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In Conclusion
Monday, 6 June 2005
In Conclusion
Welcome to the final blog of Shane Lee ministries, this is Shane-edward-lee telling you more about the truths of God, and helping you to understand how God wants us to be equals, and to love each other, and not to rule over each other with an iron fist, which is forced control, also go to my web page at for more info.
I would like to thank those of you who made it to this final blog for listening up until now.
If you wish to help with my V.A. case, contact Ms. KATHLEEN SULLIVAN, VETERANS SERVICE CENTER MANAGER, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS ATLANTA REGIONAL OFFICE PO BOX 100021 DECATUR, GA. 30031-7021, OR E-MAIL AT https//, or call at 1-800-827-1000, in reference to case number 316/21PD/ABH CSS 257 23 2433 LEE, S E.
This blog deals with religious content and material, and should be only read by only 12 years old and above, and may deal with subjects of a sexual nature.
We need to understand better the worship of Baal, who was a male chief deity of the Phoenicians and Philistines, Baal like Adonay means my Lord, as does Bel, of the Babylonians, which Belzebub, or Beelzebub, means the Lord of the flies, Bel, Beel, or Baal means Lord, and zebub means flies, which are found in Strong's concordance definition 954 in the Greek dictionary, and 1078, and 1167, 1168, in the Hebrew dictionary, in and of itself, if Bel is how you say Lord or even Baal, or Beel, if that is how you say Lord in these two languages that isn't the problem that Yahvahhevahiy has with it, it is that stone images made in the likeness of a male or man are associated with Baal worship, which God knows that we are trying to present an image for it in heaven, Isaiah 40:18-25, where Yahvah asks who then will you liken El? To whom then will you liken me, or shall I be equal? Says Qadowsh, which means Holy one, pronounced, Kaw-dosh, which Qodesh ruwach means Holy Spirit, definitions 6918, 6944, and 7307, which iysh also means husband as well, yet El Shadday is not a man as I am, as Job said, Job 9:32, as did Balaam Numbers 22:19, and like a lioness and a lion shall the people rise, which Jacob also said of Judah, Gen. 49:9-10, where we see the first epithet of the Mashiyach Shiylow, Shiyloh, shiloh, shilow, definition 7887, which is part of why I use Mashiyahiy as an actual name of the Holy Ghost, because Mashach means to rub or anoint, and Hamashiyach is the specific reference to the angel of Jahvah, and also the kings of Isarel.
Now only once is the phrase the Lord actually used by Mosheh in Ex. 23:17, and it is Ha'adon, though Ha'adoniym is found in Deut. 10:17, which Adonay means Lord, or My Lord, Huw' it is 'Elohiy Haelohiym, or Goddess/God of The Gods/Goddesses, which the word Elohiym means both, and Huw' can also be neutural as can Hiy', though you also see uwahh, which can be both, just as with the Greek term the Gods, which also includes the female deities as well, which when Solomon worshipped the Goddess Ashtoreth, in 1st Kings 11:33, and the God Chemosh, which is also Elohiy, and was used here for both the female image and the other male images, which is feminine because all idols are made of the earth, or stone, which is metaphorically female, but have not the breath of life, which is metaphorically male, though heaven and earth are one in the male and the female, though you all do understand that a female image even if more than one is still a female image the same is true with a male, also in Judges 2:11-13, where Elohiym is also used, and my Lord of the Lords, but the feminine would be Ha'adonah, which you can either double the nun, or not, for Ha'adonnah, which would mean the Lady, which is even done with Baal, 1173, Ba`alah, which the plural would be Ha'adonowth, or Ha`adonnowth, for the female, and Adoniym for the male, and female breast should be shadowth as well, unless Mosheh knew of men who had real female breasts, which in his day only true hermaphrodites could have female breasts, and still have the male parts as well, which again would explain Shadiym, yet when Eliyahuw battles the prophets of the Lord, or HaBaal, which in English should means the Lord as well, so it would seem that to call the Lord, the Lord was an offense to the angel of Yahvahhevahiy, which is because a male idol was associated with it, though it would allow it a little by grace, it was under the understanding that just because you called it The Lord doesn't mean that its image was male alone, or only, but that the male and female were one in its body.
So why would God be against the image of Baal or Ashetarowth, and the making of male or female images to represent its image, unless its image wasn't male or female, but male and female in one body, but even within the doctrine of Bel, and Baal, there is a trinity of males, Bel, Anu, and Ea, just like with the Hindu Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who are male like the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?
Now this doesn't mean that you can't refer to God as masculine, nor feminine and masculine, though since the male is dominant in the earth, it would be unusual to call God female frist, or solely, anyway, or you may have to stop all references to God as being God, which from a male's perspective this is allowed, but it also means that a female can call the Eternal Spirit Mother, and Goddess, but it is the source of both the male and female forms, and it itself exists without a form, and then formed a body from within itself, and made matter to make that body, and thus both gave birth to, and created Jesus Christ from within itself, and made the body neutural so that as Jesus's Father and Mother, which would be what it would be, because there was no matter here, only the Eternal spirit hovering in empty space, that took conscious thought, and observed itself as a light shinning in the darkness, but the darkness comprehended it not, and acted as father and mother to create the matter from within itself, which is something only The Father and the Holy Ghost can show you, Jesus as a Mediator wants you to develop your own relationship with the spirit of all life, and to not be afraid to ask God itself some questions, and to believe that when God made you, it knew you, though Lucifer is trying to see you his own way.
Why would God also say in Hosea 11:9, that it is no iysh, which either means that it is pure spirit, a woman, or a hermaphrodite? You would have to dicide for yourself in the final outcome what you think it is saying, but if Jesus is the Eternal Spirit manifested in the flesh, and is also preceived of as male, then there is only one of these interpretations that fits, and makes the scripture true, and not a sarcastic statement from God, and that is that Jesus is both a hermaphrodite, but can like with Adam also become male and female in two bodies, so that God is in all three images as the spirit and source of all life.
Yet Yahvah says, Now the Egyptians are human beings, or Adam, and not El. And their horses are flesh and not spirit, or ruwach. Is. 31:3, so God isn't in a trinity of persons all three male, but does need a trinity of men to come to understand the truth of God almost on their own, though Jesus said, that David said, I have said that you are Gods and children of the Most High, John 10:30-36, though it isn't manditory if all receive the truth, then you no longer give place to the Devil, but the power of life and death are in the tongue, Prov. 18:21.
Repent of your idolatrous ways, and return to the true image of Goddess/God Elohiy where the male and female are one in it.
If Jesus was to be male, and coming into the flesh, the image of Baal would fit, and would be in his likeness, wouldn't it? So then idol worship would be allowed if you knew exactly what Jesus looked like, but it isn't, because we don't know what he looked like, we don't even know for sure scripturly if he was a male, because of the nature of his birth.
Yet there is one form that fits all of the scriptures, where Jesus is both Lord of Lords and King of Kings, but also Lady of Ladies, and Queen of Queens, and the male and female are one in him, the Jew and Gentile are one in him, and the bond and free are one in him, in his body.
Which for the angel to assume a human form would be like it becoming a worm, or maggot, compared to its glorious image in heaven, but it was willing to endure a mortal form to redeem us back to the Eternal Spirit, because it didn't originally made us mortal, it made us as if we wouldn't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so that we could join the angels in heaven one day, but Lucifer was the first to assume a mortal form, but not just for the Jewish man, but also for the Gentile man, not just for the Jewish woman, but also for the Gentile woman, and since either at any time could be bond or free, (though the Jew according to Paul is bound to the law, or Towrah, by his circumcision, but the Gentile is free from the law, or Towrah, by his uncircumsion,) but all are bound to the 10 commandments, which androgynously applies to both equally, and the two great commandments Mark 12:29-31, and also Romans 13:9-10, which all men can keep whether circumcised or uncircumcised, and are still all one body in Christ Jashua, Romans 12:4-5.
There are other words that you can look at like the word for Salvation is also feminine and masculine, but in Exodus 14:13, where Mosheh says, stand back and see the salvations or Yeshuwath, which is feminine, which also yeshuwah, and Yasha, and Yesha are other ways to say salvation, definitions 3444, 3467, & 3468, but in the Beginning was the Word and the word was with God, and the word was God, Jn 1:1, Yet no man has seen God at any time, or God, no one has seen at any time, the only begotten Son, which, or who is in the Bosom of the Father, he has declared it, or that one explains it, but even the name Yashuwa for Jesus's Hebrew name is feminine, compare it to definition 1340, Bath-Shuwa, which means daughter of wealth, and 7770, and 7774, Shuwa, and Shuw`a', which are both Shua in the English.
Even in the Greek language used by the Apostles we see them using both the masculine os, and the neutural ou, definition 846, 847, 848, 1438, & 3588, which when Jesus calls him/herself the son/daughter of man/woman, in Mt. 12:40, anthupatou is neutralized, (though son is masculine,) because it should be anthupatos, and Paul says, until we all come to the untiy of faith, and of the son of God, (though here Son is neuturalized to uiou as is God, or Theou, though the apostles don't use Thea, which is Goddess, and maybe should have, they do mention the Goddess Diana, or Artemis, and she was known for making water into wine, the same miracle that Jesus performed at the marriage in Caanan,) to a full grown man, (which is andra, which is where we get the word androgynous,) to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, Ephesians 4:13.
There are also words in the Hebrew like nations, or peoples, `amiym, and ha`amiym or the people, or `am definition 5971, which is masculine, because men are mainly in control of a nation, but the word for families 4940, in the Hebrew dictionary, is mishepechowth, and is feminine, but is mishpachah singular, and is still feminine, because a man can't have a family without a woman, and therefore a woman controls who she marries, and has a choice, as shown in Psalms 96:5-7, in the Hebrew.
Behold, as the eyes of a servants to their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of the mistress of her; so our eyes wait on Yahvah our God, Elohiynuw, until it favors us, or shows us grace, which it isn't God who isn't actually not showing anyone grace, it is men who don't want to see it, and the Queen stands at the right hand of the King, but God's Queen is within him, so that it can judge righteously and not after the desires of carnal men and women, Psalms 45:9, for wisdom has hewned out her seven pillars, and her companions, the virgins, shall be brought to you after her. Proverbs 9:1, and in that day shall 7 women take hold of one man, saying we will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach, which has to do with both the seven churches in Asia in relation to Jesus, but also to the 7 virgins that have to be brought to the New King, of Yahvah, after he finds his Queen, if she is no longer a virgin, though if she is still pure, the King would sooner have his virgin bride.
Now when it comes to sexual things a man can have sex with his wife, as long as she is willing, but if she isn't willing, he is then to masturbate, according to Leviticus 15:17-18, and is to think of his wife, and only his wife, but if unmarried he may only think of a single woman, though men can be tempted to think of a married woman, and as long as you do it in the spirit of confession, and not to actually commit the adultery, God will work things out with you until you find your own wife.
Because if you read the passage the man who spills his seed on his garment or skin, or, and on any garment, and on any skin, or leather, is simply to wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until evening, but if he sleeps with a woman they both had to wash, (which masculine nouns have a uw, or vav at the end of them, or iym for the plural, though sometimes even verbs can have a masculine, or feminine ending,) and be unclean to evening, now I don't know about you, but there is only one way for a man to get his seed of copulation on his skin or garment, and that is through masturbation.
This is a private act, and if you want a sex doll, or something like that, as long as you don't allow it to replace a woman, and are willing to throw it away when married, that would be acceptable to Jesus.
Now I asked Jesus about these things, and get my answers through the scriptures. Though this would also cover wet dreams, and sex where you pretend like your pillow is a woman, or man for you ladies, because you can masturbate until marriage, which is why Mosheh would mention the passing of seamen before sex with a woman, which is because when growing up, are you going to masturbate first or have sex? You are of course going to masturbate first, and then have sex when you get married, so if done with respect towards marriage, and in trying to find one woman to marry you, God has through the Old testament made allowances for it, and to your parents I would say that there is nothing wrong with this type of behavior, and don't try to embarass your child, it is more safe for them to masturbate even if it feels real, (but no matter how real it feels, it is just masturbation, and don't think that it means that God wants you to marry that person, or have pre-marital sex, just because it feels real, but it is better to make the man, or woman marry you first,) than to have premarital sex in this day and age, because Mosheh said what he said in times of slavery, than to actually have promiscuous sex, and possibly get pregnant, or contract an S.T.D. and to you pious Christians, if Mosheh allowed for masturbation, so would Jesus, being a prophet like unto him, especially if we are under more grace, because you were only unclean to the evening, as with sex with a woman, so it is a natural part of life, and if you don't masturbate, you will still have a wet dream, and cream in your pants.
Now, you are only to think of the opposite sex as well, and not the same, because those are thoughts from Lucifer, to tempt you into being gay, and you can feed your lust, but if the law allows for masturbation, it isn't sin, if it didn't, it would be sin, so when Paul is referring to sin, he isn't referring to Masturbation as in Roman chapters 7 & 8.
Now my Pastors at a church called Christian Fellowship church in Waukeegan, and Norfolk, and San Diego, 1st the General Pastor at the time, also told me that it was O.K. to Masturbate one day, and then another Pastor told me that it was O.K. for 2 grown men, (which I hope that he meant over the age of 18, though I don't know for sure, though children should just masturbate alone, and there is nothing wrong with it,) to masturbate together, because I had thought about being a Eunuch for the Kingdom of God's sake, and was a virgin technically until 21, though I fooled around a little with all my ex-girlfriends, at 16 a girl named Lisa, and I almost had sex, whenever she said stop though, I would stop, though we rubbed on the outside, but not on the inside, though I never ejaculated on her or anything, and would respect her and go to the bathroom and finish if I had to.
Now if you want to find out what Christian Fellowship Chruch believes their web site address is [;-.O}, though there is nothing wrong with their belief in the Bible, though the General Pastor while I was going out there after I left, though while I was going out, was put on the A.B.C. New show 20/20.
Then when 19, I again almost had sex, but the girl was 12, and when I was about to stick it in, she said, that's not it, so I stopped, but she wasn't a virgin, and I didn't force anything, and she was going from one guy to another, and was laying with a guy in his 20's, when I came in, and then me, and even slept with my other friend who was over for my birthday party, but not me, but he was more her age, than I was, so I didn't worry about it, and went to sleep while she had sex with my friend, but it didn't effect me in the least.
There was also aonther girl, when going out to Effingham, who used to like me, and I was always being picked on for being gay, then one night at a dance, I was tired of it, and wanted to just have sex with her, her name was Susan, but she could tell that I wasn't being my usual Christian self, and told me that she wanted to, but could tell that I wasn't being myself, so I realized then that you don't have sex with a woman just to prove that your not gay either, because a woman has feelings.
I also before I joined the Navy had an old High school girl friend who wanted to sleep with me before I joined the Navy, and she was on the floor, and I was hard, but felt wrong about it, so stopped, but let her know that it wasn't her, but my about to join the Navy, and I was trying to wait for marriage as well, and believed that I was worthy of it.
Now some may point out Matt. 5:27-28 to say that Jesus doesn't want you to masturbate, because you are looking upon a woman with lust in your heart, well masturbation isn't lust, and if attracted to a woman who is unmarried you aren't commiting adultery, which is sex with a married woman, though sometimes you may look upon a woman and not know if she is married or not, and may desire her, but instead of trying to have sex with her go home and masturbate to her, but you may never see her again, and she may or may not have even noticed you, but whatever you do, God doesn't want you to just take a woman home and have sex with her, but to do the right thing by love and her parents, and try to marry her, even if you have to elope, get married first, and wait until the girl is 18, and of legal age.
Now up until then I masturbated to Playboy sometimes, or different adult magazines, sometimes Penthouse, and was willing to wait for the right woman, but then after I told the General Pastor that I was one of the 2 witnesses, he one day hugged me, and put his arm between my butt cheeks, and had the nerve to tell me that I was uncomfortable with my sexuality, so basically he molested me.
Also two other parshioners approached me differently in awkward moments, one tried to take a shower with me, to which I said, no thanks, and another while I was sleeping, and having a wet dream woke me up, and wanted to masturbate with me, but I just pretended like I was asleep, and he laid back down himself, now I don't condemn the parishioners, but the Pastor for planting these ideas in their heads, yes it is O.K. to masturbate on your own, but not with another man, or another woman, though husband and wife can, of course, whatever you do from cunnilingus to foreplay, even what is called a Blow and Job, and men blow in a woman's ear, do not give her a wet willy, or slobber in her ear, to using fingers inside a woman, and wiggling them back and forth, at the cervix, as long as married, for the marriage bed is undefiled before God, so whatever you do in yours is your business including anal sex, but me personally I wouldn't do it, but if your wife is into it, who am I to judge, or tell you what to do.
Yet I even walked in on a parishioner molesting a little girl, he stopped when I walked in, and never did it again, and later on got married, but I didn't know what to do about it, nor who to tell, plus was a little brain washed by them, and the guy did seem to understand afterwards that it was wrong, and got married later on, because he knew that it was better to marry than burn.
I don't know who else the church affected this way, but it was also aired on 20/20, in March or April of 1991, so I thought that the problem would go away, but it didn't, because I was sexually harassed by one of my shipmates, because of it, yet none of them acted like they wanted to train me, or work with me, and like I somehow was supposed to know how to do everything on the ship, with little or no hands on training, so I didn' argue, and the ship became like a prison to me, because the Pastor also confused me about being one of the two witnesses, and also made me think that the Persian Gulf War, and within the next 7 years, could go nuclear, and maybe that even Neutron bombs would come into play, also the prophesey's of Nostadamus, and that the final World War could break out in 1994, and I started having sex with any woman who would have sex with me, from 1991-1998, and was with 17 different women of different races, but if she did me even a little wrong I wouldn't stick around, which was what I tried to do, but with two different girls I fell in love hard, and she didn't believe me, and it ended up badly.
Now metaphroically the man is married to the female side of Jesus, and the female the male side of Jesus, which is why Jesus had to assume a neutural image, plus the church is to marry into him, and if male this would be a little gay, but like Paul says, men withhold the truth in unrighteouness, Rom. 1:18, and this is what he means.
Now if you don't allow for masturbation, you are then tempting your children to go into sin, because with you it is either do nothing, or have sex, though you are to wait for marriage, and it is better to marry first than to have premarital sex, but if you do you are to get married by grace, how can you Christians say that you love people and believe in the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, but don't allow your daughters to marry, and the men to do the right thing if she gets pregnant, you are making the commandments of God of none effect by your traditions. Mt. 15:1-9, which brings us back to Isaiah 29:11-13.
Now I was a sailor, so I used cuss, or swear words a little as well, but it is how you use a word that makes it a swear word, the word for pre-marital sex without seeking to marry the person is called Fornication Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, and was reduced to a four letter word, which are the first letter of this phrase, but had a meaning, so if you use it in the right context, and say, you are about to commit F.-U.-C.-K. you aren't sinning, but if you say the word, as a swear you are sinning, but that means that even heck and darn, are swear words, and you aren't to even say this. If you use the word for waste, or the sh word, in a sentence it isn't a sin, nor the word piss, 2nd Kings 18:27.
As for saying the word God condemn, or damn, depending on your usage, and what you are condemning, if used properly, and you aren't cursing a person, you can say it, but this isn't the actual name for God, Yahvahhevahiy is, now if you use this name to curse someone like with the Isarelitish woman who married an Egyptian in Lev. 24:10-23, her son actually cursed someone, which means he tried to bring about a curse upon someone in the name of the Lord without proper authority, as they did in Egypt, like with an evil eye, or trying to use the name of God to manipulate people, but not to explain the truths of God, like in witchcraft, the name of God is a strong and mighty tower the righteous runs into it and is safe.
Now you can use whatever words you feel comfortable with, I am not saying this by command, but with understanding, and mercy, of course it is better not to say offensive words, but sometimes people are going to be offended and sometimes they aren't, but it isn't what you say, but how you say it.
Now up until this time I was a trying to be a normal Christian guy, and live a normal life, and not do anything more than the average Christian, but God obviouly had more instore for me than even I or my Christian brothers and sisters may want to admit.
Because of this I received the real gift of tongues in July of 1993, on Mt. Carmel in Haifa Isarel, where I went up and down the mountain singing and by trust and whatever syllabels that came to my mind, I sung, and must have sounded good, because no one complained or said a word, it was after this in April of 1995, that I spoke to a girlfriend from the Philippines who I thought because of coincedences that she was my wife, and I wanted to prove to her that God wanted us to be together, so aksed God, and both spoke to her and sang to her in Tagalog, or the Filipino language without ever studying it until after, and had to get a phrase book to understand what I said, which was, Anong ginagawa mo? Paking gan mo ako. Hindi Sha.
Which means, What are you doing? Listen to me. Not them, Though I also sung to her, I didn't have enough understanding of Tagalog through the phrase book to understand what I sung to her, but know that it had to do with something like, Marry me, not him, I love you, I miss you, which is Pakasalan mo ako, Hindi sha, Mahal na Mahal Kita, Miss na miss Kita.
Jesus brought me up to a higher level, because the Pastor of the church in Norfolk, was still trying to deny that I was one of the 2 witnesses, and God gave me the sign of speaking in Tongues as a sign to unbelievers.
Jesus said I have not come to destroy the law, or change it, but to fulfill it. Mt. 5:17-19, which would include masturbation.
The thing that you have to understand about it is only God can help you to stop doing it permanently, which would take allot of prayer, and everybody masturbates at least once, I don't care who you are, but use it as a tool to control your lust, you are to be as monogamous as possible, for instance even though I was with 17 women, I was only with them one at a time, and though I would use Playboy, and Penthouse to masturbate to, I would only do it occasionally, and wouldn't let it become an obsession, I normally just see an attractive girl, and think of her a little, which all men do it, but if she is with someone, and I know it, even a boyfriend, I treat it as if the girl is married, even if they don't, holding myself to a higher standard.
If you are already saved and have said your prayer of faith, then you can also confess the seven seals.
Say this as your confession of faith, though if you didn't this includes part of that confession;
I,__________________________(say your name here) confess that I haven't lived a perfect life, and have sinned.
I admit that I haven't studied the Bible like I should.
I don't know everything that may have happened in Eden to make Jesus have to die for my sins, but whatever it was I am sure that it was severe enough, that Jesus felt it necessary to come into the flesh and die for my sins, as well as my parents, and Adam's and Eve's and even Lucifer's, since according to Ezekiel 31:8-9, he was in Eden in a human form as well, and that according to Deuteronomy 28:4, & 18 that the fruit of my body may be blessed, or cursed if I continue in sin that grace may abound, and I no longer want the Devil to have any more power over me, nor to manipulate me into sinning against the perfect laws of love, based on the 10 commandments, and the two great commandments, to Love the Eternal Spirit, and my neighbor as myself, and even to learn to love myself, so that I don't use that to hate my neighbor.
I know that even if Lucifer did this, that Jesus died on the cross for me to redeem me from the body and blood of Lucifer, by his own body and blood, because Lucifer was his child, according to Psalms 82:6-7, and even if he added iron to his blood, Jesus through the virgin Mary, and diffusion, (which is like when you add a few drops of food coloring to water, and the water becomes like the food coloring, and the color of it, or a spoonful of salt is poured into a bowl of water, which will in time spead through the entire bowl of water, because the baby has arteries and viens in the placenta, which feeds the child with the mother's circulation of blood, and her blood diffuses into the placenta's, chorionic villa, decidua basalis, intervillus space, though she doesn't have a direct blood link to the child,) was made fully human, that the angel of the Lord left its glorious form in heaven, and assumed a human form, which was to it, like becoming a worm, accordging to Psalms 22:6, but it was willing to do this, to prove to Lucifer, that it still loved us and him, and was willing to accept a lower form, and die for the sins of everyone, both male and female, both Jew and Greek, even the children of Lucifer through the sin in Eden, and also of the angels who sinned with Lucifer later on, that Adam and Eve knew good like Lucifer and the other angels did before the sin, but good and evil only with one of them, which God said to the angels, the human being has become like one of us to know good and evil, but that God took the children that Adam and Eve had in Eden before the sin, and like Enoch took them, Gen. 5:18-24, and they were not, (because the Eternal spirit is a just God/Goddess, and wouldn't punish the children of Adam and Eve for the sins of their father and mother if they didn't commit the act themselves, and would trade them for Lucifer, Adam, and Eve in the fall,) and made Adam and Eve start over from scratch, having to care for the children, a boy and girl, that Lucifer had with Adam female and male, because Lucifer after sinning with us killed himself, after having the daughter that it conceived with Adam male, and Adam female had 2 sons, one of Lucifer's male side, and the other from her own male side, because she continued to bare Abel Kayin's brother, which Kayin killed Hebel over the daughter that Adam male had with Lucifer's female side, because he thought that if God received his sacrifice, and not Kayin's, (which Cain, is not the correct way to say the name, and may confuse people with the Holy Ghost's name,) that God would allow Hebel to have her, and not Kayin the first born, and Lucifer brought about the destruction of the Dinosaur according to Ezekiel 31:10-17, when God sent a comet to the earth to cover his fall, and covered the deep for him, because of the sin that it committed with Adam and Eve, that Lucifer is a liar and lies and tells us that God is male only, when really it is a spirit and neither male nor female, and can assume a neutural form, from which it made the male and female forms.
That whatever Jesus went through on the cross, including rape, that I am not ashamed of it, and forgive those who try to do me evil as they did Jesus, as Jesus did them, but pray that people feel that God loves them, and wants them to repent as well, and resurrected Jesus from the dead accorging to Romans 10:9, and believe it in my heart and confess it with my mouth, which means all I have to do is read this prayer once and I don't have to get Baptized, unless I feel it necessary, or sprinkled, as long as I acknowledge that we are all human and all make mistakes that we don't have to make, and all can try harder to get along, and love each other, though if I already was, baptized or sprinkled, then this would be what the commentator, "Paul Harvey" would call, "the rest of the story," and want to confess it because it is evident in the scriptures.
Though I confess that Baptism represents the Death, Burial, and resurrection of Christ according to Romans 6:3-7, and through the washing of water by the word of my confession, promise to live a life of love and sin free existance, and believe that I am wrothy to go and sin no more.
I will vow to continue to study the word of God, and keep the laws of God written on my mind and heart.
Though if I see a movie, or read a book, or watch a T.V. program, or listen to music, or watch videos, or play video games, or whatever activity I do for fun, I vow to discern between fact and fiction, and what is right, from what is wrong, and that I will walk by faith and not by sight, and not allow the things that I see to cause me to act and do things that I know to be wrong and stupid, and won't allow the way that I entertain myself to effect me psychologically to do what I see in the movies, or hear on the radio, or read in a book of fiction, or watch on T.V. or a Vidieo, or a game, and am willing to work for my living and to do things the right way the first time.
That even if I can do the time, I won't do the crime, because thinking I can do it is pride, and will get me in trouble.
That I know that both men and women masturbate, from puberty on, till they can't do it anymore, and accept that according to Mosheh, or Moses, in Lev. 15:16-18, that it is allowed by grace, and that I am to use it to wait for marriage, which means that I will keep it private, and do it either in my bedroom, or bathroom, or shower, and will do it alone, and not with another person of the same or opposite sex, with neither a child younger, or my own age, nor with an adult, and am to try to marry only one woman (man, all phrases in parenthesis to be said by the female, or woman, except when dealing with pimps, or whoremongers, which is to be said by the male,) and if I have premarital sex with my girlfriend (male), boyfriend (female) that I know that she (he) had sex with me, because she (he) loved me, and gave me her (his) virginity in love, and don't want to do her (him) wrong, and vow to get married within 6 months, or as soon as possible within that time, (but if they don't marry me will learn my lesson and stay pure until the Eternal Spirit brings me the right person of the opposite sex,) or to stay celibate until marriage, because I am to only give my virginity to the person of the opposite sex who loves me and wants to marry me, because I am also worthy of marriage, and know that sex is special and in God's plan for me and trust God to allow me to find the right person of the opposite sex to be with, and will be open sexually after marriage, and in the bedroom, and won't deny my partner sex if they don't do what I want them to do, nor use it as a weapon to manipulate them to do things for me, but even if I am mad with him (her), will still let them be with me, and will try to work out our problems with love and hope, and won't use my girlfriend (boyfriend) for cheap sex, nor treat her like a whore, or (act like a whoremonger, which is what I would call a pimp, which with the eternal Spirit, it is a bad thing to be a pimp, and is the spiritual opposite of being a whore, so a pimp is a male whore,) (though as a woman I shouldn't let my man pimp me out, and should respect myself, and know that even if I was molested, or raped, or had sex with someone that I thought loved me, but used me instead, that the Goddess/God loves and forgives me, and wants me to repent, and will help me find the right man,) that sex for money is degrading even in controled environments, which the way diffusion works is even with protection, it can sometimes infect someone, which is why marriage is the best institution for sex, and should try to know only one person of the opposite sex, and have no more than 7 children, which is also what the 7 branch Menowrah represents, in whatever combination that occurs male or female,) but will do the right thing and marry her, and if I am unmarried I will wait for the Eternal Spirit who is the Father and the Mother of us all, according to Isaiah 63:16, & 66:13, and we are its sons and Daughters says the Lord Almighty, 2nd Cor. 6:18, to bring me my wife, if a man, (husband, if a woman), and will wait on the right person of the opposite sex, though if I had children and it didn't work out, if I knew my wife (husband) from her (his) virginity to seek a woman (man) as close to my own age, within the day I was born to no more than 25 years apart, who has the same number of children, or less, and if, I knew my wife (husband) from his (her) virginity, not to know more than 4 virgins, and only if they don't stay with me, though I will try to treat them right, and not do them wrong on purpose, so that they will break up with me, nor break up with them over a silly issue, but will try to work on my relationships giving 100 percent of my share of the relationship, which is 50%, or to be a virgin monger, which is a male (female) whore as well, (this is to be said only if you actually had sex with the same sex, if not, then you don't need to confess it, though if being tempted by it you can go ahead and say it if you want,) I was (am being tempted to be a) homosexual, and engaged in homosexual activities, I know that the Eternal Spirit designed sex and reproduction to be male and female only, and now because I know that the sin in Eden was sexual, and that the only way for Luicfer to have sex with both Adam and Eve is if it was male and female fully in one body, which having sex, would blaspheme the tabernacle of they that dwell in heaven, and that because there is a real medical condition which exists called hermaphroditism, which could also be a side effect of the sin in Eden, and that because of the sexual confusion that Lucifer caused, and becasue I know that men, or women are bullying me to be gay, I will no longer let them or Lucifer manipulate me into thinking that there is anything wrong with the natural union of the male and female, though if they say that I am always Gay, I know that the Eternal Spirit saw me as always straight, before sin entered into my heart, (though it was placed there by those around me who judged me and said that I was gay behind my back,) because the eternal Spirit if I am in an error will help me to repent and will forgive me, it is only evil men and Lucifer who wants me to be rebelious and have sex with the same sex, and vow never to do it again, and to study the Bible especially Romans 1:16-32, and will accept that I like Jesus itself am a creature of God/Goddess the Eternal Spirit The Holy One, and that it wants me to be Holy as it is Holy, as seen in Col. 1:15, and will live my life by the example that Jesus and not Lucifer showed me, nor the fallen Angels, nor those around me who do such things, because I know that Jesus would never do this sin with me, nor any sin that is against the commandment of God, (which this is for a person who is a true hermaphrodite to say,) I am a true hermaphordite I confess that Jesus also according to Gal. 3:28, and Rev. 1:13, was one, so that he could take upon him/herself the sins of the world, and also Mosheh, or Moses, to escape Pharaoh's law, also may have been one as well, and married a woman, and if Jesus married, he would also only marry a woman, so I will try to marry only a woman, and not be with a man, and will accept my gender neutrality, and will live as an example of the heavenly image on the earth.
That I am now ready to call upon the name of the Lord, which was hidden by the Priest, because they thought it to feminine to pronounce, which the Angel told Mosheh to call it by, along with the name Joshua, which in the Hebrew is Yahuwshuwa, pronounced Yaw-hu-shu-ah, which the name of God is Yahvahhevahiy, pronounced Yaw-vaw-hey-vaw-hee, and the name of the Holy Ghost, Shekenyahuw, pronounced, shuh-kane-Yaw-hoo, Mashiyahiy, Maw-she-yaw-hee, as being the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and will call upon the name of the Lord, or simply say, I call upon the name of the Lord, Yahvahevahiy Yahuwshuwa Shekenyahuw Mashiyahiy, to take away my sins as well, and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
That as a mortal person I am only promissed if I live a good life 120 years according to Genesis 6:3, and that the wages of sin is death, so if I sin I could die and go to hell sooner, than if I live a good and loving lifestyle, (though evil people can kill me as well, but I would sooner die doing what is right, than what is wrong according to the Eternal Spirit, and the word of it, whether oral or written,) trying to do what is right, not by men, but by love, and vow to study the Bible more, and to focus on the works of Jesus and how he tried to love everyone, and help everyone even his enemies to be better people.
That I don't know when the end of the world is, but because I am mortal and can be hit by a bus, or die in an accident, that I don't know how The Eternal Spirit messures time, but according to Peter, that a day can be as long as 1,000 years, and that no matter how long it took God to make the earth, 6 days, literally, or 6,000 years, that it was the fall of Lucifer and God having to cover it, that makes the earth appear older than it really is, that Adam and his wife sinned on the 7th day, (to be said by the man) and that I as a man won't blame the woman for my part in the sin, (to be said by the woman) and that I if a woman won't blame the man for my part of the sin, and accept responsibility for the part that each played in it, and if I have wronged anyone I confess it now, and will apologize outloud to the Eternal Spirit who hears everything, and will convey this in the spirit to that person that I wronged, though if I know that person will apologize to them personally.
I also pray for my enemies even Lucifer, the fallen Angels, the Beast, and the Anti-Christ, or false prophet, whoever they are, and men and women who follow them into sin, to not follow them anymore, that they will repent of the evil that they think to do, but if they don't I am prepared to live out the rest of my life no matter how long, serving Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.
I ask Jesus to help me in my prayer life, and to give me the voice of praise, that the Eternal spirit may work through me, and pray for Jesus to make the flesh willing with the spirit, to serve him/her, and The Eternal Spirit.
That I will not receive a mark in my right hand, or forehead, or right eye, (which is probably a chip or implant,) to buy or sell no matter how bad things get if the Beast and false prophet, bring evil and destruction on the world, and will not bid their evil Godspeed, though I will still pray that they repent, and even if they behead me, I will stay true to the Eternal spirit.
I thank the Eternal spirit for saving me by its grace and loving me despite my past evil ways.
In the name of the Eternal Spirit, I pray and ask these things, Amen.
Now I don't write this so that the Beast can force it on you, he is taken vengence on us in the name of Lucifer, and because we refuse to be worthy of the truth, but all I can do is try to tell you, and hope that you will be willing to listen and if not wait paitently until you are, even if you have to go through hell a little to understand that you were wrong, there is nothing that I personally can do to make you repent, and accept the truth, except write it out for you, and keep it in my heart and mind until you are ready to learn it, and if not allow Lucifer to drag you down to the lake of fire with him, though the grace and mercy of God does endure forever, but I can't promise that you will or will not repent, because if you do the Eternal Spirit will forgive you, if you don't it won't, and that is how it works, so the ball is now in your court, and the choice is yours.
Now once you understand this you should be able to read the Bible and see what I am saying, though some of you may say I could have seen that a long time ago, well why didn't you, and why don't you, and if you do, teach it, don't hide it still, that is the problem?
I certify that the information contained in this blog is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Go to my web site to learn the whole truth at :-).]
To learn more about how Jesus healed me go to and about how God saved me from my past mistakes, and helped me to overcome them go to

Posted by realm3/shane_lee_1of2 at 3:20 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18 February 2006 5:54 PM EST
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