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My Graduation Project

The purpose of this site...

Hey everyone, my name is Ruth Faust and I am a student at Parkland High School. As most of you know, to graduate out of grand old high school you must complete a graduation project or no diploma for you heh. Well, I figured I'd just do something that would give me an easy A and that I wouldn't put too much effor into it. However, I was inspired one night and came up with, in my opinion, is a pretty good graduation project idea. It fits the requirements and I've told others about it and they say it's a great idea. The thing is though...for it to work, I'm going to need your help. Heh, man and its gonna be hard to get alot of volunteers for this but hey, doesn't hurt to try and I just hope people see how this will benefit everyone who participates AND the viewers. Well, enough groveling ;) haha let me get explaining about my project! I have this site pretty easily set up so just click the pages and you'll get the explanation and ideas and such. Also, use my guestbook as a sign up book or email me if you'd like to be involved, okay? Alright thanks a whole bunch, even if you didnt sign up cause you at least heard me out :) also please tell more about this!;

Here's my guestbook aka sign up book:
View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

The Project Details

the project details
list of countries(check this after you read the project details
