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My RolePlay Characters!!!


Name: Russet
Age: 18
Hair: Dark Russet/Reddish-brown curls that fall to her waist
Eyes: Dark brown doe-eyes
Clothing: Tan cotton shirt, dark tan breeches and soft-soled boots
Body: Ivory skin, graceful, tall and slim figure but very strong
Powers: Music and Dance mage: She can enchant anything with
music and dancing Skills: Music and Dance magic, singing, dancing and playing the fiddle, flute and harp. She also has skills in smithery
Accent: Medium Irish accent but not too strong
Job: Mage and traveling musician
Title: Lady Russet of the Bronze Rivers and Crystal Castle
Home: She is a traveling musician and mage
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: Her hunting eagle, Ebony: A middle aged eagle. She has ebony, cream, white and bronze feathers with big golden eyes.
History: Russet was borne in the castle of the Bronze Rivers, a castle and largish village surrounded by a deep, fast running stream which carries an abundance of bronze to the watering hole near the castle. Russet was borne to the queen’s half-sister, Lenora. On a trip back to the Bronze Rivers from a nearby village, Russet’s carriage was attacked by a Riders squad from Crystal Castle. She stayed there as a prisoner-guest for 3 years, as was made Lady Russet of Crystal Castle. She escaped and took to the rode, tacking only a spare set of breeches, shirts, a thick cloak, Ebony, her hunting eagle and a gold harp. She didn’t discover her
magic until she was 14, but she has mastered it. She and Ebony travel the roads and Russet sings, dances, plays and sometimes forges for people for a bit of money.


Name: Lela
Age: 18
Hair: Blackest midnight, long to her knees, very straight with two plaits on each side of her head
Eyes: A very dark gold, almost brown
Clothing: Deer-skin leggings, tunic and wrap around skirt, beaded headband and earings, tall moccasins, beaded necklace, gathering bag and beaded belt
Body: Dark brown skin with a reddish tinge, tall, slim and powerful
Powers: Wild, healing and elemental magic
Skills: Weaving, healing and singing
Accent: Native American Indian accent
Job: None
Title: Lela Golden Eyes of the Phoenix tribe
Home: The tribe
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: Her phoenix Fire Eyes
History: Lela grew up in the wilderness with her tribe. She learnt healing, elemental and wild magic as well and ho to weave and sing.


Name: Verity
Age: 16
Hair: Very long, VERY black hair, very straight
Eyes: Deep emerald green eyes
Clothing: Crystal blue boobtube type top and a skirt that goes from her waist to her ankles with slits on both sides from her higher thigh. Her clothes are fringed with silver and studded with silver start. She has a satin scarf and her ears and nose are pierced with silver hoops. Her belly botton bears a sapphire ring
Body: Tall and slim with a dark tan
Species: Indian/Egyptian human
Powers: She has her looks and a hypnotising voice as well as her magic dances
Skills: Dancing, sing, fighting with a dagger and bow, and hand and body combat
Accent: Egyptian
Job: Slave dancer/singer
Title: Verity of the Desert, Desert Tiger or Desert Rose
Home: The desert
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: None
History: Verity was tacken for a slave from her home in the desert when she was 15. Some guards said that the pharaoh wanted her to dance and be his wife. She said no and ran, but they caught her and took her prisoner. She refused to marry the pharaoh and has become a slave


Name: Yazmín or sometimes Lady
Age: 16
Hair: Dark brown braids wound about her head like a crown
Eyes: Hazel
Clothing: Crimson, silk gown, Yanjing style made high at the neck and fitted to her body perfectly from shoulder to hip. The skirt is flowing crimson silk again, ending at her ankles with a slits on both side from knee to ankle. Both pieces are embroided with gold
Body: Tall and slim, Asian style features, light amber skin
Species: Human, spirit mage and stitch witch
Powers: Spiritual and shape shifting
Skills: Mind reading and controlling, leaving her body, possessing others, and shifting into other shapes and forms. She can make threads of magic and material and natural threads do her will through her mind and body, make magic nets and tie invisible threads to people so she can watch and find them again. She also weaves the most beautiful silks
Accent: None
Job: Weaver
Title: Lady Yazmín of the Glass Mountains
Home: A small village but she travels
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: Her phoenix, Ruby and her griffon, Angel - Half horse half eagle. She rides Angel instead of a horse
History: Yazmín was born in the Glass Mountain mines. Her parents were slaves but her brothers and sisters escaped with her as a baby. She grew up in a small village and discovered her spiritual powers and that she was a stitch witch or weaver mage. She found Ruby when she was just coming out of her ashes. They became great friends. She bought Angel from poachers in the Western Lands, a full grown griffon big enough to ride. Angel is her horse in ways.


Name: Shala
Age: Unknown
Hair: Black, grey, shadowy mist that floats around her
Eyes: Black with a touch of silver
Clothing: Strapless dress, seemingly made of layered mist. Like her hair, it floats on her
Body: Very pale skin, very tall, delicate figure, sort of floats instead of walks
Species: Shadow Dancer
Powers: Pure Darkness and Evil of all kinds
Skills: Magic, all weapons, especially her shadow blade, shape shifting
Accent: None, but her voice is misty and cloaked in mystery
Job: Shadow Dancer
Title: Lady Shala of the Shadow Brotherhood
Home: Everywhere
Good or Evil: Evil
Companions: Salom – A male Shadow Dancer
History: Shala was once the Empress of the Jeweled Mountains, but she was kidnapped by the Shadow Brotherhood, and taken to Staven, the Shadow Lord. He enchanted her, bewitched if you like, by a pure evil black jewel in her forehead. She became under his power, his servant. She had ultimate power of pure evil, and worshipped him with the other Shadow Dancers. She now roams the world, killing everyone and everything, gaining their power and planting Shadow seeds, a black rose with a ruby center. They are worth millions of gold coins. But these flowers enchant anyone who comes to near.


Name: Salom
Age: Unknown
Hair: Black, grey, long and very straight tied back into a pony tail
Eyes: Black
Clothing: Dark grey shirt, black pants and boots and a black misty, hooded cloak
Body: Very pale skin, muscular, sort of floats instead of walks
Species: Shadow Dancer
Powers: Pure Darkness and Evil of all kinds
Skills: Magic, all weapons, especially his shadow daggers, shape shifting
Accent: None, but his voice is low and cloaked
Job: Shadow Dancer
Title: Sir Salom of the Shadow Brotherhood
Home: Everywhere
Good or Evil: Evil
Companions: Shala – A female Shadow Dancer
History: Not long before Shala, Salom was one of the first bewitched servants of Staven. He and his 3 brothers were out hunting in the dark forest when they came upon a shadow seed that had turned into a black rose. They had crowded around it and became enslaved. After that, Salom met Shala, and with hearts of evil, became one of the most powerful couples, but they stayed faithful to Staven. They had to.


Name: Dala
Age: 18, nearly 19
Hair: Smoky-brown in colour, long and slightly curly
Eyes: Blue-grey rimmed with dark grey framed with long lashes
Clothing: Pale green shirt, brown breeches, black boots and a dark brown jerkin or cloak
Body: Tall and slim, fair skin with a light tan
Species: Human, Healer and Battle mage
Powers: Healing and battle magic
Skills: Swords fighting, hand and body combat, archery and staff/spear work
Accent: None
Job: Lady Knight
Title: Lady Knight Dala de’Lafane of the Plains
Home: No permanent home but she normally stays in Knight Quarters or the village
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: Her horse, Applebee – Light grey mare, light grey, almost white face and stockings. Black mane and tail and flecks on her coat. Her favourite dog, Chestnut – Chestnut coloured greyhound, black nose dark chocolate eyes and a tail with an unusual black tip.
History: Dala’s mother was a village healing women and her father a great knight, battle mage and a friend of the king. When Dala was born, she grew up with both a boys and girls life, working the land a stitching the clothes. She was born with both her parents’ powers of battle and healing magic. When Dala was 10, her mother and father enrolled her to train to be a page. After she had become a squire, her father was killed in an attempt to assassinate the king which failed. Her mother died on her 18 birthday when she became a knight. Her mother had been drained of her life, trying to save a dying mother. Dala is now a full knight, almost 19. She is not married and has no intention to be. She now is also a friend of the king.


Name: Hisaakii
Age: 16
Hair: Dark, almost black with a silvery white streak from the middle her center part, on the right, to the tips which go past her shoulders
Eyes: Purple-grey rimmed in a darker purple-grey
Clothing: Sleeveless black dress that looks like water with a silver scarf draped over her right shoulder, around her neck and over her hair. It still reveals the silvery streak though.
Body: Tall and slim with tanned skin
Species: Elf mage, also part Indian
Powers: Elemental magic, battle, healing, wild and witch magic also
Skills: Magic, all sorts of bows, staff, dagger, hand and body combat and sword fighting
Accent: Slight Indian
Job: None. She does as she pleases
Title: Karonhisake of the Wolves ((Ka-ron-hi-saa-kii)) or Spirit Eyes
Home: The forest
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: Her wolf, Spirit Dancer – totally white female wolf with crystal blue eyes.
History: Hisaakii never knew where she came from, only that her mother bought her to the forest when she was 3. Her mother left to gather food, but never came back. Dream Weaver, Spirit Dancers mother, found her, and took her into her pack. She lived with the wolves in the forest. When Dream Weaver died, Hisaakii took her only cub, Spirit Dancer, and raised her in the pack. Hisaakii and Spirit Dancer live alone in the forest, but the wolves always come when she calls, and she when they call.


Name: Ranna
Age: 17
Hair: Midnight black hair, sort of wavy, falls to her waist and braided with silver
Eyes: Amethysty teal eyes rimmed with medium grey
Clothing: Light blue shirt, dark silver breeches, black boots and a black hooded cloak
Body: Pale skin, tall and slim
Species: sorceress/mage/ human
Powers: Spiritual, mind, elemental, battle and healing magic
Skills: Weaponry and magic skills. Also singing
Accent: Slight scottish accent
Job: sorceress/mage/female warrior
Title: Lady Ranna de’Lemantle of the Seed Hills
Home: She travels a lot
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: Her wolf, Jehava – Young wolf nearly all silver except for her muzzle, paws and tail tip which are white
History: Ranna never knew her father. She had grown up in a small village with her mother, and taught the arts of magic and fighting by her friend, Raoul. He was a visiting knight, appointed this village with a small army, to defend it against the current attacks on other villages by the barbarians. But, the enemy struck at night with full force and killed everyone except Ranna and her mother. They ran into the forest were her mother was shot dead by an arrow. Ranna killed the man. She now travels around, never staying in one place too long


Name: Meg
Age: 17
Hair: Auburn in colour, long and wavy
Eyes: Gold eyes that change to a different goldish colour
Clothing: Sleeveless, loose, long, plain white cotton dress tied with thick gold cord at her waist, with gold sandals a golden disc/pendant attached to a thin gold chain. On the disc is a Ruby Dragon
Body: Tall, slim with a nice tan
Species: Witch, human
Powers: Elemental, potions, herbs, healing, poisons, visions, spiritual magic as well
Skills: Magic, dagger combat, hand and body combat as well as a skilled archer
Accent: Very slight English accent
Job: Witch
Title: Lady Megan of de’Thrushmore
Home: The forest
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: Her wild horse Hoshii -Hoshii is a black mare. Her coat is scattered with thin silver hairs that look like starts. She has a silvery blackish mane and tail. Meg rides her bareback
History: Meg lived with her mother and father until she was 4. Until she showed signs she was a witch. Her father had beaten her and sent her away without her mother. She lived off the forest for the rest of her life, and never goes near a lot of people in she can help it, even though she is powerful. She found and tamed Hoshii, and they now share a strong wild bond.


Name: Saraneth
Age: 18
Hair: Long, glossy black
Eyes: Dark blue-grey
Clothing: White peasant top, blue bodice/girdle with white stitching, blue ankle length skirt and black sandals
Tall, slim and pale skinned
Powers: None
Skills: Singing, dancing, dagger and combat, and making the best ale in the land
Accent: Medium Irish accent
Job: Barmaid
Title: Miss Saraneth de’Brindy
Home: Village
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: None
History: Saraneth has lived in a village all her life. Her mother died giving birth to her dead younger brother. Her father drinks every night so she works at a tavern to support herself and father.


Name: Sariina
Age: Unknown
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Silver blue
Clothing: None
Body: Very powerful and strong, Black body with a silver shimmer, pale skin
Species: Female Centuar
Powers: None
Skills: Hunting, running, hiding and weapory
Accent: None, but she speaks centaur language as well as English
Job: Hunter
Title: Sariina of the Forests
Home: Forest
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: None
History: Sariina was born into a full horse herd and rejected only to wonder into a village and nearly get killed. She was adopted into a centaur herd and she grew into the best hunter in the herd, even though she was female. Sariina is very shy, timid and weary of humans


Name: Baleem
Age: Unknown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Purply-black
Clothing: Lace up boobtube, minni skirt and boots. All leather
Body: Pale/white skin, tall, slim
Species: Vampiress
Powers: Pure Darkness and Evil
Skills: Killing with everything
Accent: None
Job: Killer
Title: Lady Baleem of the Black Castle
Home: Dark
Good or Evil: Evil
Companions: None
History: Baleem has always been a vampess, and very powerful. She kills for a living and for a pleasure. She has a black crystal orb that holds black mist which is very powerful and poisoness to people who are not full vamps


Name: Athena
Age: 18
Hair: Dirty blond, long and wavy
Eyes: Saphire blue
Clothing: Long cargos and a black, one strap tank top that says ‘BiTe Me’ in red sparkly letter on the front
Body: Tall and slim with lightly tanned skin
Species: Teenage humane girl
Skills: Dancing, guitar, singing and all school subjects, specially P.E.
Accent: Pom
Job: Part time model, student at high school finishing Yr 12
Title: Miss Athena Kinmage
Home: City
Good or Evil: Both, 50/50 with teenagers
Companions: BF, Josh
History: Nothing much. Athena works as a part time model and she is finishing Yr 12 at high school


Name: Josh
Age: 18, nearly 19
Hair: Messy, dark brown with dirty blond high lights
Eyes: Olive
Clothing: Long cargos, red short sleeve shirt and a black leather jacket
Body: Tall, muscular, tanned
Species: Teenage humane boy
Powers: Chick Magnet!!
Skills: P.E., drums and guitar
Accent: Pom
Job: Part time mens model
Title: Mr Joshua Smaual
Home: City
Good or Evil: Both, 50/50 with teenagers
Companions: GF, Athena
History: Nothing much. Josh is a part time mens model and finishing year 12. He had to repeat because he flunked it last year.


Name: David
Age: 19
Hair: Messy and black
Eyes: Blue
Clothing: Amour or burgundy shirt, dark brown breeches, black boots and a black cloak
Body: Tall, muscular, tanned
Species: Human mage
Powers: Battle magic
Skills: Weaponry
Accent: None
Job: Knight
Title: Sir David de’Ravlen of the Snowy Mountains
Home: He travels alot
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: His horse, Excallibar - Black stallion with black mane and tail
History: David grew up in the castle, and trained for a knight. He never knew who his parents were. He has a knack for battle magic


Name: Arala
Age: 17
Hair: Whitish silver
Eyes: Blueish silver
Clothing: Black denim jeans, black baby tee and a black denim jacket
Body: Tall, thin and pale skinned
Species: Human mutant
Powers: She can morph into anything she wants
Skills: Weaponry and shape shifting
Accent: American accent
Job: Studant
Title: Miss Arala Deen
Home: Boarding school
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: None
History: Arala was visiting her friend when she found out she was a mutant. She was 7. They were playing a makeup game, Arala was a tiger. She thought about becoming a tiger and bandwhooptyboom, she changed into one. Her parents sent her to mutant high.


Name: Aralias
Age: 16
Hair: Coal-black curls, most woven into a braid and covered by a veil but some curl around her face
Eyes: Bright blue-green
Clothing: Long, sapphire blue silk skirts, light silver silk bodice, sleeveless, sapphire blue silk blouse, and a light silver veil for her hair and black sandals
Body: Tall, slim and pale skinned
Powers: She can talk to animals, heal them and make them do her will
Skills: Wild magic, archery and hand and body combat
Accent: None
Job: None
Title: Lady Aralias of the Dragon Caves
Home: Everywhere
Good or Evil: Good
Companions: A dragon called Nala: Medium blue scales that glitter like jewels, deep blue wings, fashioned like a bat’s, their huge but delicate structure lit within by silver bones. Light blue under belly scales and silver teeth and claws
History: Aralias’s village was burned by bandits and she was taken prisoner along with other teenage girls. She was abused and whipped and has scars that she hides. She had known she had wild magic and used it to get free. She took a horse and took off out of the camp. The bandits hit her horse with an arrow and it fell on her. She didn’t know anything but her name. Nala took her in and they became blood sisters. Aralias sometimes had flashbacks of her past. When this happens she collapses

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