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Home Guild Charter Guild Members Here you will find Screenshots and Downloads


We are a Guild dedicated to the pursuit of Quests and becoming Masters of Trade Skills.

We are dedicated to working together as a guild to become the best characters we can be by helping each other with Quests, Tradeskills, and learning to be a Highly effective team in raids. We are friends and a Guild family willing to die in defense of a member and willing to share knowledge and time.

HONOR is our code of conduct.
There will be a monthly guild meeting and democracy will be our leadership, rules will be applicable to ALL in the Guild

We are serious in working together. Members are not just looking to be power-leveled or helped on an Epic. These things will be done, but on planed days so all can participate that wish to.

Elected Officers will be in charge of their respective classes and be required to help members of that class when they need info. If a member needs help on a quest then it's the officer's responsibility to arrange the time and people to do this
(this should not be hard since every members motivation in the guild should be to do quests with the guild, and he/she knows that when they will need help they will get it also).

There will be specific events happening on days of the week/month i.e., raids for all levels (15-25,25-35...) not just high level raids, so lower level's can get good exp and gear to build their Char, Trade Skill farming days, Spells days (weather it be help getting or plat farming), multi-questing days, etc.

The guild Website will act a communications hub, and ALL members will be required to check on a regular basis.

E-Mail Guild Leader