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Conversation:  Sadaf Khan & Mohsin Khan, 1/26/06


$aDa|= says:


Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

are you also not talking to me?

$aDa|= says:

just trying to know who is whose not

Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

so i can know what part of my family still wants a relationship with me

$aDa|= says:

cause they a part of my family doesnt want to talk to me, but i will talk to whoever wants to

Moe! says:

i have decided not to.. ..

$aDa|= says:

why not?

$aDa|= says:

no one really has given me a reason

Moe! says:

maybe ur not comprehending what step uve taken and how it has effected all of us, especially elders

Moe! says:

u did what u had to knowing the consequences(quoted in your conversion speech)

$aDa|= says:

how can i understand if you guys havent given me a chance to hear or talk

Moe! says:

nothing to hear or talk

$aDa|= says:

was the love from all of you real then?..becasue if you guys really loved and cared for me...wouldnt you atleast want to try and you guys thinking that i'll go to hell..shouldnt that make you wanna try talking more

$aDa|= says:

if i beleived someone i loved was doing something wrong ...i would do anything to atleast talk to them once

$aDa|= says:

and what about the people in our fmaily who have had sex and done all the bad things in our family..isnt all of that against the quran why is everyone ok about talking to those people in our family>?

Moe! says:

theres other ways to repent your sins.... conversion in Islam is not one of them.. my Love for Allah is greater that my love for anyone else.. and i cannot forgive anyone who has disrespected him.

Moe! says:

they are all sinful

Moe! says:

and May Allah Forgive them

$aDa|= says:

arent you sinful

$aDa|= says:

so shouldnt people not talk to you

$aDa|= says:

do you not talk to anyone who is not a muslim

$aDa|= says:


Moe! says:

Sins have been commited by me, by everyone

Moe! says:

if i were to ask forgiveness, repent my sins

Moe! says:

Allah will forgive me

Moe! says:

I know Inshallah he will

$aDa|= says:

but are you repenting

Moe! says:

i dont care if ppl talk to me or not

Moe! says:


Moe! says:

I am proud to say i do

Moe! says:

every namaaz

Moe! says:

i ask for forgiveness

Moe! says:

and Mashallah he has given me everything i wanted

$aDa|= says:

Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.

$aDa|= says:

accoridng to the quran

$aDa|= says:

so are you going agaisnt the teaching of the quran by not talking to me..cuz even Allah has told you this in the Quran

Moe! says:

ive never read the quran in english only in urdu and arabic.. pasting quotes from different places wont justify nothing

$aDa|= says:

its the quran...its what you beleive in

$aDa|= says:

Latajidanna ashadda alnnasi AAadawatan lillatheena amanoo alyahooda waallatheena ashrakoo walatajidanna aqrabahum mawaddatan lillatheena amanoo allatheena qaloo inna nasara thalika bi-anna minhum qisseeseena waruhbanan waannahum la yastakbiroona

Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

its the same as the english version

Moe! says:

so what everywhere u go googleing around quotes

Moe! says:

in a world where everyone is converting to islaam

$aDa|= says:

shouldnt you be doing the same to back up your beliefs

Moe! says:

foolish muslims are converting to christianity

Moe! says:

back up my beliefs for who.. u??

Moe! says:

not worth it

$aDa|= says:

i'll ask you again,...arent you suppose to follow the quran

$aDa|= says:

can you do it for anyone

$aDa|= says:


$aDa|= says:

are you just satified that your a muslim...if you really beleive what you say you do..shouldnt you want to share that with people

$aDa|= says:

since accoridng to you is THE ONLY TRUTH

$aDa|= says:


$aDa|= says:

foolish muslim.. i remember praying and all of that more than any other young person in our family

$aDa|= says:

so foolish wouldnt the right word

$aDa|= says:

hoping to have a mature conversation, but it's also upto you

Moe! says:

you keep thinking that

Moe! says:

u keep thinking whatever u have to

$aDa|= says:

do you love me?

Moe! says:

u remember praying but still commiting sins

$aDa|= says:

didnt you do the same mohsin

Moe! says:

u always had a weak faith

Moe! says:

yeah but i was never thankless

Moe! says:

i was happy with what he gave me

Moe! says:

and i repeneted my sins just like every muslimg

Moe! says:

my faith in Allah was stronger

Moe! says:

urs wasnt

$aDa|= says:

so your saying that you can do anything you want and god will forgive u

Moe! says:

he is the Most Merciful

Moe! says:

how did this religon change helpp u

Moe! says:

i think ur lost

Moe! says:

u have no where to go

$aDa|= says:

so your faith in allah makes you act like this...not loving and peaceful

Moe! says:

so ur loooking for ppl to talk to

$aDa|= says:

your my family

Moe! says:

act like waht??

Moe! says:

no longer

$aDa|= says:

i care and love u

$aDa|= says:

like i do the rest of the fami;y

Moe! says:

if i were to see you My book says that i have to stone you

Moe! says:

and thats why

$aDa|= says:

that is what christian faith has taught me

$aDa|= says:

im talking to you not cuz i need you, but i have many other friends including muslims who talk to me

Moe! says:

i care and love too not just for ppl but Allah

Moe! says:

good for them

Moe! says:

and good for u

$aDa|= says:

christain faith tells me to love the ones who hate me

$aDa|= says:

even president of muslim organizations talk to me...ppl with stronger faith than you

Moe! says:

thats good

Moe! says:

i would appreciate it if u not disrespect my faith comparing it to someone elses

Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

you compared me to you

Moe! says:

i guess christianity doesnt teach that

$aDa|= says:

your the one who compared me to you while i was a muslim

$aDa|= says:

you just did what your preaching about now

$aDa|= says:

and christianity tells me to love everyone..

$aDa|= says:

non christians and chrsitain

$aDa|= says:

my god loves everyone

Moe! says:

Sadaf says:and what about the people in our fmaily who have had sex and done all the bad things in our family..isnt all of that against the quran why is everyone ok about talking to those people in our family>?

$aDa|= says:

tell us to stone non beleivers but to lvoe and befriedn them

Moe! says:

u brought up the quran

Moe! says:


Moe! says:

i keep hush

Moe! says:

on these matters

Moe! says:

stoning is written in teh quran

$aDa|= says:

Who originates creation, then repeats it, and who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? (Can there be another) god besides God? Say, "Bring forth your argument, if ye are telling the truth!"

Who originates creation, then repeats it, and who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? (Can there be an

$aDa|= says:


$aDa|= says:

where in the quran

Moe! says:

i will not use hadiths, quotes .. its a sign of weak faith

Moe! says:

which apparently u have

$aDa|= says:

Who originates creation, then repeats it, and who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? (Can there be another) god besides God? Say, "Bring forth your argument, if ye are telling the truth!"

$aDa|= says:

this is from the quran

Moe! says:

wow keep up coming

$aDa|= says:

not the hadiths

$aDa|= says:

tells you to bring forth arugements

Moe! says:

my argument is stated in the quran

Moe! says:

since u keep copying and pasting it

$aDa|= says:

it says to bring them forth though

Moe! says:

try taking some esl classes

$aDa|= says:

where in the quran does it say about stoning?

Moe! says:

obviously u have trouble comprehending english

$aDa|= says:

mohsin can you not be mature in this matter and stop saying these childish things

Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

y are you so scared of the quran

$aDa|= says:

y cant you use it to talk

$aDa|= says:

where in the hadith

$aDa|= says:

Moe! says:
i will not use hadiths, quotes .. its a sign of weak faith

Moe! says:

the book can do its own talking

$aDa|= says:

didnt you just write this

$aDa|= says:

but it commands you to do the talking aswell

$aDa|= says:

but you use the stoning verse from the hadith

Moe! says:

its sad , hurtful i feel sorry for ur dad

Moe! says:

ur mom

Moe! says:

this conversation really hurt

Moe! says:


Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

why does it hurt?

Moe! says:

i feel sorry for you

Moe! says:

May Allah Forgive you

$aDa|= says:

im sad that your beieving everyone else is saying

$aDa|= says:

t we cant have a personal conversation

$aDa|= says:

im sad about the person you have become towards me after all the times we have shared

Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

really thought you and your sister were like brother and sister

$aDa|= says:

Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

$aDa|= says:

i really care and love you

$aDa|= says:

i hope you become someone who can show love to the world

Moe! says:

i dunno matthew

$aDa|= says:

it;s what the bible teaches

$aDa|= says:

thats what JEsus Christ tells and commands us to do

Moe! says:

ohh hope it helps u

$aDa|= says:

it does

$aDa|= says:

it brings peace and joy into my life

$aDa|= says:

it brings a blessing...

$aDa|= says:

not hating people and family ....thats what it has taught me

$aDa|= says:

its good to not have hate in my life anymore for anyone

Moe! says:

yeah reading a book that has been changed by ppl since its origin

Moe! says:

if that teaches u

Moe! says:

good for u

$aDa|= says:

your beleiving this but cant prove it

$aDa|= says:

you just listen and say what others have told you

$aDa|= says:

but cannot prove iy

Moe! says:

these werent muslims who told me

Moe! says:

good christian friends of mine

$aDa|= says:

it doesnt matter who told you

$aDa|= says:

you should be able to prove it anyway

Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

and your going to beleive the non muslims

Moe! says:

its their religon.. if they were telling me something abt islam i wouldnt believe them

$aDa|= says:

anyway in any case would you rather want to follow a GOd who wants you to love your fmaily or hate your family like YOurs

Moe! says:

its their own faith

Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

what about what osama bin ladan says

$aDa|= says:

dl I beleive him about jihad becasue its his religon

$aDa|= says:

but i guess you are proving him right

$aDa|= says:

you wanting to stone me

Moe! says:

from religon to usama

Moe! says:

wow! some issues

$aDa|= says:

well he claims to be a muslim

$aDa|= says:

why should you beleive christians saying stuff and not beielve a muslim saying stuff

Moe! says:

ur trying to justify urself all along.... im sorry but theres no justification in CONVERSION to another religon, u put up excerpts of muslims converting to christianity?? try googling the other way around.., u made a whole audio saying u converted. u think anyone listened to it... i shut it half way thru.. made me sick.... u have no clue what ur doing.......... i dunno if ur trying to get accepted

Moe! says:

by ppl surrounding u , just so lost

$aDa|= says:

why are you ignroing everything im saying

$aDa|= says:


$aDa|= says:

and just say something that we are not even talking about

$aDa|= says:

i have a family who loves me...y would i wana be accepted by someone who is calling me by names and wants to stone me

Moe! says:

i have no response for u

Moe! says:

for any of ur questions

$aDa|= says:

that shows how weak your faith is

Moe! says:

u have a family who loves U?

Moe! says:


Moe! says:

this coming from a covert

Moe! says:

im soo deeply affected by ur comment

Moe! says:

i might CONVERT!

$aDa|= says:

yeah surprising ..isnt it?

$aDa|= says:

you wouldnt understand what love is

$aDa|= says:

ove changes with situations

Moe! says:

i guess not

Moe! says:


Moe! says:

im glad we had this conversation

$aDa|= says:

this really shows me how much you care about GDO

$aDa|= says:


$aDa|= says:

by mocking it

$aDa|= says:


Moe! says:


$aDa|= says:

even the verses i took out from the just ignored them like it has no value for you

$aDa|= says:

ts sad

Moe! says:


Moe! says:

like u said my weak faith

$aDa|= says:

if someone were to fall away from the christain faith...i wouldnt talk to them like how are talking to me

$aDa|= says:

talk to them with love and love for them wouldnt change over nigth

$aDa|= says:

not like how you have been

Moe! says:
