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Friday, April 25, 2003
Who? | Giggles | Perspective



: :

(1) confidently optimistic and cheerful
(2) Warm; ardent; as, a sanguine temper



April 20, 2003 - as you can tell (hopefully), I've made some drastic changes in the look of the site. Haven't finished though... When I'm done I'll be moving, P3tra is hosting me, so I've decided not to go through the trouble of creating a different address. Cheers.

April 17, 2003 -
Added a
"Margaret Cho Show Countdown"
on the Perspective page.


April 16, 2003 - Added more crap to the main page: counter, forum, weather, "news." Working on my special's page. Decided to change site to Sanguine Dreams. Have to call Nate now and go to school, oh joy. ;^)

April 10, 2003 - The special page is up. kinda. sorta. michelle is the lucky person who filled out my questionnaire, so her page is up 1st. :) wow, school will be out soon, so I'll be able to accomplish more with my time. cheers

April 1, 2003 - working on the giggles section. I think I'll be able to upload it tonight. YAWN! Any suggestions? Do you like the new look?

March 25, 2003 - yes, a new and improved look. Well, lets just say I redid a few things, added touches here and there. I need to work on Design I stuff, but instead I am here ~ shows how devoted I am, YEAH RIGHT!

Navigation of this site is implemented through clicking on the cute stars to the left of every page. This MAIN page has the intro but also a little updater on the right which will hold vital information, so read it every 5.75 minutes on every odd day of the month that ends with y when the moon in in the 1st quarter of the waxing phase....
The second star will link you to the WHO page; this page is all about your faithful web designer of the many names. Well, since we're getting so friendly you can call me Holly.
The red star contains the contents of the majority of my site. The GIGGLES section is mainly why I created this place...for pictures that everyone can enjoy, laugh at, or go what the *@%^? Will also contain other humorous content. Have fun!
PERSPECTIVE is the sharing a bit of my ideas, knowledge and views on certain subjects that I hope you will skim through. You won't agree with everything [but if you do e-mail me and let's be buddies lol], and I don't expect you to, but have an open mind and feel free to share your opinion with me : lets just try to learn from one another, shall we?

Offbeat News

































Sanguine also means of the color of blood; derived from having blood as the dominant humor in terms of medieval physiology - having the temperament and ruddy complexion formerly thought to be characteristic of a person dominated by this humor; passionate.

Sanguine Dreams is a place where I can express what's important in my life, the concrete and the abstract. Like the name, I can be seen as cheerful, but I also have a darker side, the side that would be represented by blood. wahahahaha :-p so with no further ado....

.... to my little quirky corner of cyberspace.

If you know me, this site is especially for you! However, I took into consideration a wider audience that possibly could pop in here....I think your special too! :-) A description of how to navigate around the site below:

























































This site and all things within are copyrighted by ME... © Holly Newman 2003 so don't make me tell your mom that your stealing. Actually it's fine with me, I don't really see what you would take, but if you do want something just ask ME or just take it but don't sell it or take credit for it. Well, hell I don't care if you even brag to your friends about it, just don't be a weasel and get profit from other people's work. Hmmm..ya just email me if you want something!!!! It's so easy and done in 3 steps or less, I promise...