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Class:Elite Warrior

Race:Prodigy Human

Fighting Style:


Clan Affilliation:Exodus


Weapon(s):An ancient Dagger named Orion.

Armour:Golden Plate Mail

As an orphan he was raised by him self until he was found by a group of fighting monks and then was raised by them until he grew to be 18 years old. The monks taught him to fight and then they realized that he grew with a natural super strength. Stronger than anyones else. His speed tricked the eye and his grace torwards the martil arts of the monks was unmatched by anyone else. As he became an adult he was put through a great and dangerous test. He succeded without any doubt. With this he was then presented an ancient knife of Orion which was hidden deep inside a powerfvul soull the granted powers worthy of the knife. With the knife he was set on a journey by himself to recover hidden lands but he was met by many trouble and dangerous bands of warriors. So he decided to make a clan of his own with a friend of his, Taku. With the clan no one could get in their way.