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Below I have written a few things to some of my friends who know me best...

Maya: You are the first friend I thought to write to because you have been there for me through so much. You and I met in 7 th grade and we clicked right away. I just want to let you know how much your love and care means to me. You are one friend who never let me go, no matter how mean or how sensitive I would get, you always invited me in your home and your life. Even though we had our difference in religion, we never let that get in the way of our friendship. I want to thank you for keeping me in your home when I had no other place to go. I want to thank you for being there while I cried about the pain I was going through towards the more intimate part of our relationship. I met many friends who showed they cared and I am sure they did, but not everyone hung around as long as you did and still have. I know that in between we had our little fights, but like sisters we always got back together J. I remember the more intimate talks we had on your balcony and all the nights we stayed up talking about life.

Even though I am a Christian now, I just wanted to let you know that I pray and hope that things never change between us and that we can be more interested in each others lives as I know that that can be hard since we both are trying to get school and other things done. I just wanted to end this by telling you that even if I don't want to go clubbing and all the other things, I still am here for you no matter how much you think it's different between us. I love you as a sister and a friend who has always been there for me.

Maryam: you and I have known each other since 7th grade as well J . It's amazing how you and I got so close even thought we were in different groups in school. You left your group and I left mine. You are truly one person who knows me inside out, always there to give me advice about everything. We have done funny and stupid things together which always made our relationship better and deeper. I remember that people would actually try to break us up, so I want to thank you for being the kind of person you are because you didn't listen to anyone who had anything bad to say about me. You are one person who I knew would back me up in any situation. I remember that one day when you called me and wanted to break off our relationship, I cried like a baby J…I cried like someone had died and I came running to your house and made you listen to me and after like an hour it was back to normal. I was so scared to loose you as a friend. Anyway baby I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me and inviting me in your house and treating me like family.

I pray that you and I will be able to meet again and be able to talk about things in our lives that have changed. As you know, I am follower of Jesus Christ and that it has changed me in many ways. I pray that you and I will be able to maintain our relationship and share out thoughts with each other. I love you and miss you a lot.

Ahad: I got to know you towards the last year or so of my life in Karachi, but we clicked instantly. In fact out relationship started by a religious conversation. After that it was always indulging in good meaningful conversations with you. I was surprised to talk to you about this because I thought that you were just a laid back kind a guy. You were the first person that I can remember who talked me about god the way you did. I cherish out friendship because of the honesty and the loyalty you showed me towards our relationship, your desire for god and your loving heart. Even though you heard about my conversion, you accepted me as a friend and even now we both can talk about God which is amazing because you're still the only friend who has talked to me deeply about my faith and your own. I just pray that you and I will have many chances to understand each other more and to indulge in conversations about things that really matter. Want to thank you for being a mature friend and a good role model.

Junaid: hey bhangi J. You and I have been friends since our informatic years. Its always been amazing to me how close we became in such short amount of time and even though you being a guy, our friendship always was and still is a good, pure friendship so I guess a guy and I girl can become friends without going further. Junaid, you seriously have helped me out so much with every problem I faced when I was back in Pakistan. If I ever had a problem, you would come and help me right away (even though you lived a little far away from my house). I can't thank you enough for your caring and supporting personality. I know that now because I am not a Muslim anymore, you might have some thoughts that you have not shared with me and I just wanted to let you know that I am here and willing to talk or hear about anything that you might want to say. I also pray that we can learn from each other through this change in my life. I want to thank you for being a protective, caring and loving friend. Hope that you and I remain friends for a long time.

Maria: Hey baby! I have known you around the same amount of time as I have known Ahad for. We haven't been friends for years, but you certainly are a good friend of mine. All I remember of our days in Karachi is that we always made each other laugh and that I always loved making you laugh because I love the way you laugh J. We haven't had much time to talk about the more important things in life, but I am sure that we will get our chance. I just want to thank you for feeding me good food J, loving me and accepting me even though I am not a Muslim anymore. Thank you.

Amar: You were the friend I made outside my friendly circle. I met you while I was working at Netsol and we just got along. You have always been a good friend to me, you invited me in your house and introduced me to your family and I loved how we were so natural with each other. I do want to thank you for helping me out with problems I was facing and also thank you for helping Saba out when she was there. I did mail you and tell you about my conversion, but have not heard anything from you yet. I pray that you are able to talk and express your feelings towards this. I know that you are probably upset, but I will never know what you are thinking until you talk to me about it. So I pray that you can put your anger aside and that we can have a good conversation about anything that may be bothering you. So I'll wait and see if you choose to speak to me, but till then I do want you to know that your friendship means a lot to me. Thank you again for being there through out the difficult part of my life.