that back them up in an Orthodox way, in the Bible, and that is what I did, combined some of the Gnositc, and Orthodox teachings, and unwittingly opened the 7 seals, though I had help from the Gnostic writings themselves, and being open minded to what I was reading in the Bible, and finding some of what they said as being in the Bible itself, and with it as my source opened my understanding of the scriptures beyond what I was shown by either my churches, or my ship mates, which a new 1st class Petty officer had told me that Satan had sex with Eve and then Adam, but that Satan was male, which didn't make sense, but then I found out about true hermaphrodites, and that did make sense that Adam would let Eve have sex with what he thought was another woman, but was really a hermaphrodite with a penis and vagina, which I was shown by Christian Fellowship how to match scriptures from one passage with scriptures from another to both let and make it say what it appears to be saying, but anyone and everyone can twist the Bible, but I did this in the Orthodox fashion not forgetting my base understanding of the Doctrine either, which I also was working on while working with Kathryn, and honestly thought that I had 2 years, which the whole time I was working for her my back was bothering, me, but because of my obsession I still thought that I had to wait 2 years before I could file, because the Navy said that I could work basically on both disabilities, by giving me a 0 % on the Schizophrenia and a 10% on the ankle and Pelvis, but then I found out after I filed that the V.A. had changed it to 10% on the Schizophrenia and 0 % on the ankel and pelvis, and though in the award letter they may have mentioned that I only had a year to reopen my case, since I was home in GA. I never got the letter, because I couldn't work. Which unless the Navy told me before I was discharged, which I don't remember, because I told them that I would file right away with the V.A. nor was it mentioned by the Lady that I filed with that I only had a year to reopen my case, so it never came up, and I didn't think to ask, just like I didn't think that I had to ask my shipmates to train and work with me, I thought that it would be automatic, that they would train me and tell me what I needed to know, and I am also considered a naieve and trusting person as well. I stayed in Virgina until March of 1996 after I was discharged in Augtust of 1995, and had a hard time, because my car was in an accident, someone stole my wallet, and had to wait 3-4 months for the Navy to reissue the check, and was stuck, and tried to work both with a heating and Air place in Norfolk, and the 7-11, which we used to have 7-11's in Savannah, but there aren't anymore, but I was having problems with my leg and my obsessions, so finally went home. I tried going on Unemployment as well, but was having problems getting around, after my car was wrecked, and was told by the Psychiatrists that I could work, and only had a 10% with the leg, so didn't think that I could get on even Social Security, even when I got to Georgia, but I worked at Springfield Chrysler Auto Mart at 1500 Hwy 21, but was offered a job at Union Camp, which is a refinery where paper products are made, and didn't was given an interview, and asked if I could go on to it, but the manager fired me, because I wanted to at least try, but wound up not getting the job at Union Camp, and was fired from the other job, so just kept trying to find something, which Kathryn at Labor Finders helped me out the most, but she could tell a little that my leg was bothering me, but wasn't a medical doctor or anything, and didn't know that I only had a year to reopen my case either. When I got back to Savannah, and was living with John I was trying to find somewhere to go out to church, or synagouge, and started going out to Congregation Mickve Israel on Gordon St. in down town Sav. for about several months month, around December, and asked about becoming a member of the congregation, and he told me that all it took was a prick of blood from the penis, if I was already circumcised. After the accident while home on Convalesce leave Uncle Harvey helped me get into a 1992 Chevy Cavalier, with a stick as well, and went through Wachovia bank, to get the loan, and kept up the payments until the car broke down, with the transmission, but I did have a bad ankle and it was the clutch that went out on me, and transmission, and though we got someone to fix it, it broke down again after visiting Maribel again for the last time in Sept. of 1996. While working for Kathryn Stevens at Labor Finders I told her everything that I was told that I had broken my Pelvis, though I more told her about it, but I worked all over the place, at Sun City in South Carolina, The Savannah Dump off of Hwy 17, and even out at the Ports a little, hooking up bails of sand for making cement, though I did fall off of the truck, I only fell maybe 3 feet, and landed square on my bad, and didn't hurt at all afterwards, then I drove for her piking up the workers as they got off of work, because when I worked 8 hours I would hurt, and go to bed with tears in my eyes, but I didn't know what was wrong, and would make myself get up the next day, but we would also sit awhile sometimes waiting for work, from 6-8, maybe even up to 10 waiting on a Job to pop up, Kathryn's office was originally on Augusta Ave where an old Sporting Goods store used to be, though now it is on Main St., which I worked at both offices off and on. I was 26 at the time, and at a Bath Mitzbah, saw a girl who looked just like one of my ex-girlfriends named Maribel, but she was 14 years old and told me that her name was Marsha, but I haven't seen her since then, that I know of. I did finally cheat on Maribel, even though she moved in with another man, though she swore that she wasn't having sex with him, she could have been telling us the same thing, and having sex with us within a couple of days apart, but I finally couldn't handle it anymore and cheated on her, but then went back to Virgina one last time, and was with her again in Sept from the 19-21, because I had gotten arrested in August the previous month, for former accidents that I was in where I didn't have insurace, which was when I was hit in the side, which I still didn't tell her until like the middle of Oct. This was when Maribel broke up with me, but I was sort of touching Marsha's hair, because I was amazed at how similarly she looked like Maribel, and was hearing something of an intuition nature say, she's your wife Shane, which was why I was acting a little unusual around her, though I also wrote to the Rabbi telling him my belief as well, but didn't hear back from him, and haven't been out in awhile. When I first got home the first place I tried to work at was Wal Mart, and doing the floors, and I did alright, but because of the arthritis, couldn't keep up the hours, though I didn't know why, only that I hurt. I was driving a tan Ford Tempo at the time, but it's brakes wound up giving up on me, though One of the Rabbi's addistants drove me home once, because of my car having break problems, and I also explained it to him using Isiaiah 53:2, where it says that the Mashiyach has no form nor comeliness that we should desire him, and Isaiah 60:16, as well and he also seemed to get it, and we were reading about the two witnesses in Zachariah chapter 4, and again intuition kicked in, as the Rabbi was reading from it, like it was talking about me, which again my name is also encoded in the Old Testament as well as the New, though in the Old it is a little different, though in Isaiah 53 I found it the same as in the New, but in Zachariah I found it like it is spelled in the English, Sheen, Aleph, Nun, but the nun was the regular nun in a word, and not the ending letter, but in the English that is how it is done, so Shane was spelled out, and the vowels under the letters corresponded to my name as well. I also went out to Shalowm Scriptures studies, as well, which was a Messianic Jewsish Christian organization, with Dr. Elias Hildalgo, and went out for a few months, and wrote to them as well, before I went out, and there was a Pastor working with him named David, who I was talking with about what God was showing me, while he was teaching me a beginners course in Hebrew, and was showing him Isaiah 60:16, and I believe that David understood what I was saying about the image of Jesus being Androgynous in nature, but Elias couldn't forgive David for understanding what I was showing him, because David knew his doctrine, and kicked David out, or sent him to another congregation, or something like that, but he could forgive me for believing what I believed, but not David, which is the problem that God has with religious people they can forgive a stranger, but not their own congregation, for seeing the truth. I could hear that Elias was Anti Christ towards what I was expklaining even when a girl named Susan started coming out, and I think that she thought that I liked her, and that Elias was discouraging her from breaking up with her boyfriend named Danny, who wasn't treating her right. I also went out to Congregation Agudath Achim with my sister Renee', and wrote to them as well, before I went out, I did have a slight problem with a cantilcier, which is someone who sings, chants, and reads from the Towrah, and was tryign to pour him some sprite, because he acted like he wanted some, but he wouldn't let me pour it, and did make me a little mad, because I had already touched the bottle before, and if I had a contageous disease and he even touched the bottle, he woudl get sick and die, but let it go and went outside to eat, and thought nothing else of it, though this was the only time that I went out there. When hurrican Floyd came in near Sav. and we were told to evacuate, though I felt like we would be alright if we stayed, I had just moved from 38 E Main St. to 140 A Main St., and I had just gotten my Mustang, so we all went up to Hellen, Ga. it was in Aug. maybe, and I was thinking about going back up there to October feast, but it didn't work out, so I cancelled my reservations, but we evacuated so fast that Mema had to help me out and buy some clothes for me, and she bought a tan shirt with a Lion, and other big cats on it, and a couple of pairs of shorts Now like Peter said, God is no respecter of persons in Acts 10:34, so if God can raise me up and I walk again, God can do the same with you if you go on unto perfection as I did, and don't let the doctrine of men hold you back. When I first went on S.S.I Disability, all I had was enough to afford a $325.00 a month trailer, and bought another Ford Tempo, which lasted me over a year, which I sold to my next door neighbor who lived across the road from me, for $100.00, which the only problem was the starter, and I tried to fix it, I could do oil changes on it, and minor repair work, I just had no fault insurance on the car though, until I got my partial settlement from the governement, but I was just living off of aruond $600.00 a month from S.S.I. disability, and about $70.00 worth of food stamps, and the occasionaly Birthday, and Christmas from Mema, and Mom. I would also see Mark, and Little Roddy once and awhle as well during this time, and would go over to mom's, and Mema's often. Mom got into a wreck in her Mercury Sable, which was gray to silver in color, because I went over to Mema's and she had gottne some bad news from the Doctor's, and I asked How was she doing, but she didn't tell me anything, and got mad, and left abruptly, and put the car in reverse, and the peddle stuck, and her and the car went flying backwardsm which shocked me so I went on home, not knowing what to do for her, but still prayed for her, and forgave her, and let it go. I also went out to Dr. Harry W. Brown Chiropratic office, or the Arrowhead clinics, on Hwy 80, after the accident in 2003, where I was hit in the side going 45 mile per hour, and hired an Attorney Robert Mayhue, to handle my case, but all I got was around $3000.00, and I was feeling pain, though with no mobility loss, down my neck, and back, and I was trying to work again, and was working for a security company as a security guard, which because of a second wreck, in which I had control of the vehicle that I was driving I got hosed on the deal, and my lawyer made me feel like he couldn't get any more money for me, but I only said that I had pain, and not that I wasn't able to move, which was down the left side of the neck, and down the middle the top trapeze muscle, which still hurts a little, which the accident is discussed in more detail on anohter blog. I was also romantic in that I would write most of my girlfriends poetry, and tried song writting a little while in the Navy, and wrote a bunch of songs, and sent them into a company, the songs were titled, Who's to Blame, and Something About you, I also sent off an audition tape to one of the Bands in 1993 who was looking for a lead singer, I did a combination of Led Zepplin, and my own song, and a couple of different artist like Prince, because I can harmonize with him on, When Doves Cry, which I think that Prince sounds a little like George Cliton, and I also sung to Sheena, and Daphne, and Maribel, when I was dating them, and I believe that all three thought that I could sing good, tough like I said I sing in harmony, and sound maybe a little different than the artist, but even with all of that, I still couldn't get a woman to stay with me long term, though I haven't given up yet, and still love women, and find them intoxicating. Though when I went to Portsmouth Naval Hospital, because I was paranoid that with my ship going out to see, and me about to be discharged that if my shipmates were out to electricute me, that this would be their last chance, but when I got back all of my stuff that I had in my locker was thrown away, including letters from Sheena, which would prove my side that she got mean with me first, and became unreasonable, and would listen to anything that I said and acted like I was trying to force her to marry me, when I was just trying to do the right thing for love, which included paperwork on the songs that I had written, and I guess that the Band that I sent my tape to never listened to it, because I never heard back from them, though if I did I wouldn't have known, because my shipmates never told me anything. I was hit in the side when working at an Italian Resturant in Porstmouth, but was only going maybe 25-32 miles in a 25 zone, but was hit perrty solid, and the car did spin around. Now the day to day with Daphne, wasn't bad, nor was it good, it was basically normal, though occasionally we would get into fights and arguments, and all of that, I never hit her, or beat her or anything, though she left me in Buck Snort, Tennesse, or something like that, and I had to call my mom to wire me some money, and she was arguing with me about us needing gas, and I was ignoring her, but watching the gage, but after she shut up for awhile I eventually pulled over, but she left in anger, and I figured that she wasn't coming back, and went to find somewhere to sleep for the night, and managed to get a church to put me up in a motel for the night, the next morning I got the money, and a ride from the Pastor to the Bus station in Nashville, and I spent the day walking around a little, until my bus left, and went back home to Virgiia, which we lived in Portsmouth then, which she had bought two sort of crappy cars, which I thought that she got them in case one broke down, or something, which I bought me a $1,000.00 Volks Wagon Rabbit, after she bought her 2 cars, which we met at the Naval Hospital in the Neurology part of it, and she was instantly attracted to me, and we went and ate Lunch together, and I told her about my being one of the two witnesses, and got all dressed up to go to the Motel and have sex, and had this tux like outfit that I had bought in case I met someone, and we hit it off, and got married, which I did get in trouble with my creditors as well, like Radio Shack, Sears, and eventually Wachovia as well, and Cresent bank, which I took out a $2,000.00 Loan on the title of my car, because it had been stolen by then, and paid it off, all but $200.00, but by that time me and Daphne were having problems, and I had moved back to base, and the accident occurred. I also applied for a job at the local prison, and was asked an electrical question about what a capacitor does, and I said a electrical circuit to store electricity, or energy, or a charge, perhaps thinking of the Ark of the Convenant, and how some theorize that it was a capcitor as well, but I did remember what it did, from when I was in the Navy. Me and David had promised one another that if we ever got any money that we would help each other get a Mustang, one day, but I had forgotten, so may have made him a little jealous, but didn't mean to. I would watch Wrestling with him and Gwen, and Myron remarried and is now with a woman named Penny. Now the normal day to day stuff is of course figuring out what to do for the day, I get up anywhere from as early as 8:00 A.M in the morning, to sometimes 12:00 P.M, or later, it all depends on how much my back, pelvis, and ankle hurt from the privious days activities, while working I of course went to bed with tears in my eyes, because of the artritic pain, but still managed to get up in the morning, though I was often late to work, because of it, Kathryn at Labor Finders wanted me there at 6:00 A.M. and I wouldn't get there until 6:10, or 6:15, though she understood that I was having problems. I will either eat ceral, sometimes I go out to eat, like at Carrey Hilliard's, Burger King, Krystals, McDonald's once and awhile, Applebee's, when little me, Mom, and Mema would go to the mall and also eat at Morrison's cafe, which had good food, and I liked the Fried Chicken white meat, though I also eat dark, mashed potatoes and gravy, and macaroni and chesse, or green beans, though occasionally I would get the hamberger Steak, and very rarely veal, and when I would get the chicken I would get the Breast, though I still go out to the same place once and awhile, only now it is Picadilly's, I sometimes woould go to Long Horn, or Godlen Corral, or Western Sizzlin, though there used to be a Western Steer in Garden City, but now it's a trift shop, I used to eat out at Lazy Susan's buffet as well, but it is closed now, sometimes I would eat at Hardee's, I even tried to work there when 16, before the accident, Big Roddy had a white Ford F100, which he sold, I think around the time of the accident, then he got a Ford Ranger, which was gray with red interior, then he went to a Red Chevrolet S10, but now he is driving Pam's old Red Celica, and Renee has Mema's old car, and Mom is in a Ford F150 now, for the last couple of years I would eat out at the China Town Buffet, because I felt like Kelli may have been spreading bad rumors about me, and was being told by her friend Sasha, a Korean Girl that I was trying to break up her marriage, or something, I also eat at Cracker Barrel, Old Country Store, and Southern girls Cafe, though I like their Country Fried Stake best, which I also eat mirco wave meals, like Banquet, Marie Callender's, Stoffer's, and even Healthy choice, and Weight Watchers, and Lean Cousine, as well, and of course, I will still eat canned Chilli, and Chef Boyardee products, and once and awhile I may cook a pot Roast, or Hambergers, or whatever, and Slim fast as well, though it has been awhlie, because of the Arthritis. I would also eat at Taco Bell as well, both in Sav. & Norfolk near the base, and one night while there was with another woman named Lisa, but she wanted me to pay for sex, but I only had like $80.00 on me, and she wanted like $160.00, or something like that, but I gave her my license, and promissed to pay her later on, but never did, but we did it from behind while she lied over her seat, which I would also go out to the one here in Garden City, but it is closed now, so once and awhile I will go to the one in Pooler. I also know the difference between a verbal attack and a physical one, and when someone is trying to be shocking to get me out of my delusions, and when someone is just plain being mean, and if you try to hit me I will defend myself, but try to restrain you, and not hurt you if I can, but if you refuse, and come at me with deadly force I will retailiate with deadly force, but don't look to harm anyone or even throw the first punch, though if I am out numbered and like Jesus only have my flesh, or to call on 12 Legions of Angels, which if Jesus could and did not, I am not better than my Lord, so will accept whatever defense that God provides for me. In 2002 while after I had just moved, from 140 A Main ST., to 185 A Smith Ave. I was taking Staker 2 to help me lose weight, and it worked a little and I got down to 200 pounds, but I gained it back during the winter, when I couldn't exercise as much because of how the cold effected my arthritis, though I was using it again when the accient occurred, but not as much as the year before, but I would be able to do my Karate, and Martial arts almost like I could when young, though the next day even still taking the Staker 2 I would be out for most of the day, because of the pain, I mean I can move, with the pain, but it was so bad that I had to just lie there, and I was even still taking it even while I was being seen at Arrowhead clinic, though like I said the pain was then in my left trapzee muscle, just under the neck, but I would still try to exercise, and lift my pair of metal nunchucks, which I would work out slowly, and add to what I did, till I was able to do like 50 push-ups, but after the accident, I started feeling pain in the back, though I also had a Torso Track 2, endorsed by Susan Summers, and was using that as well, and it also helped me to shed the pounds. Which most of this is to show the V.A. and Navy that I have most of my memory from childhood, and because I am working on my case for compensation, which if anyone out there would like to help, then write to the V.A. at Department of Veterans Affairs, Atlanta Regional Office P.O. Box 100021 Decatur, GA 30031-7021 in reference to 316/21PD/ABH CSS 257 23 2433 Shane E. Lee. Thanks to anyone out there who is willing to help me with my situation in any way that you see fit. All miracles of Goddess/God are done not by might nor by power, but by its spirit, which is the breath of life in our bodies, Zach 4:6, but like they say, you can't keep a good man down, though I am not good by my righteousness, but by letting Jesus make me righteous, through my following of the Holy Ghost within me, and admitting my mistakes, and learning from them. If you want to know more about what I believe, and learned about God and Jesus go to ;D also for more personal info go to & {:-.p} If you want Prayer, you can e-mail me, or post a comment, and I will agree with you that The Eternal spirit will heal you, or help you with your situation, though I am not unaware that we all struggle, and may not all get what we want, but remember we will always be provided for by God, who will give us what we need, we may know struggle, and trials and temptation, if you have caller I.D. you can call me, and I will agree with you that the Eternal Spirit will supply all of your needs through Jesus Christ, if you need to hear a voice you can call me at 1 (912)-964-7932, for prayer, or conseling, and support in whatever you are going through. I certify that the information conatined in this blog is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and memory at the present time, until I remember more.

Posted by realm3/shane_lee_1of2 at 9:02 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 11 November 2005 12:43 PM EST
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