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***Somewhere in Outerspace***

"My son, you have done well to learn the art of my ancient witchcraft! By bringing your father back to life we can now gain full power of the universe!" Bibidi yelled as he appeared out of the smoke.

"Father, it is great to have you back!" Babidi spoke as he greeted his father for the first time since he was a young boy, "I was defeated by Earthlings! They are known as the Z Fighters: they consist of Saiyans and humans. I was defeated father! I failed you!" Babidi continued.

"Indeed you did! I will not let this go unspoken my son! You shall not live for this mistake! You have lost our only power, Majin Buu." Bibidi put his hands together and muttered a few magical words, "Mahuspachamu!" Babidi exploded in a rage of warts untill he finally blew up into little pieces. "Stupid child, I have spent millions of years in hell! I have learned many more spells that will asisist me in the destruction of earth and the Z Fighters." With a flick of his finger 7 Darkfire Soldiers flashed into existance as they continued to burn a red flame. "My toys, yes my toys! Come my children: go to earth and bring me back the Z Fighters! They shall suffer for their existence! Bring them to me so I can unleash my Soul Demolition! They will become my messengers of Destruction! My total Anhilation." With yet another flick of his fingers the Darkfire Soldiers were gone.

***Meanwhile on Earth in the Kingdom of Hyrule***

"So Gohan, when do you think we'll be able to see our family again?" Goten spat as he took advantage of his Sage powers, forming a spiral of golden fire in the air.

"Goten, Oni told you, use your powers not as a toy, but as a privalage!" Gohan spat as he smacked his brother, knocking the smirk off Goten's face, "Ohh, we'll see dad soon! I told Alex and the other Sages that we were going to head back and visit for awhile. Don't worry about that now anyways!" Gohan said as he sat down and started reading the paper he had sent to himself from Kakoriko Village.

***Meanwhile, back in the real world***

"Hey ChiChi, what this!" Goku yelled as he started splitting the fire wood with his bare hands, "So, where did the boys say they were going? They've been gone for days!" Goku said as he sat back down at the table and started to chat with ChiChi.

"Well, they said something about going to Hyrule with some friends...something about being Sages for the rest of atornity!" Chichi screamed as tears ran down here cheeks, "WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SO INCONSIDERATE! JUST LIKE YOU THEY ARE GOKU! GOHAN STILL HAS TO STUDY....MY BOYS ARE ALL GROWN UP." she ran out side, just to be escorted back indoors by a inflamed soldier with a sword.

"Goku, you must come with us! Our master seeks guidance from you" the 'leader' said as he dropped Chichi and approached Goku with a collar that appeared to be just the right size for the Saiyan's neck!

"Not so fast gentlemen" Goku said calmly as he flung the kitchen table across the room and took a fighting stance. Four more soldiers entered the room as the first one attacked. "You won't take me without a fight! What were you thinking!" Goku yelled as he dodged a flaming blade and round house kicked the first man through the kitchen window! He jumped up doing the splits in mid-air and kicking the next two soldiers into walls. He finished another one by breaking it's neck, just to have one of the ones behind him jump ontop of him, latching his neck into the collar. "Even with that collar you can't control me!" Goku yelled, "ARGGGHHHHHHH" A golden flame shot up around his curved body as he tried to force enough ki energies out of his head to break the collar!"

"Nice try Saiyan! My master was expecting you to put up a good fight! He said that if we could get you, then none of the others would stand a chance!" The leader said as he picked himself up out of the glass and wiped the scrotching hot blood from his face. "Bring in the others!" With that 5 more soldiers came in, escorting Vegeta, Trunks, Krillin, and Tien along side them. "Now Goku, why don't you be a nice human and tell us where your sons...." He was cut off by a struggling soldier outside, pulling a green alien along side him!

"Sir!" the soldier spoke as he entered the house, "we've found the Namek named Piccolo!"

"Good work! Now Goku, about your sons...where are they?" The guard said as he approached Goku with his sword against the Saiyan's neck!

"Well all i know is that you have to be pretty strong fellow to put a blade against my neck, I mean what if i started to power up! You wouldn't even be able to withstand my power arurua." Goku said as he forced another golden arura up around his body!

"You see Goku, you were foolish enough to try and fight us without an arura...the collar absorbs all the power out of your it to our mas..."


A cloud of black smoke ignited the room. As it cleared a small Majin being floated out of the mist with an orb in hand. The soldiers bowed to their master, as Bibidi smacked Goku. "You fool! Tell me where your boys are our i'll penitrate your mind and reveal their location mayself!" The dark wizard waited, but Goku did not answer. "Fine, you leave me with no choice! You will be the first to fall under my dark spell as i transform you into Majin Goku! Hear i go! Soul...Demol...ition! With that Bibidi picked up his orb and wrote a big 'M' on Goku's forehead. It glowed golden as Goku fell to his knees and bowed to the Ancient Wizard.

Goku quickly got up and spoke, "Master, it is time for me to destroy my friends and family: destroy this planet that I have so many times protected and saved!" Goku said as bibidi enchanted the collar to evaporate.

"Not yet my son! First where are you hiding Gohan and Goten!" Bibidi yelled! As he tried to see into Goku's thoughts!

"I...I...I...I will not tell you...they are safe their in Hyrule..." Goku said as he bowed yet again!

" deficult! SHADOW OF THE EYES!" Bibidi yelled as he touched Goku's forehead: where the 'M' glowed golden, "Go, find your sons...and destroy them! That is an order so go"


Everyone was gone except for Goku and Chichi. "Goku, don't do it...they are our children...we love them remember!" Chichi yelled as she tried to stop Goku by blocking the doorway!

"Get out of my way WOMAN!" Goku screamed as he smacked Chichi down to the floor!


"Well, Oni,'s been a blast but it's time we go visit our parents..." Gohan was cut off by the sense that his father was nearby.

"I since it too! Daddy!" Goten yelled as he ran towards Goku!. Gohan powered up and charged at Goku, knocking him off his feet. Another puff of black smoke filled the air as Gohan used his Sage powers to Light up the open hills of Hyrule. Bibidi was standing infront of Goku along with Vegeta, Trunks, Krillin, Tien, and Piccolo who had all been turned Majin. Goten was now wearing a collar around his neck. It was all up to Gohan to stop them...or was it?

"Alex, Oni...get help...if you don't the whole of earth and hyrule will be friends and family are all as powerful as me! If you don't get help you will all be destroyed." Gohan said as he approached Goten, removing his Sage necklace and Goten's he dropped them, then fired a quick ki blast at Bibidi which was intercepted by a greater kamehameha from Goku.

"Nice work Majin Goku, now Soul Demolition!" Bibidi shouted as he performed the dark magic on both Goten and Gohan. Graving the 'M' into their skin. Another puff echoed the hyrilian landscape as the Majins were gone.

"Well I guess we should get a team of the best together to tackle this little heard Gohan, he's never that serious about anything." Alex said as he picked up the two Sage Pendants, Light and Fire. "Oni, try sending a message to all the dependants of earth, ask for the best of the best to meet somewhere and we'll try and get this mess sorted out.

"Alex, my powers only stretch to the boundaries of Hyrule! I'm a Sage of Hyrule not of the earth!" Oni said as he looked up at the serious Alex Elder, "Ok I'll try...maybe destiny will prevail."

Residence of Earth and Hyrule, This is Oni, the Hyrilian Sage of Spirit
An ancient sorceror by the name of Bibidi has risen from the dead, he has used an ancient magic, that originated from the bowels of hell to take the body and soul of my friends and his family. They are now upon us, killing hundreds in an attempt to wipe out the whole human race. Do not hurt them, for they cannot help themselves, they are under the control of Bibidi and the only way to stop this is to kill the evil wizard. I ask the bravest and boldest to meet in Hyrule for a meeting regarding how we are going to stop them! Thank you for your time....

"There, happy Alex, I just broadcasted that to every living thing on Earth! It must be our destiny to complete this quest! Why else would my powers be munipulated by the gods to broadcast all through Earth!" Oni spoke as he walked back towards the lone vampire, "We should get going! I sent all of them the location in Hyrule, they should be meeting us at the tree outside of Lon Lon Ranch."

"Well I guess we should get going!" Alex said as they both headed for the top of the hill.

***Meanwhile in New York***

Frank Castle had had a slow week. Not a single murder, kidnapping, robbery, or anything else of that kind. There'd been nobody for him to go after, and most likely kill. And that made him edgy, not to mention desperate, desperate for someone to do something wrong, to slip up, to piss him off. The ESP entered his brain, Castle new then that he was heading to Hyrule!

***Meanwhile on the otherside of Town***

The famous mutant team known as the X-Men were in a team meeting just as the ESP broadcasted around the room. Several of the team members had already decided that they were going!

"Where is Hyrule anyways?" Scott Summers asked as he looked at his grown up son, Nathan(aka Cable).

"Well dad, it appears that the whoever proobed our minds and sent us the message also sent us directions to the place called 'Hyrule'." Cable said as he glanced at Logan, then his father.

"Yeah, yer righ' kid! So I guess it 'as been decided, we're heading fer Hyrule!" Wolverine spat as he stood up, knocking his 'leader' chair over at the head of the table!

***Almost 3 hours later, At Lon Lon Ranch in Hyrule***