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Blue Moon Blue Moon

Welcome to Poor Nobles Games.

Bringing you quality role playing game products, to enchance your gaming experiences.

Female Barbarian, Loorwood,9/16/99.Isn't she cute? Poor Nobles games is a fine buisness (by fine we mean really SMALL), and is owned and operated, by a young man named Scott Mohn (me). Scott isn't even old enough to drink, but has created this site to bring quality fan made products to gamers around the world.

Currently, Poor Nobles is just that. Poor. I don't have the resources to get a better server (notice I'm on angelfire O_o), better
resources, such as Adobe Pdf (I have adobe reader, I just can't create pdf's for my customers). Untill then, I will be distributing my products in .rtf (or .wps, .doc, ect), as .rtf (rich text format) format will open under MicrosoftWord (.doc), Microsoft Works Word Proccessor (.wps), and WordPad (basic word proccessor for windows, .rtf). Hopefully, this shall allow me to bring the highest quality to my customers that I can give. As this site grows, and hopefully expands, I hope to get a better service provider than angelfire/lycos, so that the pop-ups, banner adds and so on will be gone. Of course now, it's all in developmental stages.

I would like to thank everyone who made this site possible, and all my friends, family, and expecially my Mom and Dad, because they've supported me in everything I do, at least for the most part. I would also like to thank everyone at Wizards of the Coast, for making such great games and products.
